The Netherlands are a well known tax haven for foreign companies and investment vehicles, like the Rolling Stones. And indeed, the ‘glimmer twin’generation does know to find Amsterdam when they want to evade taxes. Even when they try to become the president of the USA. Jesse Frederik, A Dutch journalist who also published on this blog, discovered that Mitt Romney, via the Irish company Warner Chilcott, uses the ‘Amsterdam’ tax evasion route, too (oops, in Dutch). Fun fact: the ‘general partners’ of ‘Bain Capital Fund VIII’, people like Mitt Romney, provided 0,1% of the capital of this fund (equal to 3,5 million dollars). But this enabled them to reap 30% of the profits of the fund. Never trust an bankster.
Unfortunately the articles mentioned are all in Dutch. Funny that the dutch managed to dig this up. Plus I had no idea that Holland is considered a tax haven, news to me.
