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The American Anti-Corruption Act

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  • The American Anti-Corruption Act

    A grass-roots Act seeking mass popular support before going to Congress.
    Could it work?

  • #2
    Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

    Nice find, thanks lazyboy.


    • #3
      Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

      Now wait one minute, we dooon't have corruption in the US of A . Now Columbia that's another story.


      • #4
        Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

        Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
        A grass-roots Act seeking mass popular support before going to Congress.
        Could it work?
        Sorry to be a little pessimistic, but no, I don't understand how this would ever work. Chances of getting a house vote scheduled on a single issue bill like this are nil. Sort of like asking lawyers to support in the repeal of the "unauthorized practice of law" statute. If this ever gained momentum, they stick it in as part of a larger bill and those who voted against it would say "they supported the proposal, but had to vote against other things in the bill".

        Recall the tea party, and "we going to hold their feet to the fire". Ha ha ha ha It is easy to vastly underestimate the power of the entrenched interests.

        It is a good inititiave in building a criticial mass of informated voters over time.


        • #5
          Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

          It is easy to vastly underestimate the power of the entrenched interests.
          In keeping with the Throw the Bums Out solution - and put the new bums in their place.

          It is a good initiative in building a critical mass of informative voters over time.
          Spot on as an educational tool.


          • #6
            Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

            This system is gamed


            • #7
              Re: The American Anti-Corruption Act

              altho by extrapolation - one might infer that a big spike up in campaign contributions results in a big spike in the yellow stuff, appx 15-20years later?

              so lets see - a big uptick in bribes... i mean contributions, in the 60's... and another, beginning in the 90's...

              Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
              This system is gamed

