Re: Hudson on AIG's Lawsuit
From the real commie…
“No one earns a billion dollars. You steal a billion dollars.”
Fran Lebowitz
The biggest local fights I’ve been in or know of always relate to the free lunch Hudson is attacking. All of them involve some hocus-pocus zoning switcheroo with city a council or county commissioners.
(Land along pristine river is worth less because uses with huge environmental impact are banned. City council is swept out in election. New zoning allows gravel pit.)
I know a 4th generation farmer. Each previous generation came within a few dollars of selling the whole thing off, but the town turned into a city, the city exploded and within one lifetime the land was worth what you’d win in a lottery, but with triple the headaches. The guy could have exploited the situation and quintupled his wealth, but unbeknownst to his kids and farming peers, he spent a decade researching how to do the right thing. He was given a fabulous hand and played it with finesse and joy. His kids will be well taken care of, but maybe not his great great grand kids. Tax law and its enforcement should be there to push more people in this direction and I think that is what Hudson is arguing for.
The opposite is explored quite well in Didion’s Where I Was From
“The lesson about development is also played out through the history of the Lakewood community tangent to LA, one that did not exist until the 1950s when it was created on former ranch land and became a whole town with a resident employer, the defense contractor McDonell Douglas, with whose fortunes, given and taken away by the federal government, it rose and emptied, spewing forth a notoriously violent, purposeless youth culture.” Reader Review
Bloomberg will never be president...Fran…
From the real commie…
“No one earns a billion dollars. You steal a billion dollars.”
Fran Lebowitz
The biggest local fights I’ve been in or know of always relate to the free lunch Hudson is attacking. All of them involve some hocus-pocus zoning switcheroo with city a council or county commissioners.
(Land along pristine river is worth less because uses with huge environmental impact are banned. City council is swept out in election. New zoning allows gravel pit.)
I know a 4th generation farmer. Each previous generation came within a few dollars of selling the whole thing off, but the town turned into a city, the city exploded and within one lifetime the land was worth what you’d win in a lottery, but with triple the headaches. The guy could have exploited the situation and quintupled his wealth, but unbeknownst to his kids and farming peers, he spent a decade researching how to do the right thing. He was given a fabulous hand and played it with finesse and joy. His kids will be well taken care of, but maybe not his great great grand kids. Tax law and its enforcement should be there to push more people in this direction and I think that is what Hudson is arguing for.
The opposite is explored quite well in Didion’s Where I Was From
“The lesson about development is also played out through the history of the Lakewood community tangent to LA, one that did not exist until the 1950s when it was created on former ranch land and became a whole town with a resident employer, the defense contractor McDonell Douglas, with whose fortunes, given and taken away by the federal government, it rose and emptied, spewing forth a notoriously violent, purposeless youth culture.” Reader Review
Bloomberg will never be president...Fran…