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Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

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  • Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

    BTW He is NOT American, his wife sez he is from Kenya !!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

    1.) Pres. Obama is 100% American, no matter what the Repukes from the South would like to think.

    2.) It's about time the U.S. and the other developed nations drew upon their strategic oil reserves to pay-down their national debts, no matter what the eco-frauds would think about it.

    3.) America has endless oil still untapped under the Gulf of Mexico; America has endless oil just waiting offshore of Southern California; America has endless oil offshore of the Aleutian Islands and also in the Bering Sea; America has oil locked in oil shale waiting in western North Dakota and Montana; America has oil waiting in southern Colorado; America has endless oil locked in oil shale in Wyoming; there is still oil in the southern San Joaquin Valley and in the Kern River drainage into the southern San Joaquin Valley in California; the entire East Coast of America offshore has yet to be explored for oil; there is oil in southern Saskatchewan just asking to be pumped; there is oil in the Hibernia discovery off of Newfoundland still to be pumped; the Beaufort Sea offshore of Alaska and the Yukon has not been pumped; the waters offshore of Florida in all directions have not even been explored for oil; and there is crude oil floating onto the beaches of central and northern California, so why haven't oil wells been drilled offshore? There is oil in British Columbia. There is oil in the Peace River District of British Columbia still untapped. The waters offshore of northern BC have not even been explored for oil. Alberta has oil in its Peace River District, not all tapped. Manitoba has oil in its south-west corner. There is oil in central Saskatchewan yet to be developed. There is oil under the Florida Straits north of Cuba, still to be tapped. There is oil apparently south of the Great Lakes in the eastern US. Since there is oil apparently south of the Great Lakes, might I ask, "Is there oil to be discovered in south-western Ontario?" ( Just thought I would ask. ) There is also oil in the Davis Strait off of Greenland, so why aren't we drilling that oil and pumping it? ( The more I think about this petroleum geography, the madder I get. )

    And these eco-frauds and their liars in government would tell you that we do not have any more oil!

    And if there is this much oil yet to be developed and pumped here in North America, there must be an equal amount under Europe, or am I wrong?

    4.) I am outraged because WE ARE DROWNING IN OIL. There is no reason why there should be a Great Recession now.

    5.) The best Presidents the United States ever had may very well be the Presidents who started to ask questions about why things were done the way they were and why the nation had to be suffering deep in a Great Depression. Apparently, the best Presidents the U.S. ever had were Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Barack Obama.

    6.) Would someone have the courage to make a copy of this post and present it to your classes in school. Tack it onto their door when they walk in........ Might someone have the courage to ask your teacher or professor where on this planet Earth is there no oil to be drilled, except maybe under the granite of the world's continental shields?

    7.) Apparently, all life on Earth decays ( is broken-down by bacteria ) into oil. We never knew this before, but this important discovery implies that there is oil everywhere on this planet that we can drill for, so long as we do not break our drill-bits doing so....... Therefore, why aren't we drilling for oil everywhere?

    8.) And in addition to endless oil reservoirs, we have mountains of coal, pools of high-pressure natural-gas, rivers almost everywhere that can be dammed for hydro-electric power, and we have atomic power that can supply us with infinite energy, everywhere on this planet.

    9.) If you kids are going to have an economic future ahead of you, each one of you should right now be taking this post and getting up in front of your classmates and drawing-the-line right now against the so-called, "ecology movement", and their Green Party (especially in Europe), also against the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and all of the rest of these groups that have together thrown the world into this depression and robbed you of a future.

    10.) Right now, the best course for America, Canada, Europe, the UK and the rest of the developed world to follow would be to explore, drill, pump and dump as much oil as possible onto the world oil market. The oil revenues from this new approach would pay for and close the world's monetary deficits, de-flate our currencies, deflate our economies, and put a god-awful end to this Great Recession.

    11.) The best President the U.S. has had in decades is President Barack Obama because he is now questioning the ridiculous oil and energy policy the nation has been suffering under, and the ridiculous oil/energy development policy that has placed America into this terrible Great Recession and into our worldwide decline.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; May 18, 2012, 10:00 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      1.) .... (raw insult to both deleted)

      2.) It's about time the U.S. and the other developed nations drew upon their strategic oil reserves ....

      3.) America has endless oil still untapped....
      uhh... mr steve?
      lets just think about this, #2 in particular - for a second, huh?

      didnt we hear the same propagada at nearly the same time LAST YEAR? (like... just as the herd starts to plan their summer vacations, we hear something that seems to drive down oil prices):

      and RIGHT ON SCHEDULE, the same BS happens???:

      my records show gas prices peaked in may sometime (2011) and dropped about 10% over the next few months, only to climb again starting in late august (coming to the end of the summer driving season, or: "lets nail em at labor day to make up for what we missed in july") - dont spose they're screwin with us, do ya?

      shur - "book those travel/drive plans now folks, see - gas prices are dropping - dont fergit who to vote for in november"

      best BS story eye've seen since "we've fixed the banking system" and "fixed healthcare"

      just more "hot air" if ya asks me:

      but i'm with you on the untapped oil - i'd bet there's more in n. america they havent even found yet , than has been extracted, in total, since it was claimed in pennsylvania in the 1870's that it would be 'all gone soon'....

      but i for one, DONT want the strategic reserve to be drawn-on, simply to score POLITICAL POINTS, while it will have NO LONGTERM EFFECT on avg annual oil prices - that reserve is there in case something unexpected happens

      funny he can use that option but wont slap export controls on the huge quantities of finished gasoline that are being shipped out of the country??? (the REAL reason retail prices are as high as they are, otherwise we'd be swimming in the stuff)
      Last edited by lektrode; May 18, 2012, 09:21 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

        It's one thing to keep a large oil reserve available just in case another hoodlum nation ( or bunch of nations ) in the Middle-East try to make trouble again for us, including another 9/11 episode...... But it's quite another thing to place a large oil reserve aside in order to pee-away money and precious time on ridiculous projects in solar energy, in windmill insanity, tidal, wishful thinking about electric cars, and ethanol insanity.

        Electric cars that use more energy than gasoline cars; solar energy projects that drive peak-hour electric rates in Las Vegas to 57cents per kwh ( fifty-seven cents per kilowatt-hour right now ) courtesy of Nevada Power Company; windmills that don't turn in calm weather; tidal that doesn't work during periods of slack-tide twice per day, and ethanol that caused fuel economy in cars to drop by 50% wherever it was tried in recent years; geo-thermal that works only in Hawaii or in Yellowstone National Park, wherever there are geysers or volcanoes, but no-where else.........

        Lektrode: I am sick of it! I am sick of hearing and reading the outright lies from the green energy bunch.........

        And if you kids want an economic future that amounts to something more than picking-up crushed cans and old pennies from the street, you had better get up in your classrooms and raise hell! This Great Recession was caused by the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Green Party in Europe, the Union of Concerned Scientists (who aren't even degree-holding scientists ), the new Energy Department in Washington, the EPA in Washington, and the idiots (pseudo-climatologists) at the University of East Anglia in the UK.

        There were individuals that helped to cause this Great Recession too, but for now it may be better not to name the names.... Unfortunately, some were the old Democrats in power in Washington in the 1980s and the 1990s.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; May 18, 2012, 11:47 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

          Originally posted by lektrode View Post
          uhh... mr steve?
          lets just think about this, #2 in particular - for a second, huh?

          didnt we hear the same propagada at nearly the same time LAST YEAR? (like... just as the herd starts to plan their summer vacations, we hear something that seems to drive down oil prices):

          and RIGHT ON SCHEDULE, the same BS happens???:

          my records show gas prices peaked in may sometime (2011) and dropped about 10% over the next few months, only to climb again starting in late august (coming to the end of the summer driving season, or: "lets nail em at labor day to make up for what we missed in july") - dont spose they're screwin with us, do ya?

          shur - "book those travel/drive plans now folks, see - gas prices are dropping - dont fergit who to vote for in november"

          best BS story eye've seen since "we've fixed the banking system" and "fixed healthcare"

          just more "hot air" if ya asks me:

          but i'm with you on the untapped oil - i'd bet there's more in n. america they havent even found yet , than has been extracted, in total, since it was claimed in pennsylvania in the 1870's that it would be 'all gone soon'....

          but i for one, DONT want the strategic reserve to be drawn-on, simply to score POLITICAL POINTS, while it will have NO LONGTERM EFFECT on avg annual oil prices - that reserve is there in case something unexpected happens

          funny he can use that option but wont slap export controls on the huge quantities of finished gasoline that are being shipped out of the country??? (the REAL reason retail prices are as high as they are, otherwise we'd be swimming in the stuff)
          The funny thing is that if the CFTC regulations go through simultaneously with the Europe/NA strategic oil dump drive Obama's promoting, we may well get gas for $1.00 per gallon less by election time. It'll go up 30 cents right after that. But the timing is hugely convenient. The CFTC ignores Dodd-Frank for years, and gets on board just for election time? Welcome to the real world.


          • #6
            Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

            Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
            10.) Right now, the best course for America, Canada, Europe, the UK and the rest of the developed world to follow would be to explore, drill, pump and dump as much oil as possible onto the world oil market. The oil revenues from this new approach would pay for and close the world's monetary deficits, de-flate our currencies, deflate our economies, and put a god-awful end to this Great Recession.

            11.) The best President the U.S. has had in decades is President Barack Obama because he is now questioning the ridiculous oil and energy policy the nation has been suffering under, and the ridiculous oil/energy development policy that has placed America into this terrible Great Recession and into our worldwide decline.
            well.... eye just noticed you add some to the orig yest, and....

            well.... 1 outa 2 aint bad...

            if obumma was half as good as his cheerleaders (never mind his 'advisors') were deluding themselves into believing, he might've done something about JOB CREATION in 2009 - instead we got a healthcare 'overhaul' (read: an abortion of a dead on arrival trillion dollar giveaway to the health ins and drug mob), then another trillion dollar toilet-flush called the 'stimulous' plan that "saved or created" WHAT, precisely? (sides allow the states/municipalities to kick the can down the road for one more year), another trillion dollar giveaway to the bankster class - i get a kick out reading about the "$15 billion profit" that AIG (and their apologists inside the beltway and the nyfed) has been crowing about - a profit? - they're apparantly not counting the interest on the trillions that have just been pissed away during all this - NEVER MIND THE MILLIONS OF US WHO WILL NEVER WORK AGAIN, THE MILLIONS OF US WHO HAVE LOST EVERYTHING and are now one unemployment check away from the street - along with the hundreds of billions that ARENT available to actually create a few jobs? (that somehow wound back up on the balance sheets of TBTF, while We The People get to pay for their bonuses, as well as the interest on all that debt???)

            'profit from AIG' ????

            WHAT BULLSH1t....

            that said mr steve - even tho it appears sometimes that you and i are on different planets, i still agree with most of what you said here... BUT his plan for the short term dump of oil from the reserve is BLATANT POLITICAL PROPAGANDA and NOT an 'energy strategy' nor a plan to do a GD thing but get his butt re-elected

            and THEN there's ZIRP
            dr bernankenstein has pushed his string into the corner, which has helped NOBODY but TBTF Inc and is now SCREWING THE REST OF US (out of our savings, pensions, any hope for 'retirement' - not that i have anything to worry about on the 2nd 2) - and what do we get from the best liberal brains on which more trillions have been blown on?

            MORE SPENDING (with no plan on WHAT, precisely)?

            insanity is too timid of a term.
            Last edited by lektrode; May 19, 2012, 04:27 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              It's one thing to keep a large oil reserve available just in case another hoodlum nation ( or bunch of nations ) in the Middle-East try to make trouble again for us, including another 9/11 episode...... But it's quite another thing to place a large oil reserve aside in order to pee-away money and precious time on ridiculous projects in solar energy, in windmill insanity, tidal, wishful thinking about electric cars, and ethanol insanity.

              .... I am sick of it! I am sick of hearing and reading the outright lies from the green energy bunch.........

              There were individuals that helped to cause this Great Recession too, but for now it may be better not to name the names.... Unfortunately, some were the old Democrats in power in Washington in the 1980s and the 1990s.
              yeah them 'inconvenient truths' can be a might embarrassin...

              but i'm with ya on most of this mr steve
              sheer insanity being passed off as "energy policy"
              vs using immediately the one ace in the hole we do have - that we paid hundreds of hundreds of billions to develop, own all the technology to build-out, own all the raw material that would keep us in electricity too cheap to meter
              and we cant do it... because... some are afraid of it?
              trillions of dollars for endless wars over oil and they are more concerned with - what?

              gender indentity politics and 'free' birth control....


              • #8
                Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

                it's only propaganda when the other guy believes in what you don't believe in.

                what you believe in is pure as the driven snow...


                • #9
                  Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

                  Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                  it's only propaganda when the other guy believes in what you don't believe in.

                  what you believe in is pure as the driven snow...

                  well OBVIOUSLY


                  • #10
                    Re: Barry...Sorry Obama is to "Pump & Dump" Oil..

                    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                    .... The CFTC ignores Dodd-Frank for years, and gets on board just for election time? Welcome to the real world.
                    the only question now is: when does the fed jump aboard, or, rather: jump back aboard, as the case certainly is...
                    (the 'consensus' seems to be june will be the last chance, so it wont 'appear politically motivated')

