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What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

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  • What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

    Getting people in the 3RD World to STAY in the 3RD World........They should tell the West to F*ck off!

    Mind you i see this sort of thing coming to Blighty........Ha Ha Ha.....Tell them its "Green"

  • #2
    Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    Mind you i see this sort of thing coming to Blighty........Ha Ha Ha.....Tell them its "Green"
    10x10 Housing Initiative, Cape Town, South Africa
    Community members pack sandbags between the vertical Ecobeams of their 10x10 home to be

    this does look interesting tho - esp if one lives in an area where the bulk, and i do mean BULK of the material is free or cheap - esp if the LABOR = 'dirt cheap' could be a great way to build, esp in the deserts - would think the cost to heat and cool this baby would be attractive too - again in a desert setting, where it gets hot in the day and cold at night, due to the mass of the sandbags changing temp very slowly


    • #3
      Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

      Pigeons live better under baked-clay roof tiles in California. Reference: to the green bridge planning in Milwaukee, Wis, picture 13/13. To conserve rural farmland and open space; to conserve energy and lower CO2 emission; help to prevent global warming; and help to stop automobile use.

      Towards an Urban Renaissance---to identify ways of creating urban areas in direct response to people's needs
      by the Great Britain Urban Task Force and Richard George Rogers,
      328 pages

      Ref. page 64: "There is a strong case for promoting 'pyramids of intensification' in urban areas."

      And do remember: "Your Sierra Club membership this summer costs only $15, and you too can help promote solar power."
      Last edited by Starving Steve; June 01, 2012, 02:50 PM. Reason: Why you should give your middle-finger to your city's Planning Department


      • #4
        Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

        Yes, i recall all the "Planned housing" of the 1960's & 70's..........we still trying to get shut of the F*cking eyesores!!!!
        However "Some" did quite well out of it.........


        • #5
          Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..


          • #6
            Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

            Yes, I caught them in Winnipeg forcing people to live on 25 front-foot lots or 30 front-foot lots so that money could be passed from developers onto members of the City Council. I seached the land transfers, to find-out how land could be transformed from rural agriculture value around Winnipeg to the most outrageously over-valued high-density city planning in North America. It is/was so outrageous in that Revenue Canada led me onto the places around the city where the profiteering was happening. Their quiet man esconsed in the Assessment Dept. of the City of Winnipeg pointed his finger on the spots on the assessment maps to investigate.... He never said one word to me; he would just point his finger firmly upon a parcel hidden on one of the assessment maps and then quietly go about his other matters of investigation for the federal govn't.

            Being an official moron, I organized people in the provincial govn't of Manitoba ( Ed Schreyer's NDP govn't at that time ) to help me piece together the land transfer searches. We studied the pay-offs to the City Council.

            We worked with old Joe Zucken --- the last elected communist in North America--- to piece together the money flows. We worked all over his living-room floor on weekends in Winnipeg until we got the story put together, piece-by-piece. One of the companies we seached was JRD Developments. ( Yes, we were quite busy on Joe's floor, and the provincial govn't was quite busy during the weekdays searching the land-transfer documents and doing the holding-company membership searches so that we would be busy trouble-makers on weekends.

            Sometimes on weekends, Joe's wife would have warm bagels waiting for us, right out of her oven. Those are now my finest memories of living in Winnipeg.

            As an official moron and trouble-maker, I published the story in City Magazine. The title of the article was, "Wheeling and Dealing in Winnipeg Land".

            The Winnipeg Free Press also published the findings, and the city was rocked with newspaper exposes for days. It was all on the front-page of the Wpg Free Press. After the stories hit the fan in Winnipeg, the city planning director, Roy Darke, had my desk moved to the basement to be with the furnace and hot water-pipes at 100 Main Street. I was on his ship-list.

            Imagine, in a province like Manitoba where outside of Winnipeg you can look out onto the horizon and not see one thing, not one house, not even one light at night for twenty miles in all directions, and the city development ( the subdivisions ) within Winnipeg are packed tight with development density like the land was in New York City or San Francisco or for London, England.

            This is why you kids to-day need to flip their finger at city planners, green planners, sustainable-development planners, or whatever they call themselves.... Just walk out of their courses. Just get up out of your seats in auditoriums in your high schools or city halls, or wherever you confront them and tell them, "What B.S. they are broadcasting!"

            And concerning the bull-ship about CO2 and so-called "global warming", I sat with Dr. Mario Giovinetto in his office in the Geography Dept. at UC Berkeley, and we found no evidence what-so-ever of global warming happening. Mario drilled ice-core samples of the ice cap throughout Antarctica. He showed me his core sample collection. Mario found no evidence of any climate change in Antarctica, at least for the 10,000 years since the Pleistocene...... Again, someone with some balls needs to stand-up and flip their middle-finger publicly and loudly at the members of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Keep Lake Tahoe Blue, and all of the other arrogant "green" planners and environmental bunches now on university campuses.....

            Otherwise, all of us are going to be living like pigeons under that bridge in Milwaukee, per photo 13/13 above.
            Last edited by Starving Steve; June 01, 2012, 10:33 PM.


            • #7
              Re: What happens when you allow Neo-Lib SCUM to control you lives..

              110% Agreed Steve.

