Re: Reducing future expenses by dematerializing media
An expat friend of mine living in Hong Kong catches all of his US Television programs via a Sling-box. Other than torrents it is the only way he can watch his College Football games and other programming his family desires. It biggest drawback is it will transmit to only one logged in account at a time, but Sling-box will completely takeover a cable box or satellite TV receiver. A good friend
in the USA is hosting the Sling-box and the additional Satellite TV receiver DVR needed along with FIOS bandwidth for optimum upload performance since HD signals require 1.5 Mbps or higher so the screen does not freeze too much. One thing to keep in mind if you are attempting this setup is that many cable providers have monthly caps on upload bandwidth. A three-hour baseball game in HD quality could be about 2 gigabytes of data using the Sling Box so make sure your ISP has a large cap or no cap on bandwidth upload/download.
An expat friend of mine living in Hong Kong catches all of his US Television programs via a Sling-box. Other than torrents it is the only way he can watch his College Football games and other programming his family desires. It biggest drawback is it will transmit to only one logged in account at a time, but Sling-box will completely takeover a cable box or satellite TV receiver. A good friend
