Buffet has just bought a SHED full of papers/Mags & said that the time of the "Free online news" is coming to end. I thought deeply about this...........As News Crop has found if you eract a pay-wall around your site people will simply say...."F*ck you" & read the news elsewhere.
The Alarming thing for the elites is people have started reading REAL news, not the "pop" dumbed down drivel they produce for the "Sheep". We seen the suscess of Russia Today & others....Free REAL news must be a concern for them............
I think we are 18 months away from a clamp down on all non-elite media.
The Alarming thing for the elites is people have started reading REAL news, not the "pop" dumbed down drivel they produce for the "Sheep". We seen the suscess of Russia Today & others....Free REAL news must be a concern for them............
I think we are 18 months away from a clamp down on all non-elite media.