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Sikh leader was a hero

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  • #46
    Re: Sikh leader was a hero

    My apologies JK. Obviously any mass murder for any reason is horrid and wrong.

    My comment was more oriented in trying to stop the MSM from labeling everyone and making this a racial case or a religious case etc instead of just focusing on the fact that one guy killed X number of people.


    • #47
      Re: Sikh leader was a hero

      This is the last thread in the world that should be hijacked by (at best) tangential topics. It's been a challenge to read thru and keep in mind that it started with a graceful tribute to basic human heroism.

      Shiny, congrats on your beyond-your-years wisdom to see a path for yourself that, especially 36 years ago, took real courage to take - as an ex-catholic from Oklahoma I can only imagine the grief you took. Stay strong.

      btw, Michigan is absolutely beautiful...


      • #48
        Re: Sikh leader was a hero

        I think this case is more about crazy people with character/personality disorders than anything else. These types seek out things on which to fixate and hate. This guy apparently focused on cultures foreign to his. He just as well might have fixated on Batman fans, or college students, or any other group recently massacred. The real point is we live in a free society and unfortunately, that makes it hard to stop these from happening in every case. Guys like this are from the fringe of society and I am cautious about reading too much else into it. You are never going to eliminate bigotry and hateful feelings among people unfortunately.


        • #49
          Re: Sikh leader was a hero

          Originally posted by flintlock View Post
          I think this case is more about crazy people with character/personality disorders than anything else. These types seek out things on which to fixate and hate. This guy apparently focused on cultures foreign to his. He just as well might have fixated on Batman fans, or college students, or any other group recently massacred. The real point is we live in a free society and unfortunately, that makes it hard to stop these from happening in every case. Guys like this are from the fringe of society and I am cautious about reading too much else into it. You are never going to eliminate bigotry and hateful feelings among people unfortunately.
          Some people actually love to hate. Sadly, I've listened to Alan Dershowitz whom I do respect even though I frequently disagree with him, say that hatred can be a good thing if used as a motivating force to stamp out evil. Hatred is never a good thing. It can feast upon one's soul and this guy apparently lived at a smorgasbord.
          He feasted and drank deeply of the darkness and eventually was consumed by it.

          May God have mercy upon all who fell victim to him.


          • #50
            Re: Sikh leader was a hero

            Originally posted by Raz View Post
            May God have mercy upon all who fell victim to him.
            him, too.


            • #51
              Re: Sikh leader was a hero

              Originally posted by Raz View Post
              Some people actually love to hate. Sadly, I've listened to Alan Dershowitz whom I do respect even though I frequently disagree with him, say that hatred can be a good thing if used as a motivating force to stamp out evil. Hatred is never a good thing. It can feast upon one's soul and this guy apparently lived at a smorgasbord.
              He feasted and drank deeply of the darkness and eventually was consumed by it.

              May God have mercy upon all who fell victim to him.
              Agree with you on this. Dershowitz doesn't seem to know the difference between hatred and anger. They're different things.

              Anger is a useful emotion, as long as it's controlled. Uncontrolled anger is rage. Anger is the emotion that tells us something is wrong and needs to be changed. In an unjust or untenable situation, anger is the emotion that makes us get up off our seats and do something to change the situation.

              Without a certain amount of healthy anger we run the risk of becoming doormats: The battered housewife who makes excuses for her abuser, or lives hooked on hope that things will magically get better. The oppressed people who put up with oppression and degradation because they don't want to give up their creature comforts, or fear taking risks. People can put up with an awful lot, until their anger finally forces them to a point of thinking, "This is an up with which I will no longer put."

              Hatred is only destructive. Once again I am struck by how gracefully the Sikhs in Wisconsin are handling their tragedy by refusing to give in to hatred.

              Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

