This displays the 2 year breakeven rate, in other words the difference in yield between 2 year TIPS (inflation protected treasuries) and regular 2 year treasury paper. It is an indication of what rate of officially reported inflation over the next 2 years is priced into the market.
I want to understand what event served as the catalyst for the the jump on 19/20 dec. Can anyone point me at a major inflation expectations altering news event that occurred on that date?
This displays the 2 year breakeven rate, in other words the difference in yield between 2 year TIPS (inflation protected treasuries) and regular 2 year treasury paper. It is an indication of what rate of officially reported inflation over the next 2 years is priced into the market.
I want to understand what event served as the catalyst for the the jump on 19/20 dec. Can anyone point me at a major inflation expectations altering news event that occurred on that date?