Re: Paul Craig Roberts on Obamacare
First off, I appreciate the response. Even though I have somewhat different views, you always provide thoughtful and polite responses.
A couple of my thoughts:
1. It's not really fair to say that this or any program is paid for by ALL citizens. While in some sense nearly everyone pays taxes, there are millions who are net recipients. If someone pays 1 dollar in taxes but receives 10 from the government, I don't think it's fair to say they are contributing.
2. How do you define "basic healthcare" or a "limited program". Speaking only for myself, I'd be willing to compromise on a safety net program that provides vaccines, antibiotics, lifesaving treatment for traumatic injuries and maybe a few other services. However, when we are talking about organ transplants, joint replacements, and dramatic life extension procedures for the elderly, I don't consider that part of national security by any stretch of the imagination.
3. Obamacare does NOT require everybody who already has a right to emergency care to pay for that care. It EXPANDS medicaid coverage. It subsidizes coverage for people up to 400% of the federal poverty level. Federal programs and subsidies do not count as paying for your own care or taking responsibility for your own health in any way. You can't get blood from a turnip. If people can't afford the care they receive, someone else pays for it. The question is only who. I concede that in some circumstances it will force people to buy insurance and that this may cover them for services that would otherwise stiff the hospital. Taxes and increased charges for those with insurance are the primary methods that Obamacare uses to pay for what it does - even more than before.
4. I'm not making the claim that all taxes are theft. I'm just asking where the line gets drawn when the option exists to take someone's money to save or improve someone else's life/health.
5. I'm also not pushing for anarchy. I don't think that fairly represents any claim I've made in this thread. I still think America is the best country in the world. I don't think we became that way by following what every other developed country did with regard to its government. I don't think we should start now.
Originally posted by goodrich4bk
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A couple of my thoughts:
1. It's not really fair to say that this or any program is paid for by ALL citizens. While in some sense nearly everyone pays taxes, there are millions who are net recipients. If someone pays 1 dollar in taxes but receives 10 from the government, I don't think it's fair to say they are contributing.
2. How do you define "basic healthcare" or a "limited program". Speaking only for myself, I'd be willing to compromise on a safety net program that provides vaccines, antibiotics, lifesaving treatment for traumatic injuries and maybe a few other services. However, when we are talking about organ transplants, joint replacements, and dramatic life extension procedures for the elderly, I don't consider that part of national security by any stretch of the imagination.
3. Obamacare does NOT require everybody who already has a right to emergency care to pay for that care. It EXPANDS medicaid coverage. It subsidizes coverage for people up to 400% of the federal poverty level. Federal programs and subsidies do not count as paying for your own care or taking responsibility for your own health in any way. You can't get blood from a turnip. If people can't afford the care they receive, someone else pays for it. The question is only who. I concede that in some circumstances it will force people to buy insurance and that this may cover them for services that would otherwise stiff the hospital. Taxes and increased charges for those with insurance are the primary methods that Obamacare uses to pay for what it does - even more than before.
4. I'm not making the claim that all taxes are theft. I'm just asking where the line gets drawn when the option exists to take someone's money to save or improve someone else's life/health.
5. I'm also not pushing for anarchy. I don't think that fairly represents any claim I've made in this thread. I still think America is the best country in the world. I don't think we became that way by following what every other developed country did with regard to its government. I don't think we should start now.