After watching a guy on Bloomberg say gold is going to "blow through 2,000 like tissue paper," and hit 2,600 by next summer
I would like to know the basics of selling physical gold in the U.S.
(In Thailand the price for the day is set by the government and the buying and selling price are always 100 baht apart. Shops are pretty much obligated to buy back the gold bars you have bought from them.)
In the U.S. if you were to sell 50 oz of gold tomorrow, who would you deal with? How does it work...Fed Ex?, etc.?
A side question...
If you bought gold from a friend and there is no record of what you purchased it for or you inherited it, what are you to do when reporting gains, claim you bought it yesterday?
I would like to know the basics of selling physical gold in the U.S.
(In Thailand the price for the day is set by the government and the buying and selling price are always 100 baht apart. Shops are pretty much obligated to buy back the gold bars you have bought from them.)
In the U.S. if you were to sell 50 oz of gold tomorrow, who would you deal with? How does it work...Fed Ex?, etc.?
A side question...
If you bought gold from a friend and there is no record of what you purchased it for or you inherited it, what are you to do when reporting gains, claim you bought it yesterday?