Re: Mr Nader, Meet Mr Johnson
Hi Shiny! Of course you can vote for whomever you want. That's democracy. But ideologically pure libertarians (anarcho-capitalists) believe in markets, and specifically not democracy. If the market is telling you the guy's a loser, and you profess to believe this, how can you vote against the market?
Fair. I think there are still a lot of shell-shocked and regretful liberals who wondered were horrified W. got into office and started conjuring up reasons to go to war after they voted Nader. That's where the modern ideas seems to have come from anyways.
That's fine. I never thought you to be an anti-democratic, free-market purist. Others here, I think may be. And so it was just a question of philosophical curiosity, not meant to cause offense to anybody, least of all you or Johnson. I was literally curious to the answer to the following question:
If you believe 100% unwaveringly in free markets, and free markets are not sending any money to a candidate, shouldn't you move on out of principle?
Originally posted by shiny!
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The political meme spread by the MSM is that 3rd party politicians "steal" votes away from Democrat or Republican candidates, as if the Dems or Repubs are the rightful owners of those votes. They aren't. WE own those votes! They must EARN our votes.
They haven't earned my vote! They're as bad as the TBTF banksters who make millions and billions of dollars in bonuses for dreadful job performance. If banksters receiving those obscene bonuses makes you mad, then Republocrats acting as if they deserve our votes after doing just as terrible a job should make you even madder.
If you believe 100% unwaveringly in free markets, and free markets are not sending any money to a candidate, shouldn't you move on out of principle?