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Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

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  • Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

    We were told at this point we see MEGA money printing etc.............i don't see anything!
    Lots of headlines & noise but WHAT COLLASPE?
    No "Mad Max" (unless you count Max Keiser).............where is the collaspe???????


  • #2
    Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

    We need some sort of a trigger and an official policy change.
    Massive money creation backed by debt has a hard time producing inflation if TPTB don't really intent it.
    And the current money printing by the BOE is aimed at financial assets, so pay attention to them ^^


    • #3
      Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

      US household wealth dropped by 40% over the last few years, and taking into account inflation, I think that is about a 50% drop, and it is not over yet.
      That is pretty catastrophic. However, it is on paper, so psychological for now.

      These crashes usually seem to take much longer to come to a boil, as when you watch a pot. Sorta like you wonder how someone can drive home drunk every weekend for 20 years... until one day...

      Spain 10 year has exceeded 7%, which is usually the inflection point, no? Italy is not far behind.
      We may get fireworks shortly.


      • #4
        Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        We were told at this point we see MEGA money printing etc.............i don't see anything!
        Lots of headlines & noise but WHAT COLLASPE?
        No "Mad Max" (unless you count Max Keiser).............where is the collaspe???????

        Right now the pain it's plain is mainly in Spain


        • #5
          Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

          By the way, Mega, I have my 46 inch 3D TV and recorder all fired up for the Olympics.
          The money has all been spent, so I hope you can enjoy it a little at least... I know you hate it.
          The wedding was very nice, and the Jubilee, too!


          • #6
            Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

            Public is still too strong, physically & mentallly. Wait for Obama's healthcare inititave to be in full effect, as they first need full control over public health; life v death decisions, in order to develop a new [suppressed] normal. I'd say that's about 10yrs out, probably more.
            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


            • #7
              Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

              Where is The Collapse"? I guess it all depends on how you look at it. If you take the attitude that "as long as I wasn't on the airplane that crashed it wasn't a disaster" I could understand the question. For those who have lost jobs permanently, homes, and the general stress of seeing your income cut by a half to two thirds "the collapse" is alive and well. What did you expect? People running around with the hair on fire?

              The Financial virus eating the world economy is alive and well and progressing nicely. If there were a credible rebirth narrative we could call this a massive correction but there is none that I can see so decline is happening. All I see is Central banks printing money directly into equity markets to support an illusion and justifying the lack of a true correction and the perpetual rollovers of debt trying to extend the moment of reconciliation farther into the future. Doesn't sound like a viable productive model to me. Perhaps we should define collapse. The economy is dead. Long live the economy.


              • #8
                Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

                Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
                Where is The Collapse"? I guess it all depends on how you look at it. If you take the attitude that "as long as I wasn't on the airplane that crashed it wasn't a disaster" I could understand the question. For those who have lost jobs permanently, homes, and the general stress of seeing your income cut by a half to two thirds "the collapse" is alive and well. What did you expect? People running around with the hair on fire?

                The Financial virus eating the world economy is alive and well and progressing nicely. If there were a credible rebirth narrative we could call this a massive correction but there is none that I can see so decline is happening. All I see is Central banks printing money directly into equity markets to support an illusion and justifying the lack of a true correction and the perpetual rollovers of debt trying to extend the moment of reconciliation farther into the future. Doesn't sound like a viable productive model to me. Perhaps we should define collapse. The economy is dead. Long live the economy.
                Yes indeed. This is exactly what has happened - and is continuing to happen. Plus one more niggling little matter...

                The fraudulent, criminal low-lifes who caused this (Mozillo, Blankfein, Corzine, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera - the list goes on and on) and the incompetent pseudo-frauds (Rubin, Paulson, Greenspan, Summers, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera) have NEVER been called to account.


                • #9
                  Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

                  Originally posted by Raz View Post
                  Yes indeed. This is exactly what has happened - and is continuing to happen. Plus one more niggling little matter...

                  The fraudulent, criminal low-lifes who caused this (Mozillo, Blankfein, Corzine, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera - the list goes on and on) and the incompetent pseudo-frauds (Rubin, Paulson, Greenspan, Summers, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera) have NEVER been called to account.
                  Denninger has a ( kind of creepy) piece today where he says the economy has already collapsed and it is being kept alive be transfusions of cash. As I recall, he wrote a piece in which he said that people never returned to the dotcom stocks because the worldcom et. al. fraudsters where never punished. This continued unpunished financial fraud is keeping people out of the markets.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?



                    • #11
                      Re: Ok, so wheres the collaspe?

                      Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post

                      "We just didn't want to put up with it any more," says Karen Potyk. She and her husband sold the last of their stock holdings on May 20, moving the money to bonds, certificates of deposit and bond-like annuities.

                      Small investors' faith in stocks, which surged in the 1990s, has collapsed since the technology-stock debacle and the Enron and WorldCom scandals of 2000-2002. The 2007-2009 financial crisis only made things worse. Now, the pullback among ordinary investors means they are a declining force in a market that is increasingly dominated by professionals.

