E Peshine Smith: A Study in Protectionist Growth Theory and American Sectionalism
December 4, 2012
By Michael Hudson
Peshine Smith (1814 – 82) was probably the most sophisticated of the pre-Civil War protectionists. What he attempted was no less a task than to transform protectionist economic thought from a body of disparate and often self-contradictory parts into an integrated doctrine of economic growth, and to develop political economy as a quantitative engineering science.
PDF: http://michael-hudson.com/wp-content...12/6911813.pdf
December 4, 2012
By Michael Hudson
Peshine Smith (1814 – 82) was probably the most sophisticated of the pre-Civil War protectionists. What he attempted was no less a task than to transform protectionist economic thought from a body of disparate and often self-contradictory parts into an integrated doctrine of economic growth, and to develop political economy as a quantitative engineering science.
PDF: http://michael-hudson.com/wp-content...12/6911813.pdf