Re: China caught red handed this time.
There are plenty of Chinese born outside of China who also hate Japanese. Humans of all stripes are well known to pass their beliefs to their offspring.
I also wonder why you think just because more history is known, that somehow the ethnic dislike would decrease. Just because Japan is paying back millenia of bullying means what, exactly?
I've been in China many times. The anti-Japanese feeling is very real. And it has nothing to do with education and/or propaganda. I know equally large numbers of Chinese in the US who have never undergone the CCP education system, and feel the same way. These include many members of my own family - who all left mainland China in 1948, and who all now live in the US.
Originally posted by touchring
I also wonder why you think just because more history is known, that somehow the ethnic dislike would decrease. Just because Japan is paying back millenia of bullying means what, exactly?
Originally posted by FrankL