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BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

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  • BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

    Its called the 114d
    I no link as yet as i am alap top else where, but BMW are to offer the worthless (Worth a LOT less these days) a new model. The 114d has a miss-able little French 1.6 diesel engine (that dates back to the early 80's) with.......wait for it!........95 bhp! other words it can't pull the skin off a rice pudding!

    This is a face saving device for both BMW UK & their vile scum customer base, now it seems they can't afford a REAL BMW. The idea is that BMW will allow the SCUM to have the "Bragging rights" to say they got a new BMW....just be sure you don't order it with badge. This its self is a stop gap measure till its new Mini based front wheel drive car is ready & BMW are able to produce cars to sell to people who can't afford a...BMW (Real one anyway).

    Hopefully even with out a badge they should be easy to spot & as it is my duty as a compete & total Bastard i will be on them like an Israel F15 pilot on a Arab Mig 21 !


  • #2
    Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

    A BMW must have run over a family member of yours, Mega!


    • #3
      Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

      A tip-a-cal BMW owner:-



      • #4
        Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        Its called the 114d
        I no link as yet as i am alap top else where, but BMW are to offer the worthless (Worth a LOT less these days) a new model. The 114d has a miss-able little French 1.6 diesel engine (that dates back to the early 80's) with.......wait for it!........95 bhp! other words it can't pull the skin off a rice pudding!

        This is a face saving device for both BMW UK & their vile scum customer base, now it seems they can't afford a REAL BMW. The idea is that BMW will allow the SCUM to have the "Bragging rights" to say they got a new BMW....just be sure you don't order it with badge. This its self is a stop gap measure till its new Mini based front wheel drive car is ready & BMW are able to produce cars to sell to people who can't afford a...BMW (Real one anyway).

        Hopefully even with out a badge they should be easy to spot & as it is my duty as a compete & total Bastard i will be on them like an Israel F15 pilot on a Arab Mig 21 !

        Methinks they should purchase a 12 year old Bimmer with a six cylinder engine. :-)


        • #5
          Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

          Originally posted by Mega View Post
          Maybe the judge should give him a life sentence driving nothing faster than a 1-series Bimmer with a 95hp diesel engine?


          • #6
            Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

            Sadly (Snigger) they did.........just as petrol went to £1.40 a litre (& going to the moon once the £ crashes again). They will be driven (pun intended) to seek cheaper cars that will do BIG miles per

            A F*cking reheated VW Polo shooting brake that was intened for the 3rd World, now up trimmed a bit for the "Brave new World" of post western empire


            • #7
              Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

              Originally posted by Mega View Post
              in the US, the bmwcca (bmw car club of america) is one of the most active car clubs in the country, and has many events to teach car control in safe, fast and fun environments. here around chicagoland, being a member of the windy city chapter will mean driving events almost every weekend, including (as safe as they get) high performance driver's education events on various race tracks within a few hours drive.

              the person in the article hardly seems to be a typical bmw owner, but a typical meathead.


              • #8
                Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...



                • #9
                  Re: BMW react to the plight of their British clients...

                  Candidate for a Darwin Award 2012 nomination.


