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Shocker: punk grrls in Moscow not spontaneous or unsupported

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  • Shocker: punk grrls in Moscow not spontaneous or unsupported

    What's been so amusing about the MSM Sturm und Drang over Pussy Riot is the notion that these people are either artists or spontaneous. The act which finally netted them prison sentences - which would be universally condemned if made against say, racial or sexual preference minorities - was only the latest in a series.

    As you can see below, the MSM interaction with this group was also far from spontaneous - having filmed an earlier version of Orthodox Church baiting literally 6 months before their actual arrest - by the BBC no less.

    A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) correspondent in Moscow named Steven Rosenberg staged and filmed a rehearsal of what he claims Pussy Riot told him they were planning at the Christ the Saviour Cathedral at least a day, possibly several days before February 21. That is the day when three of the group members committed the acts for which they were convicted in a Moscow court on August 17, and sentenced to prison for two years.

    The BBC’s role in encouraging these acts, coaching them in rehearsal in front of a camera, and then acting as an international megaphone for their songs and claims, was not called in evidence during the court proceedings, nor mentioned in the judgement. But the BBC is now refusing to answer questions about what they have done to promote Pussy Riot in media that have been circulating worldwide since February.

    The video clip Rosenberg directed and produced on or before February 20 shows four women he has identified as the Pussy Riot band. They appear to be miming through their balaclavas. The soundtrack, which includes a drum and a tambourine not visible in the filming, appears to have been added after Rosenberg and his cameraman took the women through their act.

    is the BBC-staged version, dated February 20, in which the Russian language voice-over claims the cathedral performance was to take place the very next day, and that the purpose of the “rehearsal” was get the timing right for the cathedral.
    Here is the purported cathedral performance by three women on February 21. On the 2.15-minute tape, less than 60 seconds was filmed in Christ the Saviour Cathedral; film from another church, in Elohovsky Epiphany Cathedral, shot earlier with other participants, was spliced into the running to make it appear to be part of the same cathedral sequence; the soundtrack was fabricated and added afterwards.

    And here is Rosenberg’s report, dated February 28, in which he claims that earlier that same month eight members of Pussy Riot, standing on top of Lobnoye Mesto, “had conquered Red Square.” Other press reports, including Pussy Riot support groups, say this incident happened on January 20. The discrepancy was either a mistake on Rosenberg’s part, or a sign that the February 28 commentary was prepared much before its broadcast date, and delayed for some reason. In voiceover, Rosenberg claims the women had performed a “concert” at the Red Square monument lasting two minutes before the police arrived. But the BBC film of the women, and of the police reaction, runs for less than 60 seconds.

    Rosenberg didn’t report that they were arrested; apparently they weren’t. Nor did Rosenberg reveal there was no concert – the guitar sounds were faked.

    The Wikipedia history of Lobnoye Mesto, which dates to the 16th century, was modified on August 17 to include a photograph of Pussy Riot on the monument. From the positional evidence this image appears to have come from the same source as provided the footage edited into the BBC broadcast on February 28.

    Rosenberg’s version of what was shouted during the “concert” came from him; it is impossible to verify his claim from the soundtrack of the tape. Just 40 seconds of the “rehearsal tape” were shown again. It’s possible that both pieces of film were prepared for broadcast before the cathedral incident had actually taken place. Either that, or else Rosenberg knew the cathedral incident had happened, but didn’t want to report that news. By February 28, according to Rosenberg, Pussy Riot had “asked us not to reveal where they are, or who they are. It’s all very hushhush.” Rosenberg and the BBC didn’t explain why. If Pussy Riot was Rosenberg’s idea of a poster for freedom of speech, he was being strangely coy himself.

    The rehearsal clip with Russian commentary has been tagged on screen as a production of the BBC Russian Service. It was authenticated this week by Maria Nikitina of the BBC office in Moscow. She said it was made before the cathedral incident. She claims not to know if it was a production of the Russian Service or of the International Service.

    The head of the BBC’s Russian Service is Sarah Gibson. In London this week, she referred questions about the filmed reports to the BBC’s press office. A spokesman there, Matthew Hall, said “the interview was done by Steve Rosenberg, a correspondent based in Moscow.”

    When the BBC Moscow Bureau was telephoned and Rosenberg requested, Nikitina said she would not put the call through, nor would she provide Rosenberg’s email address to receive questions for his response. Later she added: “Steve is going to a business trip soon.” As for the questions about the Pussy Riot contacts Rosenberg has had, Nikitina said “the questions are not positive in tone. Steve is very busy now.”

    According to the BBC management, the state media organization takes seriously the possibility that film footage it airs may have been tampered with, forged, or fabricated. According to a recent US academic study, since 2005 the BBC has operated a User-Generated Content Hub to investigate all images that may be broadcast. Twenty staff are currently employed on this work. But this is an operation to guard against the risk of publishing or broadcasting unauthenticated images provided by third-party sources.

    If Rosenberg and a BBC camera team fabricated a film of their own about Pussy Riot ahead of the cathedral incident, there would be no job for the User-Generated Content Hub to do in London. Rosenberg was the guarantor of the film’s authenticity and of what Pussy Riot had been doing before he compiled his selection of their images.

    Or is he? How much of Pussy Riot’s history with the Voina group, and how many of the sex-shock videos the convicted Pussy riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova performed with her husband, Voina leader Pyotr Verzilov, were known to Rosenberg and the BBC, but not disclosed in their “concert selection”?

    Rosenberg was asked by telephone and email to respond to the following questions:
    1. Is this clip of what is tagged as a BBC Russian Service interview with Pussy Riot a genuine one, and if so, on what date was it filmed: link? What part did you play in setting up the presentation? In the interview itself? If you did not interview the group, what is the name of the person who did? 2. Did the BBC edit the raw footage before the film clip took this form? In Moscow, or in London, or both?
    3. Was the Pussy Riot group recorded by the BBC in this clip making sound with their instruments? Singing a song? Or was sound added later?
    4. On February 28 you reported again from the same earlier footage – is that correct?: link. At the time, did you know that the Christ the Saviour Cathedral event had occurred on February 21? Why did you not report that on February 28? When did you become aware, or was the BBC’s technical team (User-Generated Content Hub) aware, that the February 21 YouTube clip was a pastiche of two different locations, sound dubbing, etc.?
    5. In your February 28 excerpt, you also reported that Pussy Riot “conquered Red Square”. When and at what time did you record that footage – or did you receive the footage from a source other than the BBC? What do you mean by the term “conquered Red Square”?
    6. What reports have you prepared on the group Voina, and when were they published or broadcast?
    7. When did you become aware that Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is married to Pyotr Verzilov? Have you seen the sex performance clips in which they participated? When?
    Rosenberg has refused to answer. In his place, BBC spokesman Hall provided this email statement: “BBC Moscow’s Newsgathering team filmed a Pussy Riot rehearsal on February 17th 2012. It was for a wider report about Russian music and politics ahead of the presidential election. The team was not made aware if, when and where Pussy Riot would perform. The English-language report aired on February 28th. A separate report produced by BBC Russian was broadcast earlier, on February 22nd, edited from the material gathered on February 17th.”

  • #2
    Re: Shocker: punk grrls in Moscow not spontaneous or unsupported

    Paul Craig Roberts weighs in on the side of black ops . . .

    The latest “rights group” to jump on Russia’s President Putin about Pussy Riot is RootsAction. Following the propaganda line that Washington has established, RootsAction’s appeal for money and petition signers states that the three Russian women were sentenced to two years in prison “for the ‘crime’ of performing a song against Russia’s president Vladimir Putin in a Moscow church.”

    This statement is a propagandistic misrepresentation of the offense for which the women were tried and convicted.

    I have expressed my sympathies for the convicted women, and as a member of Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union, I support human rights.

    But I do not support the use of human rights organizations in behalf of Washington’s propaganda.

    If Putin or some other official has the power to commute the sentences, I hope he uses it. But I do not think that the concerted Western propaganda campaign against Putin encourages that result. Twice as many Russians support the sentence than oppose it.

    If the sentence is commuted in response to the Western propaganda campaign against Putin, Russian nationalists will depict Putin as a weak leader unable to stand up to Western intimidation. The more internal dissension there is in Russia, the easier for Washington to marginalize the country and kick it out of Washington’s path to the overthrow of Syria and Iran by brutal human-rights-violating violence, such as Washington has applied to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.

    The State Department, the EU, and human rights groups are sufficiently politically astute to be aware of this fact. Yet, the propaganda continues.

    As Putin has said, “we know what Comrade Wolf is up to.” But what about the human rights organizations? What are they up to? Have they been incorporated into Washington’s propaganda machine, like the Western media, or are they latching on to Pussy Riot as a visibility and fundraising issue for themselves?

    Do-good organizations hurt for money, because compassion for others is not in abundant supply. Pussy Riot is a fundraising opportunity. If the Russian government succumbs to the propaganda, it provides an opportunity for human rights organizations to tout their influence. In other words, human rights organizations have independent reasons to align with Washington’s propaganda. Their alignment does not necessarily mean that they are conscious tools of Washington.

    You can bet your last dollar that Washington, which dismisses as “collateral damage” the hundreds of thousands of women, children, and village elders murdered in Washington’s wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria, is not concerned with the three Pussy Riot women’s 2-year prison sentence.

    Washington has kept the American hero, Bradley Manning in prison for two years without a trial. Washington claims the power, strictly prohibited by the US Constitution, that “scrap of paper,” to hold US citizens indefinitely in prison without due process of law and to murder them on suspicion alone without due process of law. Does any sentient person really believe that such a government gives a hoot about a two-year prison sentence for three Russian women?

    The Western media is silent about the collapse of the United States into tyranny. But, on cue from Washington, the Western media is loud about the dire plight of Pussy Riot.

    For example, this from the UK’s The Week with First Post: “Beyond Pussy Riot: slow death of freedom in Putin’s Russia.” Louisa Loveluck introduces her report: “The Russian government’s distaste for freedom of expression has been in the headlines recently thanks to the trial and subsequent imprisonment of three members of punk collective Pussy Riot. But the persecution of these women forms only a small part of a much broader crackdown on civil liberties in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia.”

    Has Putin, like the Amerikan presidents Bush and Obama, declared that he has the power to throw Russian citizens in a dungeon for life without ever presenting evidence in a court? No, he has not.

    Has Putin, like the Amerikan president Obama, declared that he has the power to assassinate Russian citizens without due process of law? No, he has not.

    Has Putin, like the Amerikan president Obama, declared that he has the legal authority to invade any country of which he disapproves and to overthrow its government? No, he has not.

    So why is the UK’s Louisa Loveluck going on about a two-year prison sentence in Russia when the UK government, in defiance of international law and in obedience to its Amerikan master, refuses safe passage to Ecuador for Julian Assange, who has been granted political asylum? Even “authoritarian” China grants safe passage to those granted asylum.

    The hypocrisy of the West, including the rank hypocrisy of human rights organizations, is nauseating. It makes one ashamed.

    Julian Assange faces life imprisonment in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London because the puppet UK government is helping Washington make an example of what happens to journalists who dare to publish the truth about Washington’s mendacity and war crimes.

    Is Washington paying Louisa Loveluck’s salary or is she, along with the First Post, simply terrified of Washington’s power? Or are Ms. Loveluck and the First Post simply going with the flow and avoiding criticism by not differing from the propaganda line?

    No one will investigate, so we will never know.

    Meanwhile in “freedom and democracy” america, at their Tampa, Florida, nominating convention, the Republican Party showed its true colors. It is a Brownshirt Party.

    The tyrannical Republican machine refused to allow Ron Paul’s name to be mentioned or his delegate count to be presented.

    Reports from the Republican nomination convention read like reports of Stalin’s takeover of the Communist Party or the Nazi takeover of the German state. Rules adopted at the convention eliminate any grass roots input. The Republican politburo is supreme. The party is subservient, and the members’ voices are eliminated. Mimicking Lenin, the Republicans declared that Republican rule “means neither more nor less than unlimited power, resting directly on force, not limited by anything, not restricted by any laws, nor any absolute rules. Nothing else but that.”

    As Mother Jones reported, Ron Paul supporters shouted from the convention floor, “Fuck You, Tyrants!”

    The Republicans are the party of “freedom and democracy.” The Republicans are the party most controlled by the neoconservatives, who are strongly allied with Israel’s far right-wing government and are most hostile to the US Constitution. The Republicans are the party that gave us the PATRIOT Act, the first massive assault on the US Constitution. The Republicans are the party that gave us 9/11. The Republicans are the party that gave us the $3 trillion war against Iraq based on the Republican party’s lies about “weapons of mass destruction.” The Republicans are the party that gave us the $3 trillion war in Afghanistan based on lies about Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. The Republicans are the party that gave us the supremacy of the President over both the US Constitution and US statutory law; the executive branch is bound by neither according to the Republican Federalist Society members of the US Department of Justice (sic).

    Obama is a despicable patsy, a front man for powerful private interests, and Democrats should be totally ashamed to have elevated such a cowardly lowlife. But as awful as Obama is, a vote for Republicans is a vote for Hitler or Stalin. Indeed, the election of Romney and Ryan would be worse than either.


    • #3
      Re: Shocker: punk grrls in Moscow not spontaneous or unsupported

      Originally posted by PCR via don View Post
      Mimicking Lenin, the Republicans declared that Republican rule “means neither more nor less than unlimited power, resting directly on force, not limited by anything, not restricted by any laws, nor any absolute rules. Nothing else but that.”
      Just for the record, the Republicans didn't say this. The way it's worded here, you'd think it was part of the Republican platform.

      It appears to be attributed to Lenin in PCR's 2008 book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

      Here's the page.


      • #4
        Re: Shocker: punk grrls in Moscow not spontaneous or unsupported

        Portions of PCR's articles are getting curiouser and curiouser.

        He seems to have one foot on Prison Planet. Wonder what his old friends think .. .
        Last edited by don; September 07, 2012, 06:36 AM.

