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House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

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  • #16
    Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

    Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
    so, give up? never question? always surrender?
    Stop giving them power & control by participating in there system.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


    • #17
      Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

      Originally posted by peakishmael View Post
      And here is the best explanation I could find of the underlying politics, i.e. why so many Dems voted No.


      • #18
        Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

        Originally posted by reggie View Post
        Stop giving them power & control by participating in there system.
        start by burning down their wizard castle and let the sunshine in.


        • #19
          Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

          Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
          start by burning down their wizard castle and let the sunshine in.
          or least give us a peak so we can see who madoff with all OUR money/futures/jobs/houses/lives/retirements etc
          ('healthcare' is really quite insignificant at this point)
          since the GD 'investment' banks should've ALL taken a major haircut on what went down in 2008-09
          and since it was CONgress who enabled ALL of it to occur, then its only FAIR that we get to see who gave us, thats We The People - who got The Shaft, while they all got the goldmine

          and call me 'partisan' and biased (even tho i AM NOT a member of any party) - but eye have yet to see ANY evidence that it wasnt the dems in CONgress, particularly the NY delegation and few accomplices from new england - along with the whitehouse in 2009-10 - while controlling ALL THREE BRANCHES of the .gov - that allowed their biggest CONtributors the prev 2 cycles to ride off into the sunset with all the loot - with GS getting 100cents on the dollar for BS counterparty risk contracts that AIG had no legal basis to even underwrite in the first place???

          and then we get barney - yeah THIS GUY -

          who sez its 'a plot by the gop to take away the dual mandate of the fed' ????

          and NOT merely continuation of The Coverup of The Biggest Crime Of The Millenium ?

          far as i'm concerned, those that say this is all 'partisan' or 'ideologically driven' ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!


          • #20
            Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

            Originally posted by peakishmael View Post
            And here is the best explanation I could find of the underlying politics, i.e. why so many Dems voted No.

            fascinating... THANKS peak!
            i'm a reasonable guy - and will admit that i dont know everything or even much about some of this stuff
            is why i'm here and willing to stick my neck out for answers (whats that they say about dumb questions?)
            but as i see it, there's LOTS of people just like me today and WE ARE BEING LIED TO (gasp!!!)
            and its now costing all of US plenty AND WE DONT LIKE IT.

            why i appreciate being corrected/informed/persuaded to look a bit further before (tho mostly after) i launch -
            hell, dcarrigg persuades me all the time (a compliment to him, in particular)

            i mean... it just keeps getting worse tho, the more/closer one looks at WHATS REALLY GOING ON in the beltway, the more it looks like we have met the enemy and it IS them - to paraphrase pogo - to even suggest that We The People have 'done this to ourselves by voting for them' all this time is to merely change the subject from: why do They do what They do, to WHY DOES THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA NOT REPORT MORE OF WHATS GOING ON (and i still say its because 'the media' or more precisely, the liberal editor/controllers of the content DONT WANT US TO KNOW - esp when it makes 'their team' look bad - else we'd have more scenes of what happens in CONgress like how we were 'treated' to/with scenes from the BP oil spill, that is: 24/7!!!

            and aside from stuff like this - we'd NEVER KNOW just what BS we're being spoonfed on a daily basis!
            (and is it any wonder why some in the administration suddenly decided that muzzling the blogosphere is a good idea?)
            which is all designed to have us believe that what the liberal/intellectual-complex is putting out is The Truth (that all we need is MORE GOV SPENDING sprinkling down like rain from the heavens and that'll fix everything)

            and the conservative's POV is all redneck hogwash - frankly i'm insulted by most of that and think most like me are as well, if for no other reason than i have seen The Truth about how our .gov should work and it sure looks a lot more like NH than CA ever will, is the only way that i know how to express it

            Originally posted by nakedcap/stoller
            Democratic members, were they left to their own devices, would be split. But on votes on bills like this, party leaders can choose to endorse a position, or not endorse a position. Some votes are what’s called “whipped”, and some aren’t. There’s an intricate system of whips and assistant whips and staff networks who encourage members to vote a certain way, so when the party takes a position on an issue, it has a big impact on the final vote count. This is a whipped vote, which means that this is one of those times where the Democratic leadership – Steny Hoyer, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi – are putting their stamp on an issue. They have come out firmly for Fed secrecy.
            lets see now.... queen nancy sure doesnt have anything to hide or keep secret here now, DOES SHE?

            esp not for the big banks, heavens NO!

            (not that her lil 'tells' or facial tics would even suggest that she was lying though her teeth, gawd! no....)
            but here's the problem - amongst many - i have with her and the rest of the beltway aristocracy's shenanigans -
            if she didnt have anything to hide, why did she avoid talking to 60 minutes?

            and never mind that, she's even picking on stepen colbert after he made a spoof with his colbert superpac

            so yeah, maybe there's alot of 'bi-partisan' support for the takeover of the beltway by the big moneyed interests, but when it comes to wall st's occupying the beltway?
            i still think its the dems/their 'leadership' that have given them the key to the city

            this exchange in particular suggests that we might just be not hearing the full truth and nothing but the truth:

            and i suspect even the rank n file dems in congress are coming to the same conclusion
            Last edited by lektrode; July 27, 2012, 09:12 PM.


            • #21
              Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

              I give tiny amounts of money to Senator Franken.

              I just emailed him and asked him to vote for the Sentae bill to audit the Fed and asked him to vote for cloture if it's blocked.

              My lousy couple hundred bucks of contribution buys zip, nada, zilch of influence, but I do what I can.


              • #22
                Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

                Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                start by burning down their wizard castle and let the sunshine in.
                History shows us that this approach never works, and is in fact a trap that justifies further oppression. Only way is to turn-away from the psychopaths so that humanity can organize itself based upon real liberty.
                Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                or least give us a peak so we can see who madoff with all OUR money/futures/jobs/houses/lives/retirements etc ('healthcare' is really quite insignificant at this point)
                They'll never give us the satisfaction of truth, whatever happens will simply be spun into new "Noble Lies". Isn't this what the latest from the Batman trilogy tell us? As far as healthcare is concerned, it is HUGELY significant, as it provides all of the instrumentation required to run a feedback-control system on every individual's level of "health". This is the ultimate solution to all of those who buy-in to the Club or Romes ongoing campaign of propaganda.
                The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                • #23
                  Re: House passes Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill

                  Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                  I give tiny amounts of money to Senator Franken.

                  I just emailed him and asked him to vote for the Sentae bill to audit the Fed and asked him to vote for cloture if it's blocked.

                  My lousy couple hundred bucks of contribution buys zip, nada, zilch of influence, but I do what I can.
                  Quite frankly, why would you support him, or ANY other politician ont he national stage where you have zero influence?

                  I can see supporting you local town race, or perhpas state level, but throwing money at a national candidate is like buying a lotto ticket -- the odds are against you from the start that it is a wise investment.

                  This year I will have supported exactly one candidate -- the republican candidate for state governor. I have met him personally, he has an impeccible record of achievement, and may be the most honest pol on the state stage. After 8 years of a disasterous spending democrat governor, I would vote for ANYONE who would dial back the spending. I do not see his challenger doing so, so he gets my support.

