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18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

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  • 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

    A Turkish judicial panel has unanimously approved demands for a sentence of combined 18,000 years behind bars for IDF ex-chief of staff and other officials responsible for the murders of activists on the Mavi Marmara cruise ship in 2010.


    Continued here.

  • #2
    Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

    Eighteen-thousand prison years and for what? -- to keep this hatred over this stupid piece of land going for longer?

    Both sides in this dispute are repulsive. Both sides are just filled with hatred that never ends. And this dispute will never end until both sides break-their-necks and discover how ridiculous this dispute has been.

    Maybe it's time that Israelis and Palestinians re-invent their religions and re-invent themselves. And it's about time the rest of the world--- the non-religious, secular, scientific, modern and civilized world--- told both sides in this so-called, Holy Land to f-off.

    Maybe for once, the rest of the world might demand a compromise and a peace in this horrid area. Maybe for once the rest of the world might stop listening to, respecting and dignifying the demands coming from the hoodlum-nations in the Middle-East....A confrontation between the rest of the world and the nations of the Middle-East held at the UN would be the right event to stage now, and to stage this event on television before a world audience.

    The best plan for the rest of the world would be to stop all travel in this region. Another measure the civilized world could take would be to stop buying oil from this region. The rest of the world could develop atomic energy, natural-gas energy, its coal and its hydro-electricity. And it really has come to this point, because enough-is-enough with the Middle-East.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; May 29, 2012, 10:14 PM. Reason: 18K yr sentences & the M.E. wants peace?


    • #3
      Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Both sides are just filled with hatred that never ends. And this dispute will never end until both sides break-their-necks and discover how ridiculous this dispute has been.
      It's not a ridiculous dispute. It is a struggle for control of land and resources between two competing peoples. That is the essence of the social aspect of human existence and of many species of animals and plants. It won't go away because pretty words are said. It will go away when one of the two peoples definitively eliminates the competition from the other.


      • #4
        Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

        Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
        It's not a ridiculous dispute. It is a struggle for control of land and resources between two competing peoples. That is the essence of the social aspect of human existence and of many species of animals and plants. It won't go away because pretty words are said. It will go away when one of the two peoples definitively eliminates the competition from the other.
        Minnesota Mark:

        I could not disagree with you more. Before 1948, the Holy Land was two nations, Palestine and Israel, both co-incident, one on top of the other. Both nations shared the same coins, the same stamps, the same roads, both Arabic and Hebrew as languages, both the same historic sights, the same bible stories, the same God; just about the same everything..... So my proposal is to go back to the way things were, before these states became independent of each other.

        Everyday here in central California, we are basically Baja California and California combined, one on top of the other. We share two languages, Spanish and English. We share the Catholic religion with pure atheism. We share the same streets. We share the same government. We share the same money. What we share is freedom and tolerance.

        I read and write Spanish, fluently and because that was a requirement at UC Berkeley, California's state university. The people around me read and write English because that was a practical necessity to function and to make a living here. All of the signs on the roads and streets are in both English and Spanish. All of the government documents including U.S. federal govn't documents, Social Security and Medicare documents, whatever, are in Spanish and English. That's how we live as civilized Californians and as civilized Americans... And we should expect no less of the people of the so-called, Holy Land.

        Just a short bicycle ride from me is Mission San Juan Bautista.... Does it matter that I am athiest or that my grandparents were Jewish? It is of no consequence whatsoever, nor should it ever be. And Mission San Juan, a relic from the 18th C, is part of our neighbourhood. And that is it; there is nothing to debate. That is central California.

        And one more point, Minnesota Mark, may I remind you that Minnesota is also an international state. Every hour of the day and night, ocean vessels from all over the world dock at Duluth-Superior. Tolerance, multi-culturalism and internationalism is also very much a necessity to live and to make a living in Minnesota, The people of Minnesota come from all over the world, especially Scandinavia and Russia... For many years I worked as a city planner in Duluth, and I noticed the tolerance and multi-culturalism and internationalism of the Lake Superior coast immediately upon moving there.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; May 30, 2012, 12:39 PM.


        • #5
          Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

          These Bloody weak Neo- lib judges.....


          • #6
            Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

            Dear Minnesota Mark:

            Another city which I found very similar to Duluth with its internationalism, its mult-lingualism, and its multi-culturalism was Winnipeg. I worked as a city planner for Winnipeg in the 1970s. This is the city where I exposed the land deals that drove-up land costs and drove-up neighbourhood lot densities, and made housing impossible to afford.

            Winnipeg is the city where the planning director became so upset with my expose of land deals and land speculation that he moved my desk from the second floor of 100 Main Street down to the depths of the furnace room in the building's basement. It was there that I became good friends with the building's furnace and its community of water pipes.

            Anyway, like Duluth, people come (came) from all over the world, especially from Eastern Europe. Many languages are spoken in Winnipeg, including Russian, Ukrainian, German, Polish, and English. Like Duluth-Superior, the people of Winnipeg have an international perspective on the world, and many of Winnipeg's people lived through World War II and experienced the fight against Hitlerism.

            Other particularly international cities/places in North America are in Hawaii, also San Francisco-Oakland, Detroit-Winsor, Toronto, and Montreal, the Province of Newfoundland and the Province of Quebec in Canada, also the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the United States. Saskatchewan in Canada is noticeably multi-cultural as well. Nunavit (the old Labrador and the eastern Arctic in Canada) is multi-cultural, of course. The Commonwealth of Somoa in the US is multi-cultural and multi-lingual (Japanese-English) too.

            But in the many places that I have lived and worked, I have found that multi-culturalism, multi-lingualism, and internationalism does work. It is not theory; it works in the real day-to-day world because there is no other way to live and to make-a-living together.

            Hence, I have no sympathy nor tolerance for the religious bigots and hoodlums in the Middle-East. The world should not tolerate their behaviour and their attitude for one minute..... The UN should be doing its job now: to expel those nations/peoples from the UN that are making a comprehensive peace impossible now in the Middle-East. Good candidates for immediate expulsion from the UN: the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Iranians, among a few others.
            Last edited by Starving Steve; May 30, 2012, 10:17 PM. Reason: 18,000 prison-years is a peace in the Middle-East?


            • #7
              Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

              It would be nice if we could all take on a pollyanna approach and say "Can't we all just be friends?" - that would be ideal. Unfortunately, there is too much at stake for all parties. Land, oil, religion, belief, solidarity, and everything that makes up each person is at stake - and thus nothing will end anytime soon.

              Multiculturalism is great when it works. It can be a very horrible experience too (think slavery). I only wish the attitudes could be abolished as well. Unfortunately, there are still a select few (or many) who still have the same beliefs that other cultures are inferior or superior - both being completely wrong. Starving Steve, you might remember your ex-wife's family in Duluth? Stanley? He hates black people. WRONG. The USA seems to believe that they are superior on the world stage. WRONG. When everybody just stops and realizes that every person is EQUAL and NOBODY IS SUPERIOR or inferior, there might be a chance at peace.

              For now? Everyone is still strongly tied to their beliefs, land, oil, religion, etc etc..... and there is little hope for peace.
              Last edited by cityqat; June 01, 2012, 03:15 PM.


              • #8
                Re: 18,000 years in jail: Turkish court charges Israeli officers

                uh oh.... uhhh... mr steve?

                it would appear yer being tailed....

