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Eric Sprott: Western Central Banks Have No More Gold. Only Gold Receivables

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  • #16
    Re: Another Link to Sprott

    That is a function of a wildcat fiat currency system run by oligarchs with no enforced rules and regulations
    I'm with you 100% Fiat. I also agree that PM has its part to play in mine and others portfolios. The role of gold in our fiat currency system, however, is illusory. Gold is backing nothing that I know of in the world we presently live. It seems the fiat nations have pushed all their chips into the fiat pile. That's not to say some of that are not hoarding gold - for what purpose we can only speculate. It is often said on the 'tulip that if country A dramatically increases its gold supply it will be dramatically felt in their currency. No one had explained how this would happen in a fiat system - the one we live in, where gold, unfortunately, is not a panacea for the FIRE that's burning.

    A note on gold: long-term, physical. Short term, find the gold-vault seller that charges fees low enough to realize a gain when your analysis proves correct. In . . . then out. In the latter it doesn't matter if the gold is leveraged 100 fold. You're not hanging around to hear the bad news.
    Last edited by don; November 16, 2012, 01:33 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Another Link to Sprott

      Eric Sprott is a fraud for skimming constantly the premium of his Sprott Silver PSLV and Gold PHYS.

      The ZH zombies puff about these funds and it's premium increases over spot price and he constantly shears these masses.

