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Fiscal Cliff or Black Hole?
Re: Fiscal Cliff or Black Hole?
Reminds me of zombies feasting on a dead body. Regarding the FR Universe, are there any indications the Multi-Verse theory might be correct. If so, what happens if there is "bleed thru" between Fractional Reserve and fully backed hard money Universes?
The PTB have used fiat fractional reserve and debt schemes to steal much of the productivity gains of the last hundred years for themselves, and in so doing have destroyed much of the remaining gains. The average working stiff is left with the leftovers. Now we're at the point where the theft/destruction is outpacing any newly created gains, and at an ever increasing rate. So yes, I think we have already been sucked inside the event horizon and there is no doubt about the outcome. All will be crushed to a singularity, but there will be increasingly weird and strange effects along the path to oblivion."I love a dog, he does nothing for political reasons." --Will Rogers