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Hudson on Blair's Book

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  • Hudson on Blair's Book

    Sheila Blair is an old fashion conservative Republican, the kind no longer found in the GOP . . .

    jump ahead to 12:45 mark

  • #2
    Re: Hudson on Blair's Book

    so far the taxi driver's comment at 12:00 or so is expressing it better than i can....


    • #3
      Re: Hudson on Blair's Book

      Originally posted by don View Post
      Sheila Blair is an old fashion conservative Republican, the kind no longer found in the GOP . . .
      jump ahead to 12:45 mark
      the 'party of no' has been taken over by the same clowns that run the party of give-it-away-now
      gotta love hudson - he doesnt mince any words...

      bair much more angry in the book than in her nytimes exit interview...

      had wanted to close down citi when the crash came
      geithner wouldnt/refused to let her and that TARP was all about saving citi..
      huge gigantic bailout wasnt about saving the bank sys, was just to save citi alone
      thoroughly criminalized...
      the problem with the fin sys is that its been taken over by the... wall st mafia
      who has taken over the gov to such a degree, that when she tried to enforce the law,
      she couldnt do it...they put in a atty genl.. holder...
      refuses to prosecute campaign contributors, refuses to prosecute wall st...

      everybody now talking about geithner roll in all this..
      when obama admin tookover, geithner planned to leave his roll at ny fed,
      where he supervised a vast giveaway of wealth, planned to goto citi for a salary of 20mil
      they/bankers told him they needed a guy like him to... do the looting for us
      get us trillions in bailouts - stay and youll get the payout -
      he agreed if liz warren is out...
      and isnt it kinda funny that NONE OF THIS is widely reported?
      cept fer maybe something here n there from matt...

      and he also states that they believe that after the election, there will be a wipe out

      any bets geithner gets a golden parachute into citibank?

