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Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

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  • Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

    On the eve of the election... I didn't hear about it. It was perhaps lost in the news shuffle because of Hurricane Sandy. Will the Israelis and their friends strike up a media campaign and threaten to bomb Iran just before the 2016 US election, making it three straight?


    Published: October 30, 2012

    Israel’s defense minister said Tuesday that the country had interpreted Iran’s conversion of some enriched uranium to fuel rods for civilian use as evidence that Iran had delayed ambitions to build a nuclear weapon.

    The assertion, by Defense Minister Ehud Barak in an interview with The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, amounted to the first explanation from him as to why he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu softened their position in September over the possibility of a military strike to thwart what they called Iran’s drive toward imminent nuclear weapons capability.

    Their tough position on Iran, which they consider Israel’s most dangerous enemy, had generated tensions with the Obama administration, which has contended that Iran is many months away from the ability to make a nuclear weapon.

    Mr. Barak, who was visiting London, was quoted by the newspaper as saying an immediate crisis had been averted this summer because Iran had chosen to use a third of its enriched uranium for use as fuel rods in a medical research reactor. The conversion of that uranium, which was reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency in August, makes it much more difficult to use militarily.

    The Iranian decision, Mr. Barak said, “allows contemplating delaying the moment of truth by 8 to 10 months.”

    Asked why Iran would have decided on such a conversion, Mr. Barak said it might have taken Israeli and American warnings seriously, might have wished to delay a confrontation with Israel until after the American presidential elections, or might have been seeking to convince the agency of the sincerity of its peaceful intent.

  • #2
    Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

    Their tough position on Iran, which they consider Israel’s most dangerous enemy
    The reality is Iran is a regional rival of Israel. Iran, Israel, once and future Iraq, Saudi Arabia - all are jostling to strengthen their positions in the ME. Simple Geo-politics.


    • #3
      Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

      Originally posted by don View Post
      The reality is Iran is a regional rival of Israel. Iran, Israel, once and future Iraq, Saudi Arabia - all are jostling to strengthen their positions in the ME. Simple Geo-politics.

      Iran is on the winning side. God is on their side. Especially now that Obama has been re-elected.

      I predict Iran will have nukes by the end of the Obama reign.

      We all know that the Shiites are not against Judaism, it is only because Israel is on the other side. Since the US is in a long and permanent decline, and Iran will have nukes eventually, Israel should now consider joining Iran, China and Russia.
      Last edited by touchring; November 13, 2012, 11:12 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

        Originally posted by touchring View Post
        ...Iran will have nukes by the end of the Obama reign.
        whoa - huh!? - but do ya really think they _dont_ already have em?


        • #5
          Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

          Originally posted by lektrode View Post
          whoa - huh!? - but do ya really think they _dont_ already have em?
          That's a good question. We don't know.


          • #6
            Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

            Hang a sec now. Prior to the US election, Israel announced publicly - on Israeli TV, no less -that they needed to attack Iran before the election. Clearly the intended audience for this message was the US electorate. If Israel had any intention of attacking Iran there is absolutely no way that they would pre-announce the attack on TV. Nor would the Israelis publicly threaten the US administration with an Iran-attack, since they can more credibly do that in private. The TV announcement was in fact the next best thing to a guarantee that no such attack was imminent. The fact that Israel regularly announces that it needs to attack Iran just before each US election should be a give-away at this point.

            Now that the US election is over the Israelis announce that the need to attack is no longer imminent. Surprise, surprise. Perhaps they need to do that to "explain" to the public why they didn't attack after all. But if such an attack occurs, it will happen out of the blue at a time when the Israelis are not advertising it and you and I are not expecting it...


            • #7
              Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

              Originally posted by unlucky View Post
              Hang a sec now. Prior to the US election, Israel announced publicly - on Israeli TV, no less -that they needed to attack Iran before the election. Clearly the intended audience for this message was the US electorate. If Israel had any intention of attacking Iran there is absolutely no way that they would pre-announce the attack on TV. Nor would the Israelis publicly threaten the US administration with an Iran-attack, since they can more credibly do that in private. The TV announcement was in fact the next best thing to a guarantee that no such attack was imminent. The fact that Israel regularly announces that it needs to attack Iran just before each US election should be a give-away at this point.

              Now that the US election is over the Israelis announce that the need to attack is no longer imminent. Surprise, surprise. Perhaps they need to do that to "explain" to the public why they didn't attack after all. But if such an attack occurs, it will happen out of the blue at a time when the Israelis are not advertising it and you and I are not expecting it...
              fully agree to that. So why do they vocally announce the need for an attack?
              - try and influence part of the electorate in the US to vote for a candidate that supports Israel
              - try and influence the candidates to support Israel's position as they would be afraid to lose potential votes (according to their logic). If Israel is effective enough in this, they'd have the US participate in military action rather than having to do it themselves (if that is even feasible).

              If those were the objectives, then I'm not sure if they succeeded on either account this time round.

              How can you involve the US in the conflict if this doesn't work? Maybe try and make things escalate locally to the point where military support is required. For example, by assassinating the military commander of Hamas? While that could likely escalate into a local conflic (Gaza-Israel), something more is needed to involve Iran more directly. Maybe something involving Hezb'allah?
              engineer with little (or even no) economic insight


              • #8
                Re: Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions

                Originally posted by FrankL View Post
                How can you involve the US in the conflict if this doesn't work? Maybe try and make things escalate locally to the point where military support is required. For example, by assassinating the military commander of Hamas? While that could likely escalate into a local conflic (Gaza-Israel), something more is needed to involve Iran more directly. Maybe something involving Hezb'allah?
                I'm not sure how much I'd read into the current Gaza violence, but I think if Israel is publicly watering down the liklihood/need of attacking Iran, then the true liklihood of a sudden attack is probably going slowly up .. not down.

