Things are collasping fast for Opel/Vauxhall (GM), their products are well over priced even though they get the dealers to reg them & put 1500 miles on the clock to sell them as "almost new". Insane list prices, poor build Q factor in that over 80% (YES,80%+) of their cars are "Fleet cars" (given away).
For not much more money you can have a Merc/Audi/ makes ZERO sense to "buy" a GM.
Now Renualt (nissan) is bring in a very cheap new car (Dacia) from eastern Europe & for little money you will be able to buy a almost Focus size car for less than half the price of a Ford/GM. The Dacia gets diesel engines or a 900 cc 3 cyinder turbo gas engine........BIG miles per gallon.
If (When) the £ collaspes & petrol (Gas) rockets to + £2 a will pay all those with 10 year old 25 mpg cars to swap to new 60 mile per gallon new ones.........
Things are collasping fast for Opel/Vauxhall (GM), their products are well over priced even though they get the dealers to reg them & put 1500 miles on the clock to sell them as "almost new". Insane list prices, poor build Q factor in that over 80% (YES,80%+) of their cars are "Fleet cars" (given away).
For not much more money you can have a Merc/Audi/ makes ZERO sense to "buy" a GM.
Now Renualt (nissan) is bring in a very cheap new car (Dacia) from eastern Europe & for little money you will be able to buy a almost Focus size car for less than half the price of a Ford/GM. The Dacia gets diesel engines or a 900 cc 3 cyinder turbo gas engine........BIG miles per gallon.
If (When) the £ collaspes & petrol (Gas) rockets to + £2 a will pay all those with 10 year old 25 mpg cars to swap to new 60 mile per gallon new ones.........