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Farming: A Simple Fix?

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  • Farming: A Simple Fix?

    IT'S becoming clear that we can grow all the food we need, and profitably, with far fewer chemicals. And I'm not talking about imposing some utopian vision of small organic farms on the world. Conventional agriculture can shed much of its chemical use - if it wants to.

    This was hammered home once again in what may be the most important agricultural study this year, although it has been largely ignored by the media, two of the leading science journals and even one of the study's sponsors, the often hapless Department of Agriculture.

    The study was done on land owned by Iowa State University called the Marsden Farm. On 22 acres of it, beginning in 2003, researchers set up three plots: one replicated the typical Midwestern cycle of planting corn one year and then soybeans the next, along with its routine mix of chemicals. On another, they planted a three-year cycle that included oats; the third plot added a four-year cycle and alfalfa. The longer rotations also integrated the raising of livestock, whose manure was used as fertilizer.

    The results were stunning: The longer rotations produced better yields of both corn and soy, reduced the need for nitrogen fertilizer and herbicides by up to 88 percent, reduced the amounts of toxins in groundwater 200-fold and didn't reduce profits by a single cent.

    In short, there was only upside - and no downside at all - associated with the longer rotations. There was an increase in labor costs, but remember that profits were stable. So this is a matter of paying people for their knowledge and smart work instead of paying chemical companies for poisons. And it's a high-stakes game; according to the Environmental Protection Agency, about five billion pounds of pesticidesare used each year in the United States.

    No one expects Iowacorn and soybean farmers to turn this thing around tomorrow, but one might at least hope that the U.S.D.A.would trumpet the outcome. The agency declined to comment when I asked about it. One can guess that perhaps no one at the higher levels even knows about it, or that they're afraid to tell Monsantoabout agency-supported research that demonstrates a decreased need for chemicals. (A conspiracy theorist might note that the journals Science and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences both turned down the study. It was finally published in PLOS One; I first read about it on the Union of Concerned Scientists Web site.)

    Debates about how we grow food are usually presented in a simplistic, black-and-white way, conventional versus organic. (The spectrum that includes conventional on one end and organic on the other is not unlike the one that opposes the standard American diet with veganism.) In farming, you have loads of chemicals and disastrous environmental impact against an orthodox, even dogmatic method that is difficult to carry out on a large scale.

    But seeing organic as the only alternative to industrial agriculture, or veganism as the only alternative to supersize me, is a bit like saying that the only alternative to the ravages of capitalism is Stalinism; there are other ways. And positioning organic as the only alternative allows its opponents to point to its flaws and say, "See? We have to remain with conventional."

    The Marsden Farm study points to a third path. And though critics of this path can be predictably counted on to say it's moving backward, the increased yields, markedly decreased input of chemicals, reduced energy costs and stable profits tell another story, one of serious progress.

    Nor was this a rinky-dink study: the background and scientific rigor of the authors - who represent the U.S.D.A.'s Agricultural Research Service as well as two of the country's leading agricultural universities - are unimpeachable. When I asked Adam Davis, an author of the study who works for the U.S.D.A., to summarize the findings, he said, "These were simple changes patterned after those used by North American farmers for generations. What we found was that if you don't hold the natural forces back they are going to work for you."

    THIS means that not only is weed suppression a direct result of systematic and increased crop rotation along with mulching, cultivation and other nonchemical techniques, but that by not poisoning the fields, we make it possible for insects, rodents and other critters to do their part and eat weeds and their seeds. In addition, by growing forage crops for cattle or other ruminants you can raise healthy animals that not only contribute to the health of the fields but provide fertilizer. (The same manure that's a benefit in a system like this is a pollutant in large-scale, confined animal-rearing operations, where thousands of animals make manure disposal an extreme challenge.)

    Perhaps most difficult to quantify is that this kind of farming - more thoughtful and less reflexive - requires more walking of the fields, more observations, more applications of fertilizer and chemicals if, when and where they're needed, rather than on an all-inclusive schedule. "You substitute producer knowledge for blindly using inputs," Davis says.

    So: combine crop rotation, the re-integration of animals into crop production and intelligent farming, and you can use chemicals (to paraphrase the report's abstract) to fine-tune rather than drive the system, with no loss in performance and in fact the gain of animal products.

    Why wouldn't a farmer go this route? One answer is that first he or she has to hear about it. Another, says Matt Liebman, one of the authors of the study and an agronomy professor at Iowa State, is that, "There's no cost assigned to environmental externalities" - the environmental damage done by industrial farming, analogous to the health damage done by the "cheap" standard American diet - "and the profitability of doing things with lots of chemical input isn't questioned."

    This study not only questions those assumptions, it demonstrates that the chemicals contributing to "environmental externalities" can be drastically reduced at no sacrifice, except to that of the bottom line of chemical companies. That direction is in the interest of most of us - or at least those whose well-being doesn't rely on that bottom line.

    Sadly, it seems there isn't a government agency up to the task of encouraging things to move that way, even in the face of convincing evidence.

  • #2
    Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

    Sadly, it seems there isn't a government agency up to the task of encouraging things to move that way, even in the face of convincing evidence.
    I'm sure governmental agencies realize that a single study in a backyard garden plot doesn't make for convincing evidence. Also alfalfa is less profitable than any of the crops discussed. So obviously a farmer who does this will be giving up something.
    Last edited by radon; October 21, 2012, 12:16 PM. Reason: quote misattribution


    • #3
      Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

      The author asks, "Why wouldn't a farmer go this route?"

      A big reason might be the way farm subsidies are set up to require full, back-to-back plantings of mono-crops like corn. Mixed plantings, crop rotations, etc. disqualify the farmer from crop subsidies. Or it used to. Maybe things have changed in recent years.

      The system the author is describing is called "Integrated Pest Management" or IPM. With IPM you use natural methods to control pests whenever possible. Choose plant varieties that are more pest resistant. Interplant with fill that repels pests. Feed the soil, not just the plants. If pest control is necessary, start with the least toxic methods first, then escalate only if needed.

      Getting farmers to switch to IPM on a large scale would be as big a sea change in modern farming methodology as getting them to stop plowing in long, straight lines during the dustbowl was.

      Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


      • #4
        Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

        If the "fix" was simple one would expect it would already have happened...

        I've never heard of using alfalfa as an annual rotation crop. It costs quite a bit to get a field to alfalfa, the plants are deep rooted and good crop yields mean a lot of water usage (alfalfa is the largest agricultural water use in California), so ploughing it under after one season and incurring the fuel and time costs to plant another crop seems counterintuitive...but hey, I'm just a city boy...


        • #5
          Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

          Originally posted by don View Post

          In short, there was only upside - and no downside at all - associated with the longer rotations. There was an increase in labor costs, but remember that profits were stable.
          Ah, but increases in labor costs suggests more labor was involved and that means more of the hassles that come with employing labor. Higher profits are required to get farmers to deal with the burdens associated with employing people.

          How many lawyers must be on retainer to handle the inevitable lawsuits or to make sure some obscure labor regulation is complied with? Every new employee is another opportunity for a jury to take away your farm. And what about the new health care law? Who wants to deal with that PITA?

          Dealing with labor isn't just about finding the money to pay labor. There are so much more that must be considered.


          • #6
            Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

            For me the scarce importance being given by scientific publications and gov. institutions is only due to the money flowing from big agribusiness companies.
            It`s clearly something menacing their bottom lines.
            The work, which I downloaded and printed complete seems to be very important.


            • #7
              Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
              If the "fix" was simple one would expect it would already have happened...

              I've never heard of using alfalfa as an annual rotation crop. It costs quite a bit to get a field to alfalfa, the plants are deep rooted and good crop yields mean a lot of water usage (alfalfa is the largest agricultural water use in California), so ploughing it under after one season and incurring the fuel and time costs to plant another crop seems counterintuitive...but hey, I'm just a city boy...
              No, you are absolutely correct.

              Originally posted by Scot View Post
              Ah, but increases in labor costs suggests more labor was involved and that means more of the hassles that come with employing labor. Higher profits are required to get farmers to deal with the burdens associated with employing people.

              How many lawyers must be on retainer to handle the inevitable lawsuits or to make sure some obscure labor regulation is complied with? Every new employee is another opportunity for a jury to take away your farm. And what about the new health care law? Who wants to deal with that PITA?

              Dealing with labor isn't just about finding the money to pay labor. There are so much more that must be considered.

              In Uruguay I have absolutely NO captive employees. everyone is a contractor, and that is just the way I like it. I have no idea if things might be a bit cheaper if I had real employees with real equipment, but I know the hassles would certainly be greater. Labor problems, social security costs, medical costs, equipment repairs, and on and on...

              More so, 'industrial ag' is just 'simple'. Sure it uses chemicals, but the 'monoculture' (actually crop rotation for me between dual cropping wheat/soy, with the option of sorghum or corn or barley) means no one really has to 'think' about what they are doing. It is rather automatic.

              But lets assume this article is correct, and that you put a crop like barley in for a more optimal two years (iirc, you have to rip it all out every 4-5). What do you do with the animals? And what is all this labor doing when you have crops in the ground? Certainly you do not need them for many many months of the year. Then you need specialized equipment for harvesting each crop ( a corn harvester is no good for wheat et al). Thus, you are back to the 'contract labor' model of hiring who you need when you need it, just like migrant farmworkers for grapes or citrus. And to make this model work you would need vast amounts of land under this format, as you need roughly 2 acres of grassland for every cow you graze. And growing just a couple cows is not cost effective, you really need to get up to maybe 100+ for it to make sense. So you need 200 acres just for the cows. And if we say we will run a five year rotation in order to get a good alfalfa crop over two years, then you need maybe 1000 acres under rotation, or 800 if you substitute something for alalfa. At say $6k/ac for quality land nowadays, we are looking at $5million to get this to make sense. Quite a nut to bite off for an experiment.

              Sure you can do it on a small, organic-style model with maybe 160ac, but even there you are talking $1million in land. It is just far simpler to stick with industrial ag, unfortunately.


              • #8
                Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

                Last edited by nedtheguy; October 09, 2014, 04:22 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

                  Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                  No, you are absolutely correct.

                  In Uruguay I have absolutely NO captive employees. everyone is a contractor, and that is just the way I like it. I have no idea if things might be a bit cheaper if I had real employees with real equipment, but I know the hassles would certainly be greater. Labor problems, social security costs, medical costs, equipment repairs, and on and on...

                  More so, 'industrial ag' is just 'simple'. Sure it uses chemicals, but the 'monoculture' (actually crop rotation for me between dual cropping wheat/soy, with the option of sorghum or corn or barley) means no one really has to 'think' about what they are doing. It is rather automatic.

                  But lets assume this article is correct, and that you put a crop like barley in for a more optimal two years (iirc, you have to rip it all out every 4-5). What do you do with the animals? And what is all this labor doing when you have crops in the ground? Certainly you do not need them for many many months of the year. Then you need specialized equipment for harvesting each crop ( a corn harvester is no good for wheat et al). Thus, you are back to the 'contract labor' model of hiring who you need when you need it, just like migrant farmworkers for grapes or citrus. And to make this model work you would need vast amounts of land under this format, as you need roughly 2 acres of grassland for every cow you graze. And growing just a couple cows is not cost effective, you really need to get up to maybe 100+ for it to make sense. So you need 200 acres just for the cows. And if we say we will run a five year rotation in order to get a good alfalfa crop over two years, then you need maybe 1000 acres under rotation, or 800 if you substitute something for alalfa. At say $6k/ac for quality land nowadays, we are looking at $5million to get this to make sense. Quite a nut to bite off for an experiment.

                  Sure you can do it on a small, organic-style model with maybe 160ac, but even there you are talking $1million in land. It is just far simpler to stick with industrial ag, unfortunately.
                  What would have to happen for this idea to work for you? For example would the cost of pesticides and fertilizer have to climb to 4X current? 10X? Or labor costs to halve? I'm thinking that as input costs increase in farming, more and more farmer will abandon high input cost solutions and experiment with alternative agriculture.
                  Last edited by globaleconomicollaps; October 22, 2012, 05:34 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

                    Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
                    What would have to happen for this idea to work for you? For example would the cost of pesticides and fertilizer have to climb to 4X current? 10X? Or labor costs to halve? I'm thinking that as input costs increase in farming, more and more farmer will abandon high input cost solutions and experiment with alternative agriculture.
                    I really have no idea. Right now it is mostly a convenience thing because when you go into that kind of rotational system you have a lot more management issues than industrial monoculture. Personally, I would feel better to be 'in country' to follow that kind of rotational system. And in my particular case, my land is not all contiguous, it is spread among several parcels all within 5 miles of each other. So for me things would get a bit more complex.


                    • #11
                      Re: Farming: A Simple Fix?

                      Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                      Sure you can do it on a small, organic-style model with maybe 160ac, but even there you are talking $1million in land. It is just far simpler to stick with industrial ag, unfortunately.
                      Not only that, but alfalfa is often grown on marginal land that is not suitable for other crops. Operations with livestock grow typically grow enough hay to maintain a consistent headcount. If they followed the paper they would end up with a surplus of alfalfa that they would end up selling. In essence they would be trading a profitable crop for a less profitable one. Even if it was simple it is going to be really hard to talk someone into that as it raises the whole question of opportunity cost.

