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An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

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  • An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

    Drillers in Utah and Colorado are poking into a massive shale deposit trying to find a way to unlock oil reserves that are so vast they would swamp OPEC.

    A recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that if half of the oil bound up in the rock of the Green River Formation could be recovered it would be "equal to the entire world's proven oil reserves."

    Both the GAO and private industry estimate the amount of oil recoverable to be 3 trillion barrels.

    "In the past 100 years — in all of human history -- we have consumed 1 trillion barrels of oil. There are several times that much here," said Roger Day, vice president for operations for American Shale Oil (AMSO).

    The Green River drilling is beginning as shale mining is booming in the U.S. and a report by the International Energy Agency predicts that the U.S. will become the world's largest oil producer by 2020. That flood of oil can have major implications for the U.S. economy as well as the country's foreign policy which has been based on a growing scarcity of oil.

    The IEA report does not detail where the American oil will be coming from, but the largest deposit is the Green River formation which has yet to tapped in any significant way.

    This tantalizing bonanza, however, remains just out of reach, at least for now. The cost of extracting the Green River oil at the moment would be higher than what it could be sold for. And there are significant environmental obstacles.

    The operation might require so much water it would compete with Denver and agriculture for vital supplies, the GAO report warned, could pollute underground streams, affect fish and other wildlife, and kick up so much dirt it would leave national monuments in a cloud of dust.

    As the article states, this comes with a few catches, but is it a potential game changer regardless?
    "It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." - Deus Ex HR

  • #2
    Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

    This is not oil trapped in rock formations - it is oil shale (kerogen rock). It must be heated in water (steam) in order to release the oil.

    It certainly wasn't a "game changer" for Shell Oil Co. - they lost money trying it back in the late 1970s and early 1980s before giving up.


    • #3
      Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

      Pipe dreams spring eternal....


      • #4
        Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

        if half of the oil bound up in the rock of the Green River Formation could be recovered it would be "equal to the entire world's proven oil reserves."
        That's a big IF!


        • #5
          Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

          Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
          Pipe dreams spring eternal....
          Nice choice of words . . . +1


          • #6
            Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

            Also brings to mind EJ's point about an anything goes mentality in the future as far as the environment is concerned, in order to obtain oil.


            • #7
              Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

              Originally posted by wayiwalk View Post
              Also brings to mind EJ's point about an anything goes mentality in the future as far as the environment is concerned, in order to obtain oil.
              Americans are not hardened to difficult times - they may someday but not now. Witness the behavior in gas lines, just a day or two after an historical storm wrought impressive damage. All part of the Great American Cognitive Dissonance and its subsequent maladies.


              • #8
                Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                Two words: Marginal utility. Its going up.


                • #9
                  Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                  Originally posted by don View Post
                  Americans are not hardened to difficult times - they may someday but not now. Witness the behavior in gas lines, just a day or two after an historical storm wrought impressive damage. All part of the Great American Cognitive Dissonance and its subsequent maladies.

                  Thanks to our new bank central planners we value umbrellas low before the rain. You would think by now we would view energy a bit more strategically.


                  • #10
                    Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                    Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                    Two words: Marginal utility. Its going up.
                    A nuclear power plant (Thorium reactor?) could supply enough power to heat the kerogen rock, but where's all the water going to come from?
                    Colorado and Utah aren't exactly "awash" with H2O.

                    I suppose we could run a pipeline from the Great Lakes to provide the needed fresh water. But if Keystone didn't make it through Obama, so much for that idea.


                    • #11
                      Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                      Oh well, Thorium. I would love for that to make those rocks worthless. Passively safe nuclear should be priority #1. One thing that makes technology inherently dangerous is that it all seems to be retrofitted military projects. How about a civilian take on it?


                      • #12
                        Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                        Originally posted by don View Post
                        Americans are not hardened to difficult times - they may someday but not now. Witness the behavior in gas lines, just a day or two after an historical storm wrought impressive damage. All part of the Great American Cognitive Dissonance and its subsequent maladies.
                        I think they are more hardened than we fear. My wife routinely refers to the boys/young men in our town as "pampered", sometimes to include our boys, too. Pretty damming description no matter how you look at it (and I won't get into who is pampering them, ahem).

                        But almost 2 weeks of no heat, limited electricity - and not a complaint from them, not once (at home, that is). I was far closer to "cranky" than they ever were.

                        As far as the bad gas line behaviour, shewt, that is NYer's in general all the time (I'm a former lifer myself, born and raised on LI), we're always a heartbeat from that sort of behaviour, anyway. And the flip side is the tremendous volunteerism that has also emerged locally. I wouldn't take the example of a few bad apples and apply to all. People can adapt to change fast.


                        • #13
                          Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                          Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                          Oh well, Thorium. I would love for that to make those rocks worthless. Passively safe nuclear should be priority #1. One thing that makes technology inherently dangerous is that it all seems to be retrofitted military projects. How about a civilian take on it?
                          Just like the thread about the republicans needing to change, if democrats could ever see the light on nuke power, and get away from the identity politics of "no nukes", they'd own the politics in this country for a very very long time.


                          • #14
                            Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                            Originally posted by Raz View Post
                            This is not oil trapped in rock formations - it is oil shale (kerogen rock). It must be heated in water (steam) in order to release the oil.

                            It certainly wasn't a "game changer" for Shell Oil Co. - they lost money trying it back in the late 1970s and early 1980s before giving up.
                            So this is something different from the shale already being exploited these days? Is there a subtle distinction I'm missing? Or is it the same principle, but exploitable only at a higher oil price..?

                            A lot has changed since the 70s and 80s.
                            "It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." - Deus Ex HR


                            • #15
                              Re: An American Oil Find That Holds More Than All of OPEC

                              Originally posted by Raz View Post
                              A nuclear power plant (Thorium reactor?) could supply enough power to heat the kerogen rock, but where's all the water going to come from?
                              Colorado and Utah aren't exactly "awash" with H2O.

                              I suppose we could run a pipeline from the Great Lakes to provide the needed fresh water. But if Keystone didn't make it through Obama, so much for that idea.

                              I cannot remember the name of it, but there was a recently developed process that does not use significant amounts of water for extraction.

