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Defined Contribution Plans

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  • #16
    Re: Defined Contribution Plans

    Originally posted by jiimbergin View Post
    Health "insurance" as we know it is not really insurance. The expenses need to cover doctor visits and prescriptions etc. eat up too much of the premium.
    True insurance would only be true for catastrophic events. The normal everyday expenses would be covered by individuals themselves.


    • #17
      Re: Defined Contribution Plans

      Originally posted by jiimbergin View Post
      Health "insurance" as we know it is not really insurance. The expenses need to cover doctor visits and prescriptions etc. eat up too much of the premium. True insurance would only be true for catastrophic events. The normal everyday expenses would be covered by individuals themselves.
      this seems to be where things went haywire - the promise of HMO type plans was that one could prepay/flatrate access to a range of services (vs major med coverage) - somehow state mandates then caused 'insurance' plans to cover more and more things that arent 'catastophic' - leading to:
      gender identity therapy
      massage/chiro/accupuncture therapy (what better way to drive up auto-related claims costs)
      substance abuse
      routine maternity
      and the latest (boondoggle, minefield, ripoff)
      birth control
      (and dont forget viagra)

      most of this being lifestyle/choice-driven behavior is now MANDATED COVERAGE?


      • #18
        Re: Defined Contribution Plans

        Originally posted by jiimbergin
        True insurance would only be true for catastrophic events. The normal everyday expenses would be covered by individuals themselves.
        The problem is, the line at which 'catastrophic' occurs - at least economically - is increasingly lower under the vagaries of the present system.

        Catastrophic coverage doesn't solve the fundamental problems with health care in the US.


        • #19
          Re: Defined Contribution Plans

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          The problem is, the line at which 'catastrophic' occurs - at least economically - is increasingly lower under the vagaries of the present system.

          Catastrophic coverage doesn't solve the fundamental problems with health care in the US.
          right - mostly due to the (liberal) .gov mandates that force people to pay jacked-up premiums for things that are mostly lifestyle/choice-driven and then when one actually NEEDS something - like say a CTscan - one gets whacked with a $1500 'copay' (on top of the 500/mo premiums)???

          essentially being mugged by the provider - which then forces us to forego said treatment and risk a worse outcome

          so essentially the mandated coverage for lifestyle/choice-driven items then causes the price of routine services to reach into the 'catastrophic' - and stratospheric range
          Last edited by lektrode; June 22, 2012, 09:42 AM.


          • #20
            Re: Defined Contribution Plans

            My wife and I are in our mid-50’s. Since we started working, we and our employers have paid premiums = about 750,000 in 2005 dollars. We’ve received less than 50,000 in services. I’d be okay with that if it was going to guarantee us some assurance/insurance in the future. It’s not.

            The insurance industry is by far the biggest factor in driving up healthcare costs in the US.

            Socialized medicine would probably jump start the US economy more than anyone’s wildest dreams.


            • #21
              Re: Defined Contribution Plans

              Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
              My wife and I are in our mid-50’s. Since we started working, we and our employers have paid premiums = about 750,000 in 2005 dollars. We’ve received less than 50,000 in services. I’d be okay with that if it was going to guarantee us some assurance/insurance in the future. It’s not.

              The insurance industry is by far the biggest factor in driving up healthcare costs in the US.

              Socialized medicine would probably jump start the US economy more than anyone’s wildest dreams.
              Absolutely. The difference in cost between our system and all of the socialized systems is about $2,300 per capita per year. Not exactly chump change.


              • #22
                Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                But what about the poor cardiologists who'd have to sell their second home in the Caymans?
                It could cause a real estate recession there.


                • #23
                  Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                  Originally posted by Raz View Post
                  But what about the poor cardiologists who'd have to sell their second home in the Caymans?
                  It could cause a real estate recession there.
                  I will state up front that I'm biased. Depending a great deal on specialty, many doctors make a great living. However, considering the time, effort, and money invested in their training as well as the often undesirable work-life balance, I don't think they are overpaid. If any of the people who provide services to me in life deserve to have a second home in the Caymans, it's probably the person who is highly trained to keep me alive and feeling well. It's certainly a field where I want the best and brightest. If doctors don't deserve to be highly compensated, who does?


                  • #24
                    Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                    Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                    .... If doctors don't deserve to be highly compensated, who does?
                    you mean aside from their insurance agents?


                    • #25
                      Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                      More pandering to the I in FIRE will not help. Why do we even need them? They take a cut off the top of every transaction, causing doctors and hospitals to raise their rates.
                      That's exactly right. Medical personal make more in the US than in most countries. But their salaries as a ratio to per capita GDP are not super high (1.4). And there are not all that many doctors. Yet somehow we pay $2,300 per head more than the next big first world country. And still we don't live longer. How could that be?


                      • #26
                        Re: Defined Contribution Plans


                        With regard to DB vs DC retirement plans, I don't understand really what the root of your complaint is. There's lots of charts and figures but I don't see what they prove. For example, young people having less for retirement could be attributable to a dozen other reasons. Simply saying it's because of the transition from DC to DB plans doesn't make it true or prove the point. To simplify the issue:

                        Both plans take money that ultimately comes from the employer and puts it aside for retirement.
                        Both plans hope to earn interest on that money so that it can pay out more than is put in.
                        Both plans can be structured in a way that is generous to employees or not.
                        Both plans can potentially lose money or earn less than expected.

                        The best argument for DB plans might seem to be the issue of market volatility and timing. But there are problems here too. If the market is down but the plan continues to pay out the same does it recover from this? It now has an even smaller capital pool to earn interest on. Maybe the market comes back up in time to correct for it...or maybe not. If not then the plan will go bust and now instead of giving out level and fair amounts over time it simply screws the people last in line completely.

                        dspencer, I believe this may be a case where either the pure socialist model or the pure libertarian model (with transparent, easy-to-understand pricing and plans) will work better than the current hybrid model.
                        I agree to an extent. We are often getting the worst of both worlds. However, many of the problems we have are related to government policy: the completely insane tax treatment of company health benefits, the legislated protection of insurance companies, "non-profits" stockpiling billions of dollars, the countless issues with Medicare and Medicaid.

                        Why should the government now be trusted to take over the system completely?

                        And more philosophically: Why can't the US be the one decent place where we don't try socialism? There are other solutions, but in my experience people who want socialized healthcare are not interested in them. I think fundamentally the desire for a pension is much the same as the desire for government run healthcare: people don't want the responsiblity. They want the money and benefits to be guaranteed and provided by someone else and they don't care how it happens or whether it's even possible.

                        The middle class is getting screwed. They need to "take the power back". But they can't do that by simply demanding someone else to fix all their problems often with impossible solutions. They need to understand how and why they're getting screwed and fix the root of it. I'm not optimistic in the near term.


                        • #27
                          Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                          one other thing when a DB plan fails then the government (all of us) are on the hook throug the PBGC. Much of the reason companies went from DB to DC plans are because of ERISA which was passed in 1974. Now I happen to agree with much of what was in ERISA, but it still was a major reason that companies terminated DB plans and went to DC plans.


                          • #28
                            Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                            Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                            That's exactly right. Medical personal make more in the US than in most countries. But their salaries as a ratio to per capita GDP are not super high (1.4). And there are not all that many doctors. Yet somehow we pay $2,300 per head more than the next big first world country. And still we don't live longer. How could that be?

                            On October 15, 2006, it was announced that Dr. McGuire would step down immediately as chairman and director of UnitedHealth Group, and step down as CEO on December 1, 2006, due to his involvement in the employee stock options scandal. Simultaneously, it was announced that he would be replaced as CEO by Stephen Hemsley, who has served as President and COO and is a member of the board of directors.[23] McGuire's exit compensation from UnitedHealth, expected to be around $1.1 billion, would be the largest golden parachute in the history of corporate America.
                            Resigns due to backdating scandal, gets billion dollar golden parachute. But don't worry, the SEC made him pay back $461 million from his backdated options PLUS a....$7 million fine. So he just has to live on the scraps of his $1.1 billion parachute and whatever he saved of his ~60-120 million/year salary. Plus he can't be an officer of a public company until 2017 so we are safe for 5 more years! I'm sure that everything else he did while CEO was totally above board and the hundreds of millions of backdated stock options were just a one-time mistake that could happen to any honest person.

                            Also, another big part of the answer is right above: because 34% of the population is obese. You can't expect the best outcomes with the least healthy matter how much you spend.


                            • #29
                              Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                              Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                              With regard to DB vs DC retirement plans, I don't understand really what the root of your complaint is. There's lots of charts and figures but I don't see what they prove. For example, young people having less for retirement could be attributable to a dozen other reasons. Simply saying it's because of the transition from DC to DB plans doesn't make it true or prove the point. To simplify the issue:

                              Both plans take money that ultimately comes from the employer and puts it aside for retirement.
                              Both plans hope to earn interest on that money so that it can pay out more than is put in.
                              Both plans can be structured in a way that is generous to employees or not.
                              Both plans can potentially lose money or earn less than expected.
                              My observation is that people are getting shortchanged on the defined contribution (401K) versus defined benefit (pension) plans. If people were getting the same monetary benefit but with a shifted responsibility for managing the money, then total compensation for a given job should be noticeably higher at a company offering a 401K versus one that offers a pension. That does not appear to be the case.

                              The first problem with 401K plans is that many employees contribute nothing or too little to the programs. While I agree that this is the fault of the employee for not saving for this retirement, it is an unfortunate truth that many people will self-destruct left to their own devices. I suppose we could let the grasshoppers starve and freeze to death when winter comes but, unfortunately, many of these grasshoppers will riot and elect officials to provide them with bread and circuses. A pension is a hidden, compulsory savings program for every employee that ameliorates this potential dynamic.

                              Secondly, 401K plans are difficult for people to fund if they do not earn a reasonably high salary. Various market forces coupled with financial ignorance on the part of the employees seek to compel the employee to spend almost all of his income in the present. The money in a pension is untouchable until the employee reaches a certain age. Thus, the employee cannot piddle away his money on stupid frills before he is retired and, because the money is sequestered, cannot be extracted away through economic rents. That is, I believe some economic rents are actually lowered when money is sequestered and unusable for decades.

                              Thirdly, by offering a 401K instead of a pension, a company shifts the liability of a reasonable return to the employee and thus will not be as motivated to ensure that the investment options available to an employee are satisfactory. In companies that do not offer a self-directed 401K plan, a common complaint among more financially sophisticated employees is that all of the mutual fund investment choices available to the employee are poor and regularly underperform simple indices. What incentive does the company have to provide better investment options for its employees? In fact, I would not be surprised if a perverse dynamic existed where the company that offers only poor-performing investment options saves a fair amount of money since the company would act something similar to a feeder fund, pumping money from prudent employees hoping to save for their retirement into mutual funds that would otherwise be out of business without their captive customers. Perhaps this is the key point dcarrigg is making.

                              Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                              The best argument for DB plans might seem to be the issue of market volatility and timing. But there are problems here too. If the market is down but the plan continues to pay out the same does it recover from this? It now has an even smaller capital pool to earn interest on. Maybe the market comes back up in time to correct for it...or maybe not. If not then the plan will go bust and now instead of giving out level and fair amounts over time it simply screws the people last in line completely.
                              There are many reasons why many private pensions have gotten into trouble. Among them:
                              • False, overly-optimistic projections of return on capital often made so that companies do not have to contribute as much to the pensions
                              • Theft from pensions that are "over-funded" to boost corporate profits and management bonuses
                              • Incompetent money managers whose returns are based on beta, not alpha and end up getting massacred in the Federal Reserve-created asset bubble crashes.

                              The absolute worst of the above is the stealing from pensions that are "over-funded." It is precisely the fat from the over-funded condition of a pension that allows it to weather lean years such as these. I think it's reasonable to say that the markets will not be horrible forever. During the lean years, a pension can draw down on its over-funded condition while continuing to invest for the day when the markets recover. Companies can also reduce benefit accruals or make larger plan contributions during particularly lean times to further ensure that the plan does not go bust during a recession or depression.

                              Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                              And more philosophically: Why can't the US be the one decent place where we don't try socialism? There are other solutions, but in my experience people who want socialized healthcare are not interested in them. I think fundamentally the desire for a pension is much the same as the desire for government run healthcare: people don't want the responsiblity. They want the money and benefits to be guaranteed and provided by someone else and they don't care how it happens or whether it's even possible.
                              At least with retirement plans, regardless of whether people want the responsibility of providing for their retirement, many are not capable of managing that responsibility. It seems rather harsh to feed these people to the wolves and pension plans are a good way of providing for these people. Furthermore, I disagree that providing benefits is potentially impossible if we allow that the baseline does not have to be a gold-plated pension benefit.
                              Last edited by Milton Kuo; June 23, 2012, 07:36 AM. Reason: Grammar corrections


                              • #30
                                Re: Defined Contribution Plans

                                Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                                Resigns due to backdating scandal, gets billion dollar golden parachute. But don't worry, the SEC made him pay back $461 million from his backdated options PLUS a....$7 million fine. So he just has to live on the scraps of his $1.1 billion parachute and whatever he saved of his ~60-120 million/year salary. Plus he can't be an officer of a public company until 2017 so we are safe for 5 more years! I'm sure that everything else he did while CEO was totally above board and the hundreds of millions of backdated stock options were just a one-time mistake that could happen to any honest person.

                                Also, another big part of the answer is right above: because 34% of the population is obese. You can't expect the best outcomes with the least healthy matter how much you spend.

                                International statistics comparing countries have lots of problems. I have mentioned many times the extreme problem with life expectancy. Like life expectancy, infant mortality rate comparisons also leave a lot to be desired. Definintions very greatly by country. No country has as many low weight births as the US. This is not simply because our mothers have poorer health, but because we will try to deliver extremely low weight babies that other countries simply won't try to do. Here is a large article discussing all the problems.


                                Influence of definition based versus pragmatic birth registration on international comparisons of perinatal and infant mortality: population based retrospective study

                                BMJ2012;344doi: 10.1136/bmj.e746(Published 17 February 2012)Cite this as:BMJ2012;344:e746

                                • K S Joseph, professor12,
                                • Shiliang Liu, research scientist3,
                                • Jocelyn Rouleau, data manager3,
                                • Sarka Lisonkova, postdoctoral fellow1,
                                • Jennifer A Hutcheon, postdoctoral fellow1,
                                • Reg Sauve, professor4,
                                • Alexander C Allen, professor5,
                                • Michael S Kramer, professor6
                                • for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System
                                Author Affiliations
                                • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 3N1
                                • 2School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
                                • 3Maternal and Infant Health Section, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0K9
                                • 4Departments of Pediatrics and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 2T9
                                • 5Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4N1
                                • 6Departments of Pediatrics and of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3H 1P3
                                • Correspondence to: K S Joseph, Room E419B, Shaughnessy Building, Children’s and Women’s Hospital of British Columbia, 4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 3N1
                                • Accepted 25 November 2011


                                Objectives To examine variations in the registration of extremely low birthweight and early gestation births and to assess their effect on perinatal and infant mortality rankings of industrialised countries.
                                Design Retrospective population based study.
                                Setting Australia, Canada, European countries, and the United States for 2004; Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for 2007.
                                Population National data on live births and on fetal, neonatal, and infant deaths.
                                Main outcome measures Reported proportions of live births with birth weight/gestational age of less than 500 g, less than 1000 g, less than 24 weeks, and less than 28 weeks; crude rates of fetal, neonatal, and infant mortality; mortality rates calculated after exclusion of births under 500 g, under 1000 g, less than 24 weeks, and less than 28 weeks.
                                Results The proportion of live births under 500 g varied widely from less than 1 per 10 000 live births in Belgium and Ireland to 10.8 per 10 000 live births in Canada and 16.9 in the United States. Neonatal deaths under 500 g, as a proportion of all neonatal deaths, also ranged from less than 1% in countries such as Luxembourg and Malta to 29.6% in Canada and 31.1% in the United States. Rankings of countries based on crude fetal, neonatal, and infant mortality rates differed substantially from rankings based on rates calculated after exclusion of births with a birth weight of less than 1000 g or a gestational age of less than 28 weeks.
                                Conclusions International differences in reported rates of extremely low birthweight and very early gestation births probably reflect variations in registration of births and compromise the validity of international rankings of perinatal and infant mortality.


                                Several institutions, such as the United Nations Children’s Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), provide international rankings of countries based on perinatal, infant, or child mortality.1 2 3 4 This annual updating of the health of children worldwide receives considerable attention in the lay press and medical journals, and frequently serves as the basis for political rhetoric, especially in industrialised countries.5 6 7 8 The subject is particularly pertinent in Canada and the United States; Canada placed 14th among about 35 OECD nations in 1960, ranked sixth in 1990, and began a steep descent to its current position of 25th place in 2008.2 The United States ranked 13th in 1960 and 22nd in 1990 and is currently in 31st place among OECD countries.2
                                Although the intent of such international comparisons is to spur improvements in children’s health globally, the validity of the rankings is questionable. Wide variations in birth registration procedures, even among industrialised countries, mean that comparisons of crude infant mortality may reward countries with a pragmatic approach to birth registration (that is, those which register only infants who survive or have a reasonable chance of survival). The medical literature documents wide variation in the registration of live births and stillbirths, especially with respect to births at the borderline of viability (for example, those with a birth weight of less than 500 g).9 10 11 12 The World Health Organization recommends that international comparisons of infant mortality should be restricted to live births with a birth weight of at least 1000 g.13 The classification of deaths as neonatal deaths versus stillbirths and birth registration practices related to infants with lethal congenital anomalies (including the registration of live births that occasionally follow prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy for congenital anomalies) are other potential sources of variation.11 14 15
                                We carried out a study to assess the validity of ranking industrialised countries on the basis of perinatal and infant mortality rates. We focused on comparisons of neonatal mortality, as neonatal deaths constitute a substantial proportion of infant and child deaths and detailed information on neonatal deaths is widely available.


                                Our international comparisons used data for 2004, which were available from Australia, Canada, countries in Europe, and the United States. We also made comparisons using data for 2007 from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
                                Data for Canada came from the vital registration files of Statistics Canada and the hospital admission files of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. These data included information on all stillbirths, live births, neonatal deaths (0-27 days after birth), and infant deaths (0-364 days after birth) in Canada in 2004 from Statistics Canada files and all hospital live births, stillbirths, and infant deaths during the birth admission in the fiscal year 2007-8 from the discharge abstract database of the Canadian Institute for Health Information.15 For study purposes, we excluded births from the province of Ontario from Statistics Canada data because of concerns about quality,15 and hospital admission data did not include information from the province of Quebec.
                                Data for Australia (stillbirths in 2004 and neonatal deaths in 2007) and New Zealand (2007) came from published annual reports which provided the birth weight and gestational age of births and deaths.16 17 Data for countries in Europe for 2004 came from the European Perinatal Health Report and other publications.18 19 20 The European Perinatal Health Report contained data on live births, stillbirths, neonatal deaths, and infant deaths for all European countries; in this study, we included only countries with complete birthweight specific (or gestational age specific) information on births and deaths.
                                Information on live births, stillbirths, neonatal deaths, and infant deaths in the United States came from the period infant mortality files of the National Center for Health Statistics for 2004. Information in these files was collated from birth and death certificates. For gestational age specific comparisons of neonatal mortality rates, we used the clinical estimate of gestation, as this is more reliable and corresponds more closely with estimates of gestational age from other countries.21 22 23 Stillbirths were identified in accordance with the definition of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (as fetal deaths with a gestational age at birth of 20 weeks or greater).24
                                We calculated the reported proportion of live births and the reported proportion of neonatal deaths at the lower end of the range of birth weight and gestational age in each country (that is, those with a birth weight under 500 g or under 1000 g or a gestational age of less than 24 weeks or less than 28 weeks). We assessed the validity of using neonatal mortality rates for ranking countries’ performance by examining ranks based on crude neonatal mortality rates and ranks based on neonatal mortality rates calculated after exclusion of live births with a known birth weight under 1000 g (or a known gestational age of less than 28 weeks). Our primary analysis focused on mortality rates calculated after exclusion of live births under 1000 g (rather than rates calculated after exclusion of live births at less than 28 weeks) because of international variations in the modalities used to measure gestational age (menstrual based dating, early ultrasound dating, first trimester ultrasound dating, paediatric examination, and so on).
                                We also assessed international variation in crude infant mortality and stillbirth rates and contrasted this with variation in infant mortality and stillbirth rates calculated after exclusion of births under 1000 g birth weight (or less than 28 weeks’ gestation). Mortality calculations that excluded births under 1000 g birth weight (or less than 28 weeks’ gestation) retained births with missing birth weight (or gestational age). Finally, we calculated mortality rate ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values to assess the magnitude and statistical significance of observed differences. For these comparisons, we used the United States as the reference category for neonatal mortality, Canada for infant mortality, and Australia for fetal mortality. We used EpiInfo and SAS version 9.2 for analyses.


                                The reported proportion of live births with a birth weight of less than 500 g varied widely by country in 2004. Rates were less than 1 per 10 000 live births in countries such as Belgium, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, and the Slovak Republic; 6.1 in England and Wales and Hungary; 10.8 in Canada; and 16.9 per 10 000 live births in the United States (table 1). The proportion of live births at less than 24 weeks’ gestation also varied substantially by country: 0.0 per 10 000 live births in Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, and Portugal; 7.1 in the Netherlands; 16.3 in Canada; and 26.2 per 10 000 live births in the United States (web appendix table A). Neonatal deaths under 500 g (expressed as a proportion of all neonatal deaths) ranged from less than 1% in Luxembourg and Malta to 16.7% in Northern Ireland, 29.6% in Canada, and 31.1% in the United States (table 1). We saw similar variations in live births under 1000 g and less than 28 weeks and in the proportion of neonatal deaths under 1000 g, at less than 24 weeks, and at less than 28 weeks (table 1 and web appendix table A). Figure 1 shows the relation between the reported proportion of live births under 500 g birth weight and crude neonatal mortality rates, and web appendix figure A shows the association between the reported proportion of live births at less than 24 weeks’ gestation and crude neonatal mortality rates.
                                View this table:

                                Table 1  Reported numbers of live births and neonatal deaths by country and rates of live birth under 500 g, live birth under 1000 g, neonatal death under 500 g, neonatal death under 1000 g, and crude neonatal mortality, 2004

                                View larger version:

                                Fig 1 Association between reported proportion of live births under 500 g birth weight and crude neonatal mortality rates in 25 industrialised countries

                                Table 2 contrasts crude neonatal mortality rates and neonatal mortality rates calculated after exclusion of live births under 1000 g in 25 countries in 2004. When crude neonatal mortality rates were used for ranking, Canada was placed 18th and the United States ranked 22nd. When neonatal mortality rates were calculated after exclusion of live births under 1000 g, Canadian and US ranks improved substantially to 12th and 11th place. Of the 10 countries that ranked ahead of the United States in neonatal mortality excluding live births under 1000 g, only two countries (the Czech Republic and Germany) had rates that were significantly lower (P<0.05). Similarly, only one of the 11 countries that ranked ahead of Canada (the Czech Republic) had a significantly lower rate of neonatal mortality after exclusion of live births 1000 g, and only six of the 16 countries that ranked ahead of England and Wales had significantly lower rates (table 2). Figure 2 shows the contrast in the between country pattern in crude neonatal mortality and neonatal mortality excluding live births under 1000 g. Similar results were obtained in rankings of neonatal mortality rates calculated after exclusion of live births at less than 28 weeks’ gestation (web appendix table B).
                                View this table:

                                Table 2  Crude neonatal mortality rates, neonatal mortality rates excluding live births under 1000 g birth weight, ranks, and comparative rate ratios by country, 2004 (with United States as reference)

                                View larger version:

                                Fig 2 Differences in pattern of crude neonatal mortality rates and neonatal mortality rates excluding live births under 1000 g in 25 industrialised countries

                                Canada ranked 12th and the United States ranked 16th in crude infant mortality rates among 18 countries, whereas the two countries ranked sixth and 12th according to infant mortality rates calculated after excluding live births under 1000 g. Of the five countries ranking ahead of Canada according to the second index, only the Czech Republic had a significantly lower rate (P<0.05, table 3).
                                View this table:

                                Table 3  Crude infant mortality rates, infant mortality rates excluding live births <1000 g birth weight, ranks, and comparative rate ratios by country, 2004 (with Canada as reference)

                                Table 4 shows crude and birthweight specific stillbirth rates in 28 countries in 2004. Comparisons based on crude stillbirth rates placed the United States in 23rd position, Canada in 27th place, and Australia last (28th). Ranks were substantially altered in comparisons of stillbirth rates calculated after excluding those with a birth weight under 1000 g: Australia ranked 11th, Canada ranked 12th, and the United States was placed 17th. The corrected stillbirth rate in Australia was 58% lower than the crude rate, and only six countries had significantly lower fetal mortality rates than Australia (P<0.05). On the other hand, the crude stillbirth rate in Sweden declined by 5% after the correction and Sweden’s rank fell from third to 10th (table 4).
                                View this table:

                                Table 4  Crude fetal mortality rates, fetal mortality rates excluding births <1000 g birth weight, ranks, and comparative rate ratios by country, 2004 (with Australia as reference)

                                Analyses comparing neonatal mortality rates in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand in 2007 showed similar patterns. The proportion of live births at very low birth weight or extremely preterm gestation varied significantly, and the ranks of the three countries depended on whether comparisons were made using crude neonatal mortality rates or neonatal mortality rates calculated after exclusion of very low birth weight or very early gestation live births.


                                Our study shows substantial international variation in reported rates of live birth at the low end of the range of birth weight and gestational age. The proportion of neonatal deaths at these birth weights and gestational ages varied substantially as well. These differences led to substantial changes in the rankings of countries based on neonatal mortality, depending on whether the index for comparison was the crude neonatal mortality rate or a rate corrected for potential variations in birth registration at very low birth weight or very early gestation.
                                International differences in birth registration

                                The World Health Organization’s International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems has long defined a live birth as any product of conception that shows signs of life at birth, with no consideration for birthweight or gestational age criteria.13 Although this definition remains unchallenged, countries have widely varying regulations for registration of birth that range from definition based to pragmatic. For instance, birth registration is required for all live births that satisfy the WHO’s definition of live birth in Canada, England and Wales, and the United States,15 25 whereas countries such as the Czech Republic, France, and the Netherlands specify limits based on some combination of gestational age (for example, at least 22 weeks), birth weight (for example, at least 500 g), or survival (for example, any live birth irrespective of birth weight that survives the first 24 hours after birth) (web appendix table C).18 26 27 Procedural differences due to longstanding traditions, social attitudes, and local incentives (including financial remuneration of healthcare providers) also probably dictate whether an infant at the borderline of viability is registered. Birth registration requirements for stillbirths also vary widely; countries such as the United States define stillbirths as fetal deaths delivered at or after 20 weeks’ gestation,24 whereas Canada (at least 20 weeks’ gestation or at least 500 g birth weight),15 England and Wales (at least 24 weeks’ gestation), and Sweden (at least 28 weeks’ gestation) have different criteria.18 Although observed differences in the proportion of live births and stillbirths at extremely low birth weight and very early gestation may reflect true between country differences, our study suggests they are more likely to be the result of the variation in birth registration practices.

                                Implications for policy

                                Our study examined the effect of variation in birth registration on international rankings of fetal, neonatal, and infant mortality. Such studies cannot provide valid international rankings of countries in terms of health or healthcare services.28 Although variation in the registration of extremely small babies and statistical variation may be corrected through appropriate analysis, other factors such as potential variation in true rates of extremely preterm birth and differences in the modality of ascertainment of gestational age cannot easily be resolved. Furthermore, any serious attempt at judging performance would have to account for potentially variable registration with regard to births affected by lethal congenital anomalies (including those born after prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy)11 15 and differential labelling of stillbirths versus live births.13 The question of prenatal diagnosis is particularly relevant, as even in countries such as Canada with a definition based birth registration system, regional variations have been noted in the registration of such births.15 At the international level, little consensus exists on whether products of pregnancy termination require birth registration, even if they meet the definition of stillbirth or live birth. In short, birth registration policies have diverse effects (including, for instance, with regard to monitoring progress towards the millennium development goals29), and forging a broad international consensus with regard to birth registration procedures may be worthwhile.

                                Study limitations

                                Our study has some limitations, including the use of data from national vital statistics or hospital admission databases that are not completely accurate. This problem is mitigated to some extent by our focus on birth weight (as opposed to gestational age). Other limitations of the study include use of published tabular data, which in some instances constrained the comparisons that could be made. Another limitation relates to the calculation of birthweight specific mortality rates, as some births and deaths had missing birth weights. We excluded only births and deaths with a birth weight known to be less than 1000 g and included births and deaths with missing birth weight in the mortality rates calculated. We chose this conservative approach to avoid “rewarding” countries with larger numbers of births with missing birth weight. Finally, our analysis involved multiple comparisons, as this is necessarily inherent in any ranking of countries. The direction of the bias introduced by multiple hypothesis testing should be noted, however. For instance, the spread of rank for the United States between crude neonatal mortality (22nd) and neonatal mortality excluding live births under 1000 g (only two countries had significantly lower rates) would have been even larger if we had adjusted our P values for multiple hypothesis testing. Similarly, adjusting for multiple hypothesis testing would have resulted in fewer than six countries having a significantly lower neonatal mortality rate excluding live births under 1000 g than England and Wales and no country having a significantly lower rate than Canada.


                                In summary, we observed large international differences in the reported proportion of live births under 500 g and under 1000 g birth weight and in neonatal deaths in these birthweight categories. International comparisons based on crude fetal, neonatal, and infant mortality rates yielded results that differed from comparisons that excluded extremely low birthweight and early gestation births, especially those at the borderline of viability. Variations in the registration of births at the borderline of viability and related problems compromise the validity of international rankings of industrialised countries by perinatal and infant mortality.
                                What is already known on this topic

                                • International rankings of countries based on perinatal, infant, or child mortality are a cause of debate and political rhetoric in industrialised countries

                                What this study adds

                                • Substantial differences exist in reported rates of extremely low birth weight and very early gestation births in industrialised countries
                                • Such differences probably reflect arbitrary differences in birth registration, which compromise the validity of international rankings based on perinatal, infant, or child mortality


                                Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e746


                                • We are grateful to the vital statistics registrars of the provinces and territories and to Statistics Canada for access to the Canadian vital statistics data, the Canadian Institute for Health Information for access to the hospital admission data for Canada, and the National Center for Health Statistics for access to the perinatal mortality files of the United States. Contributing members of the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group include Sharon Bartholomew (Public Health Agency of Canada), Juan Andrés Leon (Public Health Agency of Canada), Russell Kirby (University of South Florida), and Prakesh Shah (University of Toronto).
                                • Contributors: Questions related to international comparisons of fetal and infant mortality have been previously discussed by the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. KSJ proposed the study. SLiu, JR, and SLisonkova did the data analysis. KSJ drafted the manuscript. KSJ, SLiu, JR, SLisonkova, JAH, RS, ACA, and MSK reviewed the preliminary analyses and initial draft of the manuscript and provided critical comments. All the authors and the study group reviewed the final version of the manuscript. KSJ is the guarantor.
                                • Funding: The study received no funding. KSJ’s work is supported by the Child and Family Research Institute and the Peter Lougheed Research Allowance of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PLS56343), SLisonkova is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. JAH is supported by postdoctoral fellowship awards from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
                                • Competing interests: All authors have completed the Unified Competing Interest form at (available on request from the corresponding author) and declare: no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; and no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
                                • Ethical approval: Not required, as data are publicly available.
                                • Data sharing: No additional data available.

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