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Occupried COINTELPRO'd

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  • Occupried COINTELPRO'd

    for our fellow 'tulip libertarians with faith in the Bill of Rights . . .

    Police used teargas to drive back protesters following an attempt by the Occupy supporters to shut down the city of Oakland. Photograph: Noah Berger/AP

    It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves –was coordinated with the big banks themselves.

    The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

    The documents, released after long delay in the week between Christmas and New Year, show a nationwide meta-plot unfolding in city after city in an Orwellian world: six American universities are sites where campus police funneled information about students involved with OWS to the FBI, with the administrations' knowledge (p51); banks sat down with FBI officials to pool information about OWS protesters harvested by private security; plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI – and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by sniper fire – by whom? Where? – now remain redacted and undisclosed to those American citizens in danger, contrary to standard FBI practice to inform the person concerned when there is a threat against a political leader (p61).

    As Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, put it, the documents show that from the start, the FBI – though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization – nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a "terrorist threat":

    "FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) … reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat … The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country."

    Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it "police-statism":

    "This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI's surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America."

    The documents show stunning range: in Denver, Colorado, that branch of the FBI and a "Bank Fraud Working Group" met in November 2011 – during the Occupy protests – to surveil the group. The Federal Reserve of Richmond, Virginia had its own private security surveilling Occupy Tampa and Tampa Veterans for Peace and passing privately-collected information on activists back to the Richmond FBI, which, in turn, categorized OWS activities under its "domestic terrorism" unit. The Anchorage, Alaska "terrorism task force" was watching Occupy Anchorage. The Jackson, Michigan "joint terrorism task force" was issuing a "counterterrorism preparedness alert" about the ill-organized grandmas and college sophomores in Occupy there. Also in Jackson, Michigan, the FBI and the "Bank Security Group" – multiple private banks – met to discuss the reaction to "National Bad Bank Sit-in Day" (the response was violent, as you may recall). The Virginia FBI sent that state's Occupy members' details to the Virginia terrorism fusion center. The Memphis FBI tracked OWS under its "joint terrorism task force" aegis, too. And so on, for over 100 pages.

    Jason Leopold, at, who has sought similar documents for more than a year, reported that the FBI falsely asserted in response to his own FOIA requests that no documents related to its infiltration of Occupy Wall Street existed at all. But the release may be strategic: if you are an Occupy activist and see how your information is being sent to terrorism task forces and fusion centers, not to mention the "longterm plans" of some redacted group to shoot you, this document is quite the deterrent.

    There is a new twist: the merger of the private sector, DHS and the FBI means that any of us can become WikiLeaks, a point that Julian Assange was trying to make in explaining the argument behind his recent book. The fusion of the tracking of money and the suppression of dissent means that a huge area of vulnerability in civil society – people's income streams and financial records – is now firmly in the hands of the banks, which are, in turn, now in the business of tracking your dissent.

    Remember that only 10% of the money donated to WikiLeaks can be processed – because of financial sector and DHS-sponsored targeting of PayPal data. With this merger, that crushing of one's personal or business financial freedom can happen to any of us. How messy, criminalizing and prosecuting dissent. How simple, by contrast, just to label an entity a "terrorist organization" and choke off, disrupt or indict its sources of financing.

    Why the huge push for counterterrorism "fusion centers", the DHS militarizing of police departments, and so on? It was never really about "the terrorists". It was not even about civil unrest. It was always about this moment, when vast crimes might be uncovered by citizens – it was always, that is to say, meant to be about you.

    Naomi Wolf

  • #2
    Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

    Can somebody tell me a country where justice still exists? I cannot stand it anymore.

    (explains why my FBI buddy never returns calls/emails anymore.)

    Is this how a Hitler rose to power?


    • #3
      Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

      the absolute merger of FIRE and State puts paid "voting the bastards out" methinks . . .


      • #4
        Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

        This article scares the shit out of me. really. My "friend" was there. Is he on some hit list?

        Please, can somebody tell me this is all b.s. ?

        Is Canada any safer?


        • #5
          Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

          Originally posted by aaron View Post
          This article scares the shit out of me. really. My "friend" was there. Is he on some hit list?

          Please, can somebody tell me this is all b.s. ?

          Is Canada any safer?
          Let's go build a cottage in the mountains, aaron!


          • #6
            Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

            Originally posted by aaron View Post
            Is Canada any safer?
            I'd say "No". Not like it was in the 60's. I wonder what changed?

            Thanks Don for putting this in here as the story says a LOT of how far the erosion of privacy/liberty has progressed. I remember Bush Jr.'s "protest zones", what a fri#ken joke that was.

            A good book on the subject you point out is this one,

            It’s important to try to ignore all of this background when reading “Subversives,” the journalist Seth Rosenfeld’s electrifying examination of a newly declassified treasure trove of documents detailing our government’s campaign of surveillance of the Berkeley campus during the ’60s. Rosenfeld spent 30 years fighting to compel the government to release more than 300,000 pages of documents about the illegal spying program, an effort the F.B.I. spent almost a million dollars opposing.
            "Illegal" ???? I thought FBI was there to uphold the Law. Duhhhhh...

            However this
            But “Subversives” has a powerful story to tell about the vanity and stupidity of political leaders of any persuasion who squander public resources spying on personal enemies and obsessing over personal hangups — and the frightening weakness of the laws designed to restrain their authority.
            is way too weak ,too Simpson-esk in describing what was done. It is not about "vanity and stupidity of political leaders", that is an explanation for the kids. It is about POWER as the former Governor of New York found out.



            • #7
              Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

              "On my honor,
              I will never betray my badge,
              my integrity, my character,
              or the public trust.
              I will always have
              the courage to hold myself
              and others accountable for our actions.
              I will always uphold the constitution
              my community and the agency I serve."

              that & $5 will apparently buy a cup of coffee these days.


              • #8
                Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

                from Jesse's Cafe Americain . . .

                I had been particularly struck in my reading some time ago with the 'wolf packs' of Nazis who had raged through Berlin, rounding up old men, and even boys who had not joined the Volkssturm, and hanging them, even while the Russians were shelling the Reichstag. It never made sense to me until today.

                "The radio announced that Hitler had come out of his safe bomb-proof bunker to talk with the fourteen to sixteen year old boys who had 'volunteered' for the 'honor' to be accepted into the SS and to die for their Fuhrer in the defense of Berlin. What a cruel lie! These boys did not volunteer, but had no choice, because boys who were found hiding were hanged as traitors by the SS as a warning that, 'he who was not brave enough to fight had to die.'

                When trees were not available, people were strung up on lamp posts. They were hanging everywhere, military and civilian, men and women, ordinary citizens who had been executed by a small group of fanatics. It appeared that the Nazis did not want the people to survive because a lost war, by their rationale, was obviously the fault of all of us. We had not sacrificed enough and therefore, we had forfeited our right to live, as only the government was without guilt."

                Dorothea von Schwanenfluegel, Eyewitness account, Fall of Berlin 1945

                I was reminded of this phenomenon by the trial of Sophie Scholl, and her words to the judge Roland Freisler, as he ranted his virulent condemnations at them. 'Soon you will be in our place,' she said to him. He did escape the hangman's noose at Nuremburg, but only by virtue of an Allied bomb in 1945. When his body was brought to hospital an orderly remarked, 'It was God's verdict.' He was buried in an unmarked grave, without ceremony and unmourned. Much like his beloved Fuhrer.

                This is an almost perfect illustration of the credibility trap. One cannot allow the illusion to falter, even a little, to the bitter end. And as the fraud fades, the force intensifies, becoming almost rabid in its deflection. Because that illusion has become the center of a hollowed people's being, their raison d'être, a mythological justification for their existence.

                If the ideology had been a lie, then they are not heroes and gods on earth, but monsters and criminals, and their life has been self-serving and meaningless, without significance and honor. And that is the credibility trap. It is the impulse for the leaders to keep doubling down in the hope of a win, until exhaustion and collapse.

                "Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

                John Harrington

                And this is the US financial system today.


                • #9
                  Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd


                  Shade of SDS.


                  • #10
                    2nd way to kill occupy?

                    Originally posted by don View Post

                    It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police.
                    I could totally buy the coordinated crackdown idea. Rolling Stone had an article about how the FBI was entrapping OWS people into failed bridge bombing schemes.

                    But I wonder if there is an even more sinister strategy at work. Complex coordination often gets found out, because there are so many people involved, somebody will spill the beans. So the "bad guys" would want some other way to denude occupy--by distracting the movement towards some less threatening objective.

                    It started out as "occupy wall street". Soon financial districts in other cities were targeted. So far so good. But teens on street corners does not change the legal and regulatory landscape. I wanted occupy to work through the electoral process, possibly forming an "anti-bank" party.

                    Now occupy seems to have decided on oil piplines as a primary target. I have zero interest in that. I have offered to lead discussions about financial reform and campaign finance. I got zero response. At the meetings, people were going on about how many issues occupy could include. The younger peoples emphasis on "inclusion" seem to mean they cannot prioritize and concentrate effort. No discipline, no leadership in a traditional sense, no chain of command/responsibility, no result.

                    It's harder to maintain interest in financial reform than in a shooting war, with people being drafted, and coffins on the evening news.

                    Whether occupy was deliberately subverted, or just dissolved by itself, it's hard to tell.


                    • #11
                      Re: 2nd way to kill occupy?

                      I'm not surprised in the least. If you have familiarity with the techniques of counter intelligence, propaganda, and similar methods of disruption, then you could see their finger prints a mile away with OWS. Similar methods were used with the Tea Party, and now they are know as the derogatory knickname Tea-Baggers, are associated with militias, and the FBI is distributing brochures to police departments indicating the the Don't Tread on Me snake flag sticker on your car is evidence of being a potential terrorist. They achieved their objective; now The Tea Party is considered an extreme fringe group that the general public doesn't want to associate with. When the was initiated, their message of small limited government along with a return to strict adherence to the constitution resonated very well with most people.

                      I follow other groups, such as natural non-gmo food movement along with natural medicine/health techniques and you see similar techniques being used to disrupt these groups as well. In fact, once you recognize the pattern of techniques, it is almost comical how repetitive the pattern is.

                      The part that does surprise me is how coordinated the effort was between FBI, DHS, and local law enforcement. What I see in the past has typically been the work of PR, Corporations, and lobbysts using independent contractors, private survalance, paid for science that is nothingnmore than propaganda, bought and paid experts, and private security to break in and disrupt movements. This seems to be prevalent in the area of natural health vs big pharma and natural/organic foods vs GMO. (Read the book "Trust us, we're experts! How industry manipulates science and gambles with your future" for more background).


                      • #12
                        Re: 2nd way to kill occupy?

                        Paul Craig Roberts take on the freedom of information in America . . .

                        Does Truth Have A Future In America? — Paul Craig Roberts

                        January 2, 2013

                        This site,, is for readers. There is nothing on this site except information. The site will continue as long as readers support it.

                        There is no political, social, economic, or ideological agenda associated with this site. For the most part, readers who come to this site are capable of independent thought. They are aware that the media is agenda-driven and full of disinformation. They realize that voters do not control the government through the ballot box. Readers come to this site, because they are seeking explanations that are closer to the truth or more plausible than the self-serving ones they are given by the media, corporations, politicians, and government officials.

                        This makes readers of this site unique. In my 35 years of experience in journalism, I have found that most readers read in order to confirm what they already think and believe. It is the same for the right-wing and the left-wing. They cannot escape their ideological boxes and are creatures of their biases. They want their prejudices vindicated and their beliefs supported. A writer who tells them something that they do not want to hear receives abuse. These readers cannot benefit from facts and new information and change their minds. They already know everything and only want information that supports their beliefs and advances their agendas.

                        If a writer makes the case so clear that readers simply cannot avoid it, the reader will intentionally misread the article or book and attack the writer for saying everything that he does not say. The chorus will join in the effort to shut down the unwelcome information before it reaches others.

                        The Israel Lobby uses the technique of branding everyone who criticizes, no matter how constructively and moderately, any Israeli government policy, no matter how egregious, an anti-semite. The Israeli government applies this tactic to its own Israeli political opposition and to Jews themselves who are branded “self-hating Jews” if they criticize government policy toward the Palestinians. The effect is to deprive the Israeli government of constructive criticism. Only the Israel Lobby could call former President Jimmy Carter an anti-semite. Anyone who is not totally enthusiastic about Israel’s theft of Palestinian lives and properties is an enemy of Israel. These wild accusations from the Israel Lobby deprive anti-semite of any meaning. Essentially, every moral person has become an anti-semite.

                        The identical hardline substitution of self-interest for factual reality characterizes the American right and left. The right-wing insists that America is going broke because of welfare spending. The left-wing persists in its belief that government is capable of great good if only the right people are in power and that social institutions, such as religion, and inanimate objects, such as guns, are responsible for human evil.

                        If a majority of Americans were like the readers of this site, truth could prevail over special interests. Reality would inform social, political, and economic life, and American prospects would be good. But when a majority are hostile to facts and truths that do not support their biases and serve their interests, there is a disconnect from reality, which is the situation in America today.

                        It is ironic that the left-wing, which has a large repertoire of tales of societies in the clutches of shamans, witch doctors and priests, imposes its own artificial or make-believe realities on social, political, and economic explanations. Leftists who appear to be oblivious to the militarized murderous police state erected by Bush and Obama still go out of their way to tell me how evil Ronald Reagan was and that I must also be evil because I served in the Reagan administration.

                        It is ironic that the Republican federal judges that the right-wing said were so desperately needed to save the Constitution are precisely the ones who have destroyed it. Americans can be indefinitely detained or assassinated by their government on suspicion alone without due process, because Republicans are enamored of the “unitary executive” theory of presidential power. The Republican Supreme Court gave private business corporations the right to purchase the US government in the name of free speech, because Republicans believe private interests should prevail over public interests.

                        It is easy to become discouraged by the clueless American majority. However, as insightful people have remarked in the past, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. On the other hand, in the past governments did not have such technological advantages as they have today. In a modern context, Paul Revere’s ride is hard to imagine. The British would have shot him out of the saddle with a drone. How far would Lenin have got if the Russian government had had spy drones everywhere?

                        Perhaps our hope today is that the government’s disinformation produces unintended consequences that overwhelm the government.

                        Hope or no hope, truth is becoming harder to come by. During the Vietnam war when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, the New York Times published them. However, during the Iraq war when a National Security Agency whistleblower leaked the information to the New York Times that the Bush regime was spying on Americans without obtaining warrants from the FISA court as required by law, the New York Times told the White House and sat on the story for one full year until Bush was reelected. The newspaper might even have turned in the whistleblower. When the Guardian and other newspapers were threatened by the US government, they turned on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the suppliers of their headline stories.

                        To see the fate of whistleblowers, read Sibel Edmonds' book, Classified Woman. Few people are willing to undergo such wear and tear in an effort to get truth to the American people.

                        There is another constraint on revealing truth. The human capital of people with inside knowledge is destroyed if they speak out. Position, contacts, invitations, income, and social life are all forfeited when an insider becomes a dissenter or a truth-teller. Only the extremely naive can believe that governments cannot keep conspiracies a secret, “because someone would talk.” No one talks, because talking harms the personal interests and human capital of the insider, and seldom does any good.

                        Al Jazeera was founded in the closing years of the 20th century to provide more objective news coverage of the Middle East than the spun news coverage of the Western media. The news organization soon fell afoul of Washington and its Middle Eastern puppet states and was reined in by censorship, threats, and actual physical attacks by US military forces on its Kabul and Baghdad offices.

                        Truth-tellers are inconvenient. Major General Antonio Taguba was given the assignment of conducting the official inquiry into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse. Instead of covering up the incidents as he was expected to do for his third star, he produced a professional and truthful report. It was Taguba’s career that was terminated, not the careers of those responsible for the illegal torture of prisoners. Gen. Taguba was instructed to resign by Gen. Richard Cody, the Vice-Chief of Staff of the Army. When told that he was going to be investigated, Taguba said, “I’d been in the Army 32 years by then, and it was the first time that I thought I was in the Mafia.”

                        General Benton K. Partin, the US Air Force’s munitions expert, wrote to Senator Trent Lott on July 30, 1995: “The attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was not caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction was primarily the result of four demolition charges placed at critical structural points at the third floor level.” Partin was Commander of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory and had ultimate responsibility for all nonnuclear weapons in the Air Force. His report fell on deaf ears and disappeared down the memory hole.

                        So did the report of University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Niels Harrit, a member of a team of scientists who found reacted and unreacted nano-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center towers. The findings of this scientific team are known in Europe and Canada, but were not reported by the US media. Anyone who still believes the official story of 9/11 should listen to the interview with this accomplished scientist or read, if able, the scientific paper.

                        They should also read the 9/11 Toronto Report: International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001. Hearings were held at a Canadian university in Toronto on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at which experts and professionals presented evidence that the official story of 9/11 is improbable. The hearings were conducted as if they were a grand jury proceeding before a panel of judges consisting of accomplished scholars and Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy. Judge Imposimato cut his teeth as the “scourge of the Mafia.” His cases involved the kidnapping and murder of Italian President Aldo Moro, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, and the Mafia assassination of Carabinieri General Carlo Alberto Della Chiesa.

                        Judge Imposimato concluded, as did the other accomplished members of the panel, that “the omissions of relevant evidence in the NIST investigation and the investigation of the Pentagon, their contradictions and the lack of independence and impartiality, as a body controlled by the Bush administration, requires an impartial, independent scientific investigation group.”

                        As far as I am able to ascertain, the Toronto Hearings and the decisions based on evidence alone by the panel of judges was never reported in the US media. Not a single member of the US Congress raised even one question. The American presstitutes were utterly silent.

                        The country in which we live is one in which the available information consists of the government’s lies. Information in the alternative media does not have a track record with the wider public. Some of the sites are too loony to be taken seriously, and the information provided by credible sites is too different from what the public hears from the print and TV media for the public to take it seriously.

                        I have wondered if governments are behind the worst sites in order to discredit alternative media.

                        Government agencies and corporations recognize the threat posed to their control of explanations by internet writers and hire “trolls” to use the comment sections of sites to discredit truth-tellers.

                        The combination of trolls and readers who only want to hear what they want to hear can bury the truths that try to emerge.

                        The year 2012 consisted of a continuous sequence of destructive acts by Congress and the White House. In a final destructive act, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013. This act continues the unconstitutional grant of power to the executive branch to violate all rights of US citizens. In the US laws cannot take precedence over the Constitution. Yet, we now have successive National Defense Authorization Acts that render the Bill of Rights moot.

                        There is no public uproar over the idea that national defense requires that US citizens lose the protection of law that is granted by the US Constitution. When citizens stand defenseless before their own government, what national defense do they have?

                        The obvious conclusion is that most Americans are indifferent to liberty and are content with tyranny.

                        I am not indifferent. I cannot promise to always be right and never make a mistake, but with your financial and moral support, truth will continue to have a future on this site.


                        • #13
                          Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

                          Originally posted by aaron View Post
                          This article scares the shit out of me. really. My "friend" was there. Is he on some hit list?

                          Please, can somebody tell me this is all b.s. ?

                          Is Canada any safer?
                          Yes, Aaron, it's ALL B.S. The best way to describe the techniques are to use the analogy of a stage play, where what you are seeing on stage is real, but the audience understands that all of the participants are acting and that the the potagonists and antagonists are not really opposed, but are all working for the same director and on the same payroll. So, it's real, but it is staged. There is no difference here, albeit, there are numerous pawns participating who are unaware of the staging that's occuring.

                          The objective of this material is fear propagation, overstating gov't capabilities, and modifying the public's world view to one which frames all institutional boundaries and integrity moot.

                          Originally posted by dbarberic View Post
                          I'm not surprised in the least. If you have familiarity with the techniques of counter intelligence, propaganda, and similar methods of disruption, then you could see their finger prints a mile away with OWS. Similar methods were used with the Tea Party, and now they are know as the derogatory knickname Tea-Baggers, are associated with militias, and the FBI is distributing brochures to police departments indicating the the Don't Tread on Me snake flag sticker on your car is evidence of being a potential terrorist. They achieved their objective; now The Tea Party is considered an extreme fringe group that the general public doesn't want to associate with. When the was initiated, their message of small limited government along with a return to strict adherence to the constitution resonated very well with most people.

                          I follow other groups, such as natural non-gmo food movement along with natural medicine/health techniques and you see similar techniques being used to disrupt these groups as well. In fact, once you recognize the pattern of techniques, it is almost comical how repetitive the pattern is.

                          The part that does surprise me is how coordinated the effort was between FBI, DHS, and local law enforcement. What I see in the past has typically been the work of PR, Corporations, and lobbysts using independent contractors, private survalance, paid for science that is nothingnmore than propaganda, bought and paid experts, and private security to break in and disrupt movements. This seems to be prevalent in the area of natural health vs big pharma and natural/organic foods vs GMO. (Read the book "Trust us, we're experts! How industry manipulates science and gambles with your future" for more background).
                          Please tell me why you trust this report, the organization that released it, or the scenarios that they describe? What credibility do these people have? What is their background? Where were they educated? Who have they worked for? And who is funding their work and whar are those donor's interests?

                          I do not understand why this story and its backers are not put through any level of objective scrutiny.
                          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                          • #14
                            Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

                            Originally posted by reggie View Post
                            Yes, Aaron, it's ALL B.S. The best way to describe the techniques are to use the analogy of a stage play, where what you are seeing on stage is real, but the audience understands that all of the participants are acting and that the the potagonists and antagonists are not really opposed, but are all working for the same director and on the same payroll. So, it's real, but it is staged. There is no difference here, albeit, there are numerous pawns participating who are unaware of the staging that's occuring.

                            The objective of this material is fear propagation, overstating gov't capabilities, and modifying the public's world view to one which frames all institutional boundaries and integrity moot.

                            Please tell me why you trust this report, the organization that released it, or the scenarios that they describe? What credibility do these people have? What is their background? Where were they educated? Who have they worked for? And who is funding their work and whar are those donor's interests?

                            I do not understand why this story and its backers are not put through any level of objective scrutiny.
                            It was not without documentation:

                            The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.


                            • #15
                              Re: Occupried COINTELPRO'd

                              Originally posted by reggie View Post
                              Please tell me why you trust this report, the organization that released it, or the scenarios that they describe? What credibility do these people have? What is their background? Where were they educated? Who have they worked for? And who is funding their work and whar are those donor's interests?

                              I do not understand why this story and its backers are not put through any level of objective scrutiny.
                              Why are you turning the burden of proof onto those relaying the story with an impossible set of queries to answer for which left unresponded too with specific answer imply a lack of creditability. I say the burden of proof regarding lack of creditability should be on you since you are the one countering the article's claims

                              unrelared to the item above, here are some other pieces related to the capabilities being seeked by our military and security agencies.

                              Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda
                              It’s recently been revealed that the U.S. government contracted HBGary Federal for the development of software which could create multiple fake social media profiles to manipulate and sway public opinion on controversial issues by promoting propaganda. It could also be used as surveillance to find public opinions with points of view the powers-that-be didn’t like. It could then potentially have their “fake” people run smear campaigns against those “real” people. As disturbing as this is, it’s not really new for U.S. intelligence or private intelligence firms to do the dirty work behind closed doors.
                              PC Word Feb 23, 2011

                              Air Force wants persona management software
                              Online Persona Management Service. 50 User Licenses, 10 Personas per user.Software will allow 10 personas per user, replete with background , history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographacilly consistent. Individual applications will enable an operator to exercise a number of different online persons from the same workstation and without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries. Personas must be able to appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and can interact through conventional online services and social media platforms. The service includes a user friendly application environment to maximize the user’s situational awareness by displaying real-time local information.
                              Feb 18, 2011

                              Darpa Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda
                              In the first 18-month phase of the program, the Pentagon wants researchers to study how stories infiltrate social networks and alter our brain circuits. One of the stipulated research goals: to “explore the function narratives serve in the process of political radicalization and how they can influence a person or group’s choice of means (such as indiscriminant violence) to achieve political ends.”
                              Wired 10-18-2011

                              These examples only cover the rhem of the cyber and social networking world. What is being done in the physical survanence, disinformation, and disruption is probably even more dramatic.

                              We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.
                              –William J. Casey, 1981 – Director of Central Intelligence from 1981 to 1987

