A version of this article appeared September 7, 2012, on page B1 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Shale Revolution: What Could Go Wrong?.
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A funny thing happened on the way to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's goal of greater U.S. energy independence: American industry got there first, on paper at least. Now the question is: What can go wrong?
Thanks to the hustle of innovative U.S. energy companies, the discovery of vast shale gas and oil fields, and stronger national conservation, some forecasts peg energy independence for North America at just a few years off. A Citigroup report calls the region "the new Middle East." Pimco says the trend is a "game changer." Bain & Co. declares it a "new paradigm."
The knock-on effect, some believe, could be historic: millions of new jobs and the "reindustrialization of America" as companies hitch new manufacturing to cheap energy. Shell and Dow Chemical, among others, are already planning new chemical plants fueled by rocketing shale output. Driven by new fields such as the Bakken in North Dakota, U.S. oil production has hit levels not seen since 1998.
So why is John Hofmeister, the former chief of U.S. operations for Shell, sounding an alarm? "Unless something seriously changes in the next five years," he said in an interview, "we'll be standing in gas lines because there won't be enough oil to go around."
The reason is that there's still disagreement over the factors governing the growth of production from the new fields. Among those factors: the direction of global supply and demand, how price will help or hinder exploration, whether new regulation will impede development, and how long it will take to build the infrastructure needed to get more oil to market.
Mr. Hofmeister said he believes forecasts also understate the "decline" rate of shale fields. The hydrocarbons tend to flow robustly in the first months of drilling, then decline before plateauing at lower levels.
To sustain growth, companies will need to drill many wells at a rate "beyond the capacity of the industry as currently defined," he says. "Those who ballyhoo oil shale and say that this will take care of us—no, it won't."
What's more, Bakken oil currently trades at a discount to world market prices in part because of crimped infrastructure: The U.S. currently doesn't have enough pipelines to get the oil to refineries efficiently.
The knock-on effect, some believe, could be historic: millions of new jobs and the "reindustrialization of America" as companies hitch new manufacturing to cheap energy. Shell and Dow Chemical, among others, are already planning new chemical plants fueled by rocketing shale output. Driven by new fields such as the Bakken in North Dakota, U.S. oil production has hit levels not seen since 1998.
So why is John Hofmeister, the former chief of U.S. operations for Shell, sounding an alarm? "Unless something seriously changes in the next five years," he said in an interview, "we'll be standing in gas lines because there won't be enough oil to go around."
The reason is that there's still disagreement over the factors governing the growth of production from the new fields. Among those factors: the direction of global supply and demand, how price will help or hinder exploration, whether new regulation will impede development, and how long it will take to build the infrastructure needed to get more oil to market.
Mr. Hofmeister said he believes forecasts also understate the "decline" rate of shale fields. The hydrocarbons tend to flow robustly in the first months of drilling, then decline before plateauing at lower levels.
To sustain growth, companies will need to drill many wells at a rate "beyond the capacity of the industry as currently defined," he says. "Those who ballyhoo oil shale and say that this will take care of us—no, it won't."
What's more, Bakken oil currently trades at a discount to world market prices in part because of crimped infrastructure: The U.S. currently doesn't have enough pipelines to get the oil to refineries efficiently.
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