US 2 year breakeven rate (difference in interest rate between TIPS and regular treasuries, indicating the market's pricing in of the CPI inflation rate) is slightly above 1%, just weeks after QE3 took place:
It doesn't seem realistic for the Fed to raise expectations again through QE4, does it? These expectations even already take future rounds of QE in account.
I find it hard enough to wrap my head around the fact that markets bet so eagerly against the Fed's own targetting regime like this, but now it happens right after QE Infinity was embarked on. I think this makes quite a dire prediction about the disinflationary effect the fiscal cliff will have.
It doesn't seem realistic for the Fed to raise expectations again through QE4, does it? These expectations even already take future rounds of QE in account.
I find it hard enough to wrap my head around the fact that markets bet so eagerly against the Fed's own targetting regime like this, but now it happens right after QE Infinity was embarked on. I think this makes quite a dire prediction about the disinflationary effect the fiscal cliff will have.