Re: Collapse or Indefinite Serfdom?
This is "framing theory" of the mechanized mind at work in society (what intel guys call "wiring"). Differently framed [mechanized] minds can't actually see or necessarily understand "realities" outside of their own frames of reference. This is a biological phenomenom that occurs over time as the neural networks develop within a given individual's brain. Those patterns of networks create realities that can be identified, and filter out other realities. Hence, our difference are cultivated and maintained, but the process can be reversed (what intel calls "rewiring" or "rewired") Some authors that discuss these issues are Dan Goleman on creation of realities within the brain, Berger and Luckmann on the creation of social realities, Dupuy on the Mechanization of the Mind, and Joseph LeDoux on the brain ("Synaptic Self").
Originally posted by photon555
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