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The Pyramid Crisis

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  • The Pyramid Crisis

    Has anyone else seen this? Any thoughts you wish to share? You can watch the video or read a transcript.

  • #2
    Re: The Pyramid Crisis

    have you got the link for the transcript?
    this seems to be following a wellworn script typically used by the sellers of one scam/gimmick/con after another:
    a voluminous/verbose 'setup' outlining 'the problem', the background of 'the experts', leading down to 'the close'
    kent moors and chris martenson are credible enough, but they all seem to be selling the doomsday scenario - not that its not believable or plausible - but 'the secret report' etc all point to the typical hardsell following a formula that i've observed for years

    call me skeptical, but would like to see the transcript, as it appears they have 'locked' the controls on the video so you cant skip thru to the end to see 'the punchline' aka 'the close' and precisely what they are selling and for how much = typical hardsell/scam presentation, IMHO.

    at the tone please deposit yer .02


    • #3
      Re: The Pyramid Crisis

      Here is the transcript.

      And yeah, I noticed a similar script popping up as well. So you have to take things with a grain of salt, but the research presented is generally pretty reasonable with this one. Also came to a similar conclusion about the inability to fast forward. They want you hooked so they can really drive home the sale.

      There are many changes that I think could happen to avert disaster, but with people being the way they are and the corruption present, it just seems like the worst scenario is the only likely one. Used to be optimistic like EJ when I thought people would act rationally, but like him, I've slid to the absolute doomer scale.
      Last edited by BadJuju; August 10, 2012, 01:23 PM.


      • #4
        Re: The Pyramid Crisis

        Originally posted by lektrode View Post
        this seems to be following a wellworn script typically used by the sellers of one scam/gimmick/con after another:

        pretty much that.

