Re: Stop the Presses - Health Care and Profits a Poor Mix?
Compare the best/wealthiest of the Soviet bloc to the worst/poorest of those in the American sphere of influence, then. Maybe take some weighted average of each and see what happens. The data, when it exists and is identified, does not lie. Your choice to ignore it or claim ignorance of it is irrelevant on that point.
Now if we want to go into some depth of US poor versus EU poor in terms of healthcare, then that is a discussion that can be had. Don't be surprised, however, if the data doesn't support your pre-supposed notions--one of them apparently (and laughably) being that the US has a free market or relatively free market in healthcare.
You argue against profit motive because of the effects it has in a system that is outright rigged for the benefit of the I in FIRE. That would be like me arguing against some "equality motive" because of the effects of Communism--it's an incomplete thought. Please finish your thoughts, c1ue.
Originally posted by c1ue
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Now if we want to go into some depth of US poor versus EU poor in terms of healthcare, then that is a discussion that can be had. Don't be surprised, however, if the data doesn't support your pre-supposed notions--one of them apparently (and laughably) being that the US has a free market or relatively free market in healthcare.
You argue against profit motive because of the effects it has in a system that is outright rigged for the benefit of the I in FIRE. That would be like me arguing against some "equality motive" because of the effects of Communism--it's an incomplete thought. Please finish your thoughts, c1ue.