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USB Undercover, Hedges Feeling the Strain

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  • USB Undercover, Hedges Feeling the Strain

    By Chan Akya

    News over the weekend had it that one of the world's biggest universal banks is essentially shuttering a significant portion of its investment banking operations. UBS, the giant Switzerland-based bank, was reacting to changes in the marketplace as well as tighter regulations for capital adequacy as they came along.

    The Financial Times reported that UBS will cut 10,000 of its 63,000 global jobs over the coming years; the bank will also put a large part of its trading fixed income, currencies and commodities under the stewardship of its one of its old co-heads of investment banking with a view to shutting down the business over the next few years.

    In essence, the "non-core" part of the bank will be seen as a separate entity that houses the assets considered overly risky by the rest of the bank, which will then be free to focus on private banking, wealth management and investment advisory services as well as a swathe of more traditional investment banking (mergers and acquisition advisory, traditional corporate finance advisory and the like).

    If the news is confirmed in coming days, it marks the withdrawal from "holistic investment banking" of one of the more hallowed names in the world of banking.

    UBS was no slouch in these businesses, and despite suffering an embarrassing series of gaffes in the business since 2008 when a giant book of problem assets was identified in a little-known hedge fund inside the bank to more recently the scandal around fake equities trading that cost the bank over US$2 billion, the rest of the investment bank still held a strong market share in a number of areas and was considered particularly excellent in a few of these.

    There are multiple reasons that account for such a withdrawal and certain lessons we can draw from this trend; while the main ones are generally positive for the world of banking, there is one issue that will gnaw at the purse strings of policymakers and markets over the next few decades that bears close watching.

    Regulators, in particular the Swiss National Bank, can feel some joy that their attempts to rein in "casino banking" has by and large succeeded with the UBS announcement and before that the changes of strategy echoed by Morgan Stanley, RBS and Barclays. Arguably, disputes of this kind lay behind the surprise firing of Citibank's chief executive a couple of weeks ago when the US bank announced barely-there earnings for the third quarter of 2012.

    They increased supervision of these operations, insisted on more management accountability and lastly pushed for significant increases in the capital allocated to such activities as proprietary trading and holding fixed income assets.

    The sum total of these changes was to make the business deeply unprofitable for the major banks; after those changes, the regulators (at least in Switzerland and the United Kingdom) stepped back and let the markets deal with the banks: which they did promptly by forcing CEOs to directly address both compensation and capital efficiency (return on capital employed).

    The cyclical nature of investment banking as well as the capital effects of the banks' favored strategy for counter-cyclical earning smoothing - namely inflating the balance sheet and piling on more assets in an attempt to capture higher returns against their borrowing rates - both run counter to what is now being demanded by both regulators and shareholders.

    The second major reason for the UBS withdrawal is the fact that excess competition has pushed down fees and made the business simply uneconomic for most players in the middle of the last decade.

    In the first instance, banks bulked up their balance sheets going into the 2007 crisis. After the crisis, central banks, fearful of a mass dumping of assets, pushed liquidity through the system, thereby creating conditions for a more gradual withdrawal of balance sheet activity.

    As a number of assets have now started accelerating towards maturity, banks following that strategy have been exposed as the proverbial "swimmers without bathing trunks" in the Warren Buffet aphorism.

    As readers of this column know, I believe that this excess liquidity created by central banks is an erroneous strategy that will eventually have deleterious consequences on the financial system. One of those consequences was the excess employment in the financial sector from 2009 and the other was the lack of accurate marking of distressed assets; all a bit like the old Soviet joke about "we'll pretend to work and you'll pretend to pay us".

    The continued provision of liquidity has not gone to the pockets of homeowners but rather has lined the pockets of banks; it is this subsidy that allowed banks to absorb the financial impact of all the dud assets on their books. But with a zero-interest policy in place for so long, the flip side started hurting the banks - namely, the lack of returns on assets and equity over the course of latter half of 2011 and over the course of 2012.

    Thus, the score stands at 1:1 between regulators and well, regulators; in the sense that while some moves to supervise the banks and get a better handle on risks have been worthwhile, the efforts were waylaid by the excess liquidity generated elsewhere in the central banking system. In effect, global banks weren't any more under the control of their regulators in 2012 than they were in 2009.

    This is where the third development over the past few years has become important not just for central bankers but also for the wider appreciation of new risks in market capitalism.

    Since the crisis, it has become increasingly clear that the size of the pie - that is, the fee and revenue pool - has been declining for investment banks. The primary reason is that large global companies have become immensely cash rich, and as such are not so dependent on banks for funding. Given the murky economic outlook, they haven't been focusing on M&A either, so there haven't been a lot of high-fee days for bankers.

    The Asian model

    Meanwhile, a number of owner-managers have started exerting more control on their firms, in essence bringing the "Asian" model of business into the global market place.

    This hasn't always been intentional but must be understood in the context of two factors - firstly that banks have lent businesses a lot less (putting their cash into buying assets from the central banks instead), which has increased the pressure on businessmen to support their firms.

    Secondly, the absence of real returns in most asset classes - bonds and other fixed-income instruments primarily - has meant that wealthy folk have had to either take big risks or else accept mediocre returns. That's why a number of businessmen have been ploughing money back into their businesses or funding growth with their corporate platforms.

    Curiously enough, businessmen borrow money from their banks - the private banking side - to fund some of these investments. Hence the rising profits of the private bankers even as investment banks have seen their profits tumble. That's why the likes of Morgan Stanley and UBS have refocused away from investment banking towards private banking.

    When banks deal with these businessmen, they often find it easier to provide them assistance through their personal portfolios against a diversified portfolio of property, companies owned by the family, valuable artworks and so on.

    That's different quite often from lending within the corporate umbrella, where the main exposure is to the corporate assets. In any business downturn, these assets will lose value and expose banks to losses; which is why diversifying their "collateral" through other assets that may not be correlated (eg artworks).

    Why is this development troubling? Quite simply, because in this world of asset-based rather than credit-based lending, a lot of things could be going wrong fairly quickly. Documents are murkier than in the case of lending to companies; and in most cases there is no disclosure of the facilities required in annual accounts because private banks are bound by confidentiality requirements and their customers are private individuals without any reporting requirements.

    When I wrote last week about regulators failing to spot changes in technology (see Regulators fail the nerd test, Asia Times Online, October 27, 2012), the same is also true of banking.

    Once again, markets have proven to be stronger in pushing for changes, with or without regulatory realities. Alongside though, an increasing if not large part of the world of banking has gone private, beyond the disclosure requirements of the corporate world.

    It's not that the road ahead is particularly narrow or treacherous; it just that the lights have been switched off.

    Bubble and speculation
    by Doug Noland

    Let's return this week to the broader global macro-credit thesis. First of all, we live in a highly over-indebted world that becomes only more so each year. Moreover, the global system is today in an exceptionally high-risk phase of rapid non-productive debt growth in concert with historic financial and economic imbalances. Global policymakers are desperate to reflate debt and economic structures, in what I believe is both ill-advised and inevitably destined for failure. And there is the issue of history's greatest financial mania ...

    The Greek debt crisis was the first crack in the global government debt bubble. For the past two years, I've drawn various parallels between Greece and the subprime eruption here in the United States. In both cases, the marginal borrower in respective bubbles lost access to cheap market-based finance.

    The sovereign debt crisis in Europe set in motion dynamics that would see the crisis methodically gravitate from the "periphery" to the "core", while US mortgage finance saw the surge in subprime defaults migrate to a broader base of "prime" borrowers. And, of course, along the way there were aggressive policy responses. I have argued that, at the end of the day, the policy responses in '07 and '08 contributed to the seriousness of the late-2008 financial and economic dislocation.

    Taking a step back, I guess we shouldn't be too surprised by the prolonged nature of the unfolding European/global crisis. After living though the severity of a chaotic 2008, global policymakers have been determined to react more quickly and forcefully. Especially in Europe, this has bought time and ensured that respective boom and bust dynamics drag on.

    Three years ago, Greece could borrow for two years at about 2.0%. The marketplace recognized that Greece had buried itself in debt, although players were as well confident that Europe would never allow a Greek default. By May 2010, Greek two-year yields surpassed 18% and the nation was hopelessly insolvent. Two-and-a-half years later, Greece (population - 11 million) has burned through two bailouts - and more than $200 billion - and is today trapped in depression and desperate for additional bailout support.
    It seems inevitable that Greece will exit the euro. Yet, and especially after the European crisis began spiraling out of control this summer, the marketplace is confident that European officials remain determined to postpone all days of reckoning.

    When the subprime crisis erupted in the spring of 2007, it marked an end to an era. The ultra-easy mortgage credit that had fueled a buying, building, spending and price bubble throughout housing and the broader US economy was coming to a conclusion - although, somehow, very few appreciated this at the time.

    Still, the hedge funds and others did recognize that they had to reduce exposures to high-risk "private-label" mortgage-backed securities (MBS). And after the flow of finance into the riskiest mortgage-related securities and derivatives reversed, some speculators even moved to take short positions.

    The resulting dramatic tightening of financial conditions at the "periphery" (ie subprime) then began to wear away at confidence in somewhat less risky mortgages (ie "Alt-A"). And as the marginal homebuyer lost access to mortgage credit, inflated home prices reversed and headed lower.

    Declining home prices then began to weigh on confidence in mortgage finance more generally, which led to a further tightening of mortgage credit. This added pressure on leveraged holders of mortgage instruments, while further pressuring real estate values and market confidence. As the nation's housing markets began to buckle, the marketplace increasingly feared the financial and economic consequence of a major downturn.

    In the fourth quarter of 2008, a crisis of confidence finally erupted at the "core" due to unmanageable problem debt and related system leverage. Faith that policymakers could keep things under control was shattered. Europe has been on a similar track.

    Importantly, stimulus measures by the Federal Reserve failed to stem the debt crisis - failed to stop the crisis of confidence from gravitating from the "periphery" to the "core". The bubble was creating an ever-increasing amount of suspect credit, problem loans and related excess that would surface come the inevitable bursting. Indeed, I would argue that by prolonging the mortgage finance bubble (in terms of lending, leveraged speculation and economic maladjustment) Federal Reserve policymaking ensured a more problematic scenario.

    The system would have been more resilient had the markets begun discounting the significantly changed post-bubble backdrop in the initial months of 2007 (better yet, much earlier). Instead, increasingly speculative markets became fixated on predictable policy responses. Stock and global risk market prices fatefully diverged from fundamental (post-bubble) prospects. The S&P500 traded to a record 1,575 in October of 2007 - heading right into the worst crisis in decades.

    I am convinced - actually, at this point, it seems rather obvious - that global policymakers have made a very problematic situation worse. The global system would be less vulnerable today had speculative markets not again fixated on aggressive policy measures. I argued at the time that the Long-Term Refinancing Operations (LTRO) of the European Central Bank (ECB) only exacerbated European fragilities.

    In particular, the US$1.3 trillion of central bank liquidity ensured that Spanish, Italian and other European banks increased their exposure to suspect sovereign debt. It was a policy roll of the dice. The LTROs did incite big rallies in European debt and equities, along with global risk markets more generally. Not unpredictably, within months Europe was succumbing to an even deeper crisis. Global markets and economies were hanging in the balance.

    In desperation, ECB president Mario Draghi fashioned his "big bazooka": Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) - the promise of open-ended support for Spain and other troubled issuers. Importantly, Draghi made an extraordinary warning to those that had positioned bearishly against Europe. And while the jury is very much out on whether Draghi has much of a bazooka, this somewhat misses the point.

    The Draghi Plan incited a major short-covering rally in Spain, Italy and periphery bonds, in European equities, and global risk markets more generally. Indeed, the Draghi Plan forced the sophisticated speculators to cover their European shorts and even go leveraged long. Instead of a roll of the dice, it was betting the ranch.

    The consensus view has Europe now moving beyond the worst of its crisis. Debt auctions have been going smoothly. Spain and Italy in particular have issued huge amounts of debt, now having satisfied much of their 2012 borrowing requirements. At least on the surface, the situation appears to have significantly stabilized over the past few months. Unfortunately, I believe this optimism has highly fragile underpinnings.

    Many believed that the worst of the mortgage crisis had passed by April 2008. The Federal Reserve had orchestrated JP Morgan's takeover of failing Bear Stearns. Clearly, most believed at the time, the Fed was sufficiently on the case and would not allow a further crisis escalation. The reality, however, was that altered financial and economic backdrops were quickly moving beyond the Fed's control.

    These days, the European economic backdrop seems to deteriorate by the week. Importantly, the Draghi Plan and bullish market reactions have not translated to the real economy. Indeed, the bursting bubble "periphery to core" dynamic has actually gained momentum. I posited earlier in the year that there were broad ramifications for the crisis having afflicted "core" country Spain. The Spanish economy is significant, and its economic depression is now increasingly reverberating throughout the region. Importantly, fellow "core" economies in Italy, France and Germany are today showing ill-effects.

    The Italian economy is weak and the German juggernaut is weakening. Yet I am most closely watching happenings in France. France's October manufacturing PMI index was reported at a weak 43.5, confirming that September's 3.3 point decline was no fluke. ECB monthly lending data released earlier in the week offered no encouragement. Lending to French corporations showed another marked decline, from 1.5% annualized to only 0.6% for the month. Lending was still at a 3% annualized rate back in April. Lending to households declined to 2.7% annualized in September (down from 4.2% back in May).

    I have expected heightened attention directed at France's deteriorating economic fundamentals, along with closer scrutiny of French financial institutions. On Thursday, Standard & Poor's downgraded many of France's major banks, including its largest lender (financial conglomerate), BNP Paribas. From Bloomberg:
    France's 13-year-high unemployment rate, government debt approaching 90% of gross domestic product and trade deficits "are being aggravated in our view by the on-going euro-zone crisis, a more protracted recession across Europe, and lower domestic-growth prospects," S&P said. French banks also face "potentially limited, but still noteworthy, impact from an ongoing correction in the housing market," it said.
    The bloated French banks are heavily exposed to myriad risks (regional sovereigns, corporate, mortgage, capital markets, emerging markets, etc). I'll also be rather surprised if, before all is said and done, the housing correction has only a "limited impact". Indeed, the aggressive European policy responses over recent years have inflated home prices in France, Germany and throughout the northern nations perceived by the marketplace as safe havens from the crisis at the periphery.

    It's a similar dynamic to when Fed policy responses to "periphery" mortgage problems actually lowered yields and extended the life of the "core" agency MBS bubble. In Europe, safe-haven inflows have worked to extend "core" country booms. But with these "core" economies now succumbing, there will be only deeper concern for the soundness of Europe's major financial institutions.

    The Draghi Plan is risky business. The speculator community was enticed back into European debt and equities markets, and in the process the euro. But how stable is this finance? Are the speculators true believers or policy opportunists? Investors in Spanish and Italian debt were willing to buy, knowing that these high-yielding markets were backstopped by the Draghi ECB.

    These markets became a magnet for trading-oriented fund managers looking for immediate performance. And as markets rallied, the perception took hold that the worst of the crisis had passed. Global speculators and investors jumped on the bandwagon, believing that more normalized financial conditions would spur a self-reinforcing economic recovery. In a world of intense investment performance pressure, performance-chasing and trend-following trading strategies ensured large technically driven flows into the region.

    It's going to be an interesting couple months. There's an election approaching that could have major market ramifications. Perhaps "fiscal cliff" worries can be pushed out to 2013. But this hedge fund, performance-chasing and trend-following market dynamic really has me intrigued.

    Last week again seemed to provide evidence that at least some traders have one eye fixed on the exits. Spain 10-year yields were up 22 basis points (bps) and Italian 10-year yields rose 13 bps. Portuguese yields surged 47 bps. Spain credit default swap prices surged 31 bps. The French to German 10-year bond spread widened 10 bps. European stocks were hit, with the German DAX and French CAC 40 both down 2.0%.

    It is also worth noting the weakness in commodities prices. The week saw notable declines in industrial-related commodities, including tin, nickel, lead, zinc, copper, palladium, and platinum - not to mention the slide in energy prices.

    There are literally thousands of hedge funds these days fighting for survival. They cannot afford to miss a rally. But they also can't tolerate significant losses. Everything is on a short leash. There are also thousands of mutual fund managers and other investors who will buy on strength or sell on weakness. It has become a highly speculative and unsettled backdrop. Meanwhile, markets have traded north as fundamentals have headed south.

    It all becomes even more interesting when one ponders the credibility of Draghi's OMT. How big, really, is that bazooka of his? How much firepower does the ECB actually have when the Bundesbank is opposed to the whole thing? Is it even legal? And how big does it have to be if the markets start to fret about France? Would the OMT lose credibility if the marketplace begins to fear a significant economic downturn and bank problems in France and Germany? Or does the market stick with the view that the more dire the situation the more Draghi and European politicians can be counted on to "do whatever it takes". They can hold it together through year-end, can't they?

    Well, it's shaping up to be quite a confidence game. But it's those weak-handed hedge funds. Do they hold tight - or do some decide it might be best to be first in line before the crowd rushes for the exits?