Lets pick our way though this "enlightened bulsh1t" & cut to the chase. What you are seening here are the "Want-2-bee-BMW-owners-club". Instead of studying something useful like:-
Computer science
These F*ckers took the soft option & did "Media Studies" Or "Art History"........Oh the "Master plan" was Oh So simple:-
1. Take a soft option
2. Copy class work via the internet
3. Get "der-gee"
4. Get into some comfy semi-goverment job, you know one were you can't get sacked
5. Get the Goverment (other peoples Taxes) to fund your employment with bigger & BIGGER Wage/Pension every year.
6. Get a sub from said job to pay for your lease-hire BMW.
Then, suddenly.........it all went Tits up!
Goverment started SACKING people, suddenly that "der-gee" is in a subject of toilet paper grade & the only BMW contact is going be when you wash then for other people.....
"Am as Mad as Hell & am NOT going to take it any more.."
F*ck you sonny, you gambled & lost......welcome to the grown up World.
Your Faithfully