Re: Raoul Paul-The End
The crisis is real. The ways by which the crisis is being addressed - that is the scam.
The $700 trillion in derivatives is a symptom of a broken system. The example I would use is margin debt in the 1920s. Margin debt in and of itself, in any reasonable (low) quantity, is perfectly fine. However, margin debt which had grown to such an extent that something like 25% of all the money in the world was flowing into New York to be lent out at margin - coupled with a gigantic stock bubble - that is another story.
The derivatives we're seeing are the corporate, more specifically the FIRE equivalent of margin debt. Instead of being used to try and lend some stability to more obscure segments of finance, derivatives are being used to pump up all sorts of ridiculous trades in order to propagate the most basic of scams: borrow short/lend long.
This common thread extends from the 'rogue' traders' all the way up to AIG style institutional fraud, and it extends because there is a likely deliberate institutional blind spot - I say deliberate because the results are Worldcom-esque financial performance at the corporate level coupled with Ponzi-like performance at the individual level.
Debt itself isn't an issue. The real purpose of economic policy is quite simple: to keep people working. Fiat is useful because in times of financial distress, you can 'create' money which is deployed to keep people working. This work in turn eventually ends the period of financial stress.
The problem right now is that for the past 3+ decades, debt has been accumulated in order to enrich the few. If anything, work has gone down.
And rather than seek modes by which people can return to work and make a living, and thus eventually end the crisis, the political response has been to push for austerity which in turn pushes even more people out of work.
Thus the crisis is real, and was created by abuse of fiat and corruption of economic policy as well as FIRE abuses period.
Equally so the 'solutions' being bandied about are false, and represent the effort by those who have benefited most from the ramp up into the crisis to keep as much of their ill gotten gains as is possible.
Originally posted by Dave Stratman
Originally posted by Dave Stratman
The derivatives we're seeing are the corporate, more specifically the FIRE equivalent of margin debt. Instead of being used to try and lend some stability to more obscure segments of finance, derivatives are being used to pump up all sorts of ridiculous trades in order to propagate the most basic of scams: borrow short/lend long.
This common thread extends from the 'rogue' traders' all the way up to AIG style institutional fraud, and it extends because there is a likely deliberate institutional blind spot - I say deliberate because the results are Worldcom-esque financial performance at the corporate level coupled with Ponzi-like performance at the individual level.
Originally posted by Dave Stratman
The problem right now is that for the past 3+ decades, debt has been accumulated in order to enrich the few. If anything, work has gone down.
And rather than seek modes by which people can return to work and make a living, and thus eventually end the crisis, the political response has been to push for austerity which in turn pushes even more people out of work.
Thus the crisis is real, and was created by abuse of fiat and corruption of economic policy as well as FIRE abuses period.
Equally so the 'solutions' being bandied about are false, and represent the effort by those who have benefited most from the ramp up into the crisis to keep as much of their ill gotten gains as is possible.