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Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

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  • Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

    I wonder if we will see a return to the craziness of the 70's-80's?

    Baader-Meinhoff Gang, Red Army Faction, etc.

    They targeted a couple of senior executives...including Alfred Herrhausen

    Not as many places to receive harbor and assistance for such things today.....but will be interesting to see what develops.

    I reckon the longer and higher the unemployment rate of the youth cohort....particularly amongst the overeducated and underemployed.....idle hands are often the devils workshop.

    I wonder if anyone will try to claim the title of Che 2.0?

  • #2
    Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

    I reckon the longer and higher the unemployment rate of the youth cohort....particularly amongst the overeducated and underemployed.....idle hands are often the devils workshop.
    Nehh, you don't need to be young and idle to be in the "devils workshop"

    On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio, requesting full investigations – which have yet to be done – and total dismantlement of these paramilitary structures. In 2005, the first academic examination of Gladio was published by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser. Mr. Ganser, as of 2010, is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. His book, NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, is a documented study of how Gladio operated.
    British journalist Philip Willan, who, by 2010, was writing for the UK Guardian and Observer newspapers, described in the book, Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy, how the US intelligence services used their relationship with the P2 Masonic lodge to prop up Christian Democrat governments, undermining the growing political influence of the Italian Communist Party.
    Hence you will never know who is who no matter what the official/unofficial verbage says.

    I wonder if anyone will try to claim the title of Che 2.0?
    Why the need for this Muppet. He have AL Qaida. I suspect it is them as they hate high paid westerners.


    • #3
      Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

      Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
      Nehh, you don't need to be young and idle to be in the "devils workshop"

      Hence you will never know who is who no matter what the official/unofficial verbage says.

      Why the need for this Muppet. He have AL Qaida. I suspect it is them as they hate high paid westerners.

      Gladio was a large scale stay behind op for NATO in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe.

      While it may or may not have had much to do with European terrorism in the 70's-80's, it is highly unlikely such a large scale pool of potential armed/trained recruits will reoccur in Europe.

      Active and auxillary Gladio personnel and weapons caches will have been dealt with by now, decades later.

      I'm thinking more along the lines of how organizations like the RAF and Baader Meinhoff germinated, grew, and mutated......the potential for something akin to THAT happening again, discounting the agent provocateur conspiracies for a moment, is potentially quite high as millions upon millions of over educated and underemployed EU 20 somethings fester.

      While I think the likelihood of attempts to effect change through violence are low, when you have millions of individual over educated and underemployed possibilities, the risk could possibly shift from unlikely to sporatic likely.

      You mention AQ, what did the 9/11 bombers have in common with many millions of EU 20 somethings?

      I don't for a second think any/many would be interested in flying planes into buildings......but I could see as time goes by a significant increase in peaceful protests, maybe some violent protests, and possibly some isolated cases such as the original link in the thread as a few follow the path of a RAF 2.0

      As far as Che 2.0, there's a young photogenic student in Chile named Camila Vallejo who has been receiving a LOT of press in recent years.


      • #4
        Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

        I'm actually surprised we don't see more killings of executives like this. They seem easy targets.

        I watched this movie on the subject of the Bader-Meinhoff not too long ago. Decent flick and not quite as glamorized as the trailer tries to portray.


        • #5
          Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

          Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post

          I wonder if we will see a return to the craziness of the 70's-80's?

          Baader-Meinhoff Gang, Red Army Faction, etc.

          They targeted a couple of senior executives...including Alfred Herrhausen

          Not as many places to receive harbor and assistance for such things today.....but will be interesting to see what develops.

          I reckon the longer and higher the unemployment rate of the youth cohort....particularly amongst the overeducated and underemployed.....idle hands are often the devils workshop.

          I wonder if anyone will try to claim the title of Che 2.0?
          If I had to bet, I'd put my money on a radical enviro-loon/global warming extremist group as being behind this, if it was indeed a targeted execution.

          When you have so-called respectable people calling for "denialists" to be jailed, can violence be far behind?
          Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


          • #6
            Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

            I read somewhere that some Bader-Meinhoff gang in the end was hiding in Eastern Germany. So what this group was all about is not as simple as one would think. Moving across borders was not that easy in the Soviet days hence I don't buy the over-educated rebellious student story.

            PS: Thanks flint for metioning these boys and girls. This was the BBC documentary which mentioned the suspicions of how they were used,

            Last edited by Shakespear; October 27, 2012, 10:05 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

              Easy on the conspiracies fellas. It was an attempted car jacking gone very bad.


              • #8
                Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                Easy on the conspiracies fellas. It was an attempted car jacking gone very bad.
                That's one of those things I have never understood. Why escalate the situation by turning it into a murder? If they had just left it at just being a carjacking, it would have likely went unsolved. But they will be found out eventually for murder. Too many stupid criminals.


                • #9
                  Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                  Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                  I'm actually surprised we don't see more killings of executives like this. They seem easy targets.

                  I watched this movie on the subject of the Bader-Meinhoff not too long ago. Decent flick and not quite as glamorized as the trailer tries to portray.

                  I've been meaning to find a copy of that film, hasn't aired in NZ as best I can tell......I may have to try to find a copy in the bazaar over here or find a copy to download.


                  • #10
                    Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                    Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
                    I read somewhere that some Bader-Meinhoff gang in the end was hiding in Eastern Germany. So what this group was all about is not as simple as one would think. Moving across borders was not that easy in the Soviet days hence I don't buy the over-educated rebellious student story.

                    PS: Thanks flint for metioning these boys and girls. This was the BBC documentary which mentioned the suspicions of how they were used,


                    My understanding is that is exactly how RAF a student protest group that mutated into extreme organized violence which was ultimately provided some level of support by the East German STASI(in the form of harbor, travel documentation, weapons, explosives, and training confirmed by STASI records as well as the explosives fingerprint from the Herrhausen murder) as well as partnership with other well known Middle Eastern terror/militant groups.

                    What I think is most interesting is the possible parallels between 60's West Germany and the West at the moment.

                    In 60's West Germany a number of Germans who could be implicated in the Nazi war effort of WWII held positions of considerable power and authority, possibly not to different from how FIRE economy "masters of the universe" responsible for the recent and ongoing financial holocaust seem to have completely avoided prosecution.

                    And the West German media of the day was perceived as considerably biased by the left wing student groups....which may not be too different from today's US media where a vast portion of mass media is controlled by a mere handful of very powerful media comglomerates who possess considerable special interest influence and control themselves.

                    I wonder if current conditions are not too different (in broad brush strokes), from Germany in the 1960s?

                    I don't for a second think we will see considerable insurrection/violence on the part of underemployed, overeducated and disenfranchised students.........but I will be watching carefully when it comes to mass organized protests.

                    If 1,000,000 students become truly politically active and attend protests/rallies

                    If 10,000 students engage in civil disobediance

                    If 1000 students engage in "monkeywreching"

                    Maybe 10-100 students or former students may actively engage in something that mutates into a new version of RAF

                    What's interesting is that the early version of Baader Meinhof/RAF received a quite considerable degree of moral/figurative(if not literal) support from West German society under the age of 40 as well as the support of left leaning intellectuals/celebrities.

                    I'd say the vast majority of people who recognize the broken system today could potentially be sympathetic to non-violent or less violent Robin Hood(or in the case of RAF Bonny/Clyde) cheeky behavior.

                    Personally, I'm half expecting Greenpeace-like "attention-whore" activities by new groups focused on economic/financial disparity against "The Man".

                    We've seen the return of the phrase "Fat Cat" which I've already won a bet on.........I'm expecting to hear the phrase "The Man" regularly before too long....or a more culturally relevant replacement by the youth cohort.

                    It's a space worth keeping an occasional eye on in my opinion.


                    • #11
                      Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                      Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                      Easy on the conspiracies fellas. It was an attempted car jacking gone very bad.
                      I certainly hope so.........but I would think conditions are ripe for these kinds of things to happen on occasion......past performance is indicative of future performance.....just looking at the 60's thru the 80's provides heaps of examples of such things happening in parallel directions.


                      • #12
                        Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                        Thanks to flintlock's memory jog I took a bit of time to look at this group again as it threads its way every once in a while in discussions related to historical events.

                        I watched this movie "Die Baader Meinhof Gruppe vor Gericht - Dokumentation". The film is based on court transcripts. What I came away with (as best as I understood the film) is that this group truly believed what they were doing. WW II finished not so long ago, war stories told to the new generation had their effect, US bases in Germany to remind all Germans they are free, Vietnam War raging and other events resulted in a group not so stupid students to start to thinking Big Time that they could change the course of history (I'd say they "could be "used" to change the course").

                        The court proceeding were allowed to be politicized through speeches made by the students. This I suspect happened due to how the German Judicial system functioned then. When the head judge was found to be feeding information to Die Welt and the conversations of client-attorney were spied on, well you know something is not right here. Then all four defendants dying in prison makes the whole thing a bit too convenient in allowing the gov. to erase this "situation".

                        The film left me with an impression that the who thing has more dimensions than just "Wild, smart kids bombing mindlessly". It seemed to me like the "tools" were used to do a job and then were discarded. That is just an impression I have and have no way to back it up. However books like James Rusbridger "The Intelligence Game" infect me with that view point.

                        Who gave them ideas? Who shepherded this movement? We can only guess. The services do not think linearly and we can never be sure who's playing who because while all this was happening so was GLADIO. Now you think you and I are going to figure out what was happening here? Well I for one think not and no amount of reading will will get me the answer because at the end of the day you can not be sure "Who is Playing Who". Sort of reminds me of those Brits caught in Iraq dressed as Arabs with a trunk full of explosives in an area that had a lot of "insurgency explosions" going on.

                        If this was just a carjacking then why did they put a lid on the story? It happened on October the 14th. It sure took them a long time to figure out it was a carjacking. Do you recall that guy hanging on a bridge in London with bricks in his pockets? That was a suicide.

                        We are spectators and nothing more. But I chose what kind of spectator I will be and care less on labels people chose to throw. The record so far shows that if you follow MSM you are eating "soylent green". Veracity of any govenment is close to zero and that is my starting point when listening to any of them. The best I can do is to listen to both sides and expect the truth to maybe be in the middle.

                        Do you know what the 2 X's in Exxon mean?


                        • #13
                          Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                          I had never heard of Bader-Meinhoff, so I went on Youtube and watched a two part documentary on them. In the middle of the second one, a german banker is killed after allowing 3 young girls into his home. One of the girls being his Goddaughter.


                          • #14
                            Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                            Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                            Easy on the conspiracies fellas. It was an attempted car jacking gone very bad.
                            Nonsense. Efficient three-shot kill, and they took the time and trouble to beat up the wife which sends an obvious message to others in Mockford's peer group: not only are we going to kill you, but we'll make your family pay as well.

                            Its an oil executive, so most likely geopolitics are in play as well. One wonders how this story might be relevant:

                            Or this story of another assassination that targeted an entire family:

                            Anybody who thinks these are coincidences needs a checkup from the neck up.


                            • #15
                              Re: Exxon Mobil Executive murdered

                              Originally posted by BuckarooBanzai View Post
                              Nonsense. Efficient three-shot kill, and they took the time and trouble to beat up the wife which sends an obvious message to others in Mockford's peer group: not only are we going to kill you, but we'll make your family pay as well.

                              Its an oil executive, so most likely geopolitics are in play as well. One wonders how this story might be relevant:

                              Or this story of another assassination that targeted an entire family:

                              Anybody who thinks these are coincidences needs a checkup from the neck up.

                              I'm not sure what those stories you linked to have to do with the attempted car jacking. His wife said they demanded the car keys. Is she lying? or was that a diversion?

