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How the US Press Lost Its Way

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  • How the US Press Lost Its Way

    Exclusive: People often wonder what happened to the American press after it distinguished itself in the 1970s by exposing the Pentagon Papers and Watergate. How did the U.S. news media lose its way over the past four decades, a question addressed by Robert Parry at a conference on information and secrecy.
    By Robert Parry

    Editor’s Note:
    From May 10 to May 12, journalist Robert Parry participated in a conference entitled, “From the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks: A Transatlantic Conversation on the Public’s Right to Know,” sponsored by the Heidelberg Center for American Studies in Heidelberg, Germany.

    The conference consisted of media figures, legal scholars and freedom-of-information advocates – and included Neil Sheehan, the New York Times correspondent who got the Pentagon Papers from Daniel Ellsberg, and Barry Sussman, the Washington Post editor who oversaw the newspaper’s coverage of the Watergate scandal.
    Daniel Ellsberg on the cover of Time after leaking the Pentagon Papers

    Parry spoke on the last day and offered the following observations:

    Much of this conference has focused on the glory days of American journalism in the 1970s. And rightly so. My talk, however, will deal with the more depressing question of why things then went so terribly wrong.

    First, let me say it’s been an honor to be at this conference, especially with Neil Sheehan and Barry Sussman, who played such important roles exposing serious crimes of state in the early to mid-1970s. That was a time when U.S. journalism perhaps was at its best, far from perfect, but doing what the Founders had in mind when they afforded special protections to the American press.

    In the 1970s, besides the Pentagon Papers and Watergate, there were other important press disclosures, like the My Lai massacre story and the CIA abuses — from Iran to Guatemala, from Cuba to Chile. For people around the world, American journalism was the gold standard.

    Granted, that was never the full picture. There were shortcomings even in the 1970s. You also could argue that the U.S. news media’s performance then was exceptional mostly in contrast to its failures during the Cold War, when reporters tended to be stenographers to power, going along to get along, including early in the Vietnam War.

    Even the much-admired Walter Cronkite flacked for the early U.S. bombing raids over Vietnam. But the press of the Seventies seemed to have learned lessons from its earlier gullibility. And, with Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974, it could be said that America’s checks and balances were alive and well. In newsrooms around Washington, there was reason to be proud.

    More broadly, the United States had reason to be proud. The American constitutional Republic had shown its capacity for self-correction. Not only had brave individuals done their jobs as professionals – both in media and in government – but the nation’s institutions had worked.

    The press, the Congress, the courts along with an informed public had demanded and gotten accountability and reform. Not only were Nixon and many of his henchmen gone but Congress enacted legal changes designed to prevent the excessive influence of political donors, to open up government secrets to public scrutiny, to protect whistleblowers.

    Again, things weren’t perfect and the nation faced many challenges in the 1970s, but one could say that democracy had been strengthened. As painful as the process was, the system had worked.

    However, the success of democracy, this victory of the rule of law, was fragile. The struggle between dishonest pols and honest reporters – between an engaged people and behind-the-scenes powerbrokers – was far from over. Indeed, a new battle was just beginning.

    After Nixon’s resignation, his embittered allies didn’t simply run up the white flag. They got to work ensuring that they would never experience “another Watergate.” And it wasn’t just a struggle that pitted the press against the pols.

    You could say that much of the U.S. Establishment had been unnerved by the surge of democracy that had arisen to challenge longstanding traditions and injustices — the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the environmental movement, the anti-war movement. There also were cultural upheavals, with the hippies and the drug culture. It was an unsettling time for the rich white men who held most of the levers of power.

    And these folks were not about to cede power easily. They made adjustments, yes; they gave some ground. But many were determined to fight back and some had experience in defusing and dismantling social movements around the world. Indeed, the CIA’s decades of political and media manipulation in the Third World and even Europe gave Nixon’s allies a playbook for how to neutralize opponents and steer a population here at home.

    So, they set out to do just that. America, which had often targeted other countries for manipulation, was about to get a taste of the same medicine. It may seem odd to explain what has happened over the past three-plus decades as the result of a well-orchestrated intelligence operation. But step back for a moment and take the name United States out of the equation. Think of it as “Nation X” or as, say, Chile in the 1970s.

    Think how the CIA would target a country with the goal of shoring up a wealthy oligarchy. The Agency might begin by taking over influential media outlets or starting its own. It would identify useful friends and isolate troublesome enemies.
    It would organize pro-oligarchy political groups. It would finance agit-prop specialists skilled at undermining and discrediting perceived enemies. If the project were successful, you would expect the oligarchy to consolidate its power, to get laws written in its favor. And eventually the winners would take a larger share of the nation’s wealth.

    And what we saw in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the United States was something like the behavior of an embattled oligarchy. Nixon’s embittered allies and the Right behaved as if they were following a CIA script. They built fronts; they took over and opened new media outlets; they spread propaganda; they discredited people who got in the way; ultimately, they consolidated power; they changed laws in their favor; and – over the course of several decades – they made themselves even richer, indeed a lot richer, and that, in turn, has translated into even more power.

    Getting Things Started

    One key early figure in this operation was Nixon’s Treasury Secretary Bill Simon, a Wall Street investment banker who also ran the Olin Foundation. Simon used that perch to begin lining up right-wing foundations and getting them to pool their money. The likes of Richard Mellon Scaife and the Koch Brothers began investing in right-wing media, in right-wing think tanks, and in right-wing attack groups. Some of these attack groups were set up to go after troublesome reporters.

    Ironically, given our comparison of this effort to CIA covert operations interfering in foreign countries, this time money flowed in from foreign sources to help fund propaganda inside the United States. The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a South Korean cult leader who fancies himself the Messiah, invested tens of millions of dollars of his mysterious money in right-wing political and media organizations, including the Washington Times. Australian Rupert Murdoch showed up with millions more to buy up news media properties and give them a right-wing bent.

    American neocons also emerged in this time frame. They became the intellectual shock troops for the Right’s counteroffensive. They also focused much of their attention on the media. In the late 1970s, for instance, neocon Marty Peretz took over the formerly liberal New Republic and turned it into the incubator that gave us right-wing columnists like Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes.

    Arriving in DC

    I had arrived in Washington in 1977, as a correspondent for the Associated Press. So I saw the end of that brief golden era of journalism. Jimmy Carter was president at the time. His administration was itself a reaction to the lies of the Vietnam War and Watergate. One of Carter’s campaign promises was never to lie to the American people. I recall AP ‘s White House correspondent, Michael Putzel, taking it on as a personal challenge to catch Carter in at least one lie. It sounds almost quaint today.
    Then, came Ronald Reagan. He was the perfect pitchman for this pushback, the ideal front man for rallying average Americans to betray their own interests. A former movie star, Reagan could sell you anything, even Chesterfield cigarettes. He also could sell nostalgia for a mythical better day, a time before all those jarring social changes of the 1960s and all those national humiliations of the 1970s.

    After defeating Jimmy Carter in 1980, Reagan brought with him a gifted team of P.R. and ad men. And, partly through the connection of Reagan’s Vice President (and former CIA director) George H.W. Bush, Reagan’s team also hooked up with CIA professionals, experts in the dark arts of political and media manipulation. The CIA’s Old Boys had suffered their own pain in the 1970s. Many got fired and their proud agency became the butt of national jokes.

    Reagan also put one of Richard Nixon’s most cynical and unscrupulous allies, Bill Casey, in charge of CIA. Casey was a former intelligence officer from the OSS in World War II. He obsessed over the importance of deception and propaganda, what he viewed as key elements in defeating the Nazis and later containing the Communists. Casey understood that he who controlled the flow of information had a decisive advantage in any conflict.

    Coordinated Assault

    So, what we saw in the early to mid-1980s was an assault on the two key sources of information in Official Washington. One was inside the CIA itself, the analytical division. These fiercely independent CIA analysts had been a thorn in the side of the war machine for some time.

    As Neil Sheehan (who wrote the Pentagon Papers stories for the New York Times) recalled in his keynote speech to the conference, it was a CIA analyst, Sam Adams, who had leaked evidence that the Vietnam War was unwinnable.

    In the early 1980s, other CIA analysts were seeing signs that the Soviet Union was in rapid decline. But that was not the answer the Reagan administration wanted, since its policy centered around scaring the American people about the Soviet menace and financing a massive U.S. military buildup to counter Moscow’s supposed bid for worldwide conquest.

    Reagan also wanted to assist right-wing dictatorships in Central America as they put down uprisings by peasants, students, even priests and nuns. Fear of an ever-expanding Soviet Union was to be the key motivator to separate the American people from their money and their common sense. They had to believe that a dangerous bear was on the loose and on the prowl in Central America.

    In other words, the CIA analysts had to be brought into line. Rather than talk about the Soviet Union in decline and eager for accommodation with the West, the analysts had to get cracking, exaggerating the Soviet threat. And Casey had just the guy to do it, an ambitious, well-regarded young bureaucrat named Robert Gates.

    Casey put Gates in charge of the analytical division and soon his reorganization of the directorate had sent some key analysts out to pasture and brought in a new more flexible cadre of careerists. They agreed that the Soviets were indeed 10 feet tall, the source of all evil in the world, and plotting to attack the U.S. through the soft underbelly of Texas.

    The Troublesome Press Corps

    But the problem wasn’t just getting control of the information inside the U.S. government. It also was to get control of the unruly Washington press corps. Casey had a hand in this, too. He moved one of his most experienced disinformation specialists, Walter Raymond Jr., from the CIA to the National Security Council.

    The reason for Raymond’s shift was that the CIA was legally barred from influencing U.S. policy and politics. But the thinking was that if you externalized Raymond to the NSC then he wasn’t technically in the CIA. Casey used a similar subterfuge when he ran the contra war in Nicaragua through NSC official Oliver North — after Congress had banned the CIA and the Pentagon from giving the contras military support.

    At the NSC, Raymond was put in charge of a special interagency task force for coordinating what was called “public diplomacy,” or how to sell U.S. policies around the world. But the office had a more secret and more sensitive domestic function. It was targeting members of Congress and the U.S. press corps – and through them, the American people.

    Secret government documents that later emerged in the Iran-Contra scandal revealed that Raymond’s team worked aggressively and systematically to lobby news executives and turn them against their reporters when the reporters dug up information that clashed with Reagan’s propaganda, especially in hot spots like Central America. [For details, see Robert Parry’s Lost History.]

    Sometimes the techniques were crude. For instance, a favorite tactic to discredit women reporters in Central America was to start whispering campaigns about them sleeping with Sandinistas. Other troublesome journalists were simply labeled “liberal,” a curse word in that period.

    You might want to believe that the news executives stood up for their reporters. But that usually was not what happened.

    The smear techniques proved remarkably successful, in part, because many of the news executives were already inclined to support Reagan’s muscular foreign policy and his resistance to the popular movements that had rocked America in the 1960s and 1970s, opening doors to minorities and women and lessening bigotry against gays.

    Many senior editors shared a Cold War point-of-view and were unnerved by those political and cultural changes. At the AP, where I was, general manager Keith Fuller made no secret of his admiration for Reagan in having rescued America from the supposedly shameful days of the 1960s and 1970s. In one speech, Fuller talked about those days ripping at the “sinews” of American authority and saying that Americans wanted to get back to “the union of Adam and Eve,” not “the union of Adam and Bruce.”

    Perception Management

    Privately, the Reagan team had a name for what they were up to in their domestic propaganda schemes. They called it “perception management.” The idea was that if you could manage how the American people perceived events abroad, you could not only insure their continued support of the foreign policy, but in making the people more compliant domestically. A frightened population is much easier to control.

    Thus, if you could manage the information flows inside the government and inside the Washington press corps, you could be more confident that there would be no more Vietnam-style protests. No more Pentagon Papers. No more My Lai massacre disclosures. No more Watergates.

    Sure, there would be the occasional reporter who would fight a story through to publication but he or she could be neutralized. And most significantly, in the face of this well-organized pressure, the nation’s two preeminent papers where the likes of Neil Sheehan and Barry Sussman had starred – the New York Times and the Washington Post – largely moved to the sidelines when it came to Reagan-era scandals.

    In the 1980s, the two influential papers became more solicitous to the Establishment than they were committed to the quality journalism that had contributed to the upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s.

    Investigating Reagan

    All this became a factor in my journalism career. In late 1980, I had been put on the AP special assignment team and had begun investigating the secret side of the Reagan administration’s policies in Central America. My work wasn’t much appreciated by Keith Fuller and the AP brass, but I pressed on and broke a number of important stories about the CIA’s operations.

    We won some journalism awards and that gave me a little protection. But it was always touch and go. When one of Reagan’s public diplomacy guys realized that I wasn’t going to back down, he looked me in the eye and said, in all seriousness, “we will controversialize you.”

    That notion of controversializing reporters may sound silly, but it was a real strategy. By the mid-1980s, America’s Right had built up an imposing media infrastructure of its own with many newspapers and magazines.

    The Right also controlled specialized attack groups that targeted journalists by name and were dedicated to making individual reporters the issue. Anti-journalism activists, the likes of Reed Irvine and Brent Bozell, coordinated their attacks with Reagan’s allies and operatives.

    Still at AP we persisted in the Central America investigations. Essentially, I was trying to follow the advice of Watergate’s Deep Throat — to “follow the money.” Specifically, I wanted to know how the Nicaraguan contra rebels were getting funded after Congress cut off their financial support.

    That work led me the secret operations of Oliver North and to the first story – in June 1985 – about his role funneling off-the-books money to the contras. Later, with my AP colleague Brian Barger, we discovered that many of the contra units had gotten involved in cocaine smuggling to help pay the bills.

    On the Sidelines

    Yet, as we pressed our investigation, we found ourselves remarkably alone, with the occasional exception of some left-of-center magazine or the Miami Herald. The AP editors took note that the Washington Post and the New York Times were staying mostly on the sidelines.

    And, by summer 1986, Congress had buckled under Reagan’s pressure and agreed to resume contra funding. Barger quit the AP around that time and I was somewhat in the doghouse for having led the wire service off on this wild goose chase. However, then fate conspired to get the truth out.

    On Oct. 5, 1986, on one of the last flights of Oliver North’s secret air force to dump weapons to the contras inside Nicaragua, a teen-age Sandinista draftee fired a SAM missile that brought down the cargo plane. One of the Americans onboard, Eugene Hasenfus, parachuted to safety and was captured. Suddenly our crazy AP stories didn’t seem so crazy after all.

    The crashed plane – and later disclosures about Reagan’s arms-for-hostage deals with Iran (from a Beirut newspaper) – led to congressional investigations. And this brief vindication led me to a new job offer from Newsweek, which I took in early 1987.
    In a way, the Iran-Contra Affair marked an opportunity to not only bring important facts to the American people but to revive that independent spirit of the U.S. press. And there were a few months of good reporting as the Big Papers scrambled to catch up.

    Losing Momentum

    But the dynamic had shifted too much. Or, you might say, the CIA-style political/media operation had advanced too far. There were too many forces supporting containment of the scandal and too few committed to its full explication.
    In that sense, Iran-Contra became a test of the new paradigm: an aggressive right-wing apparatus doing damage control, determined to prevent another Watergate, up against a weakened force favoring accountability and truth.

    At Newsweek – which was part of the Washington Post company at the time – there simply wasn’t the stomach for another Watergate anyway. Some senior editors even considered it a sign of their patriotism not to take part in the destruction of another Republican presidency.

    So, there was little pushback when President Reagan and Vice President George Bush were largely spared and a few lower-ranking officials, like Oliver North, were thrown under the bus.

    However, it wasn’t fine with me. From my sources, it was clear that a cover-up was underway to protect Reagan and his heir apparent Bush. And, I pushed through some stories at Newsweek along those lines. But the top brass, particularly executive editor Maynard Parker, had different ideas. He didn’t like Iran-Contra as a story and wanted it wrapped up quickly.

    At one famous point in the hearings, the well-liked Secretary of State George Shultz declared that in Washington, “trust is the coin of the realm.” After that, he proceeded to lie though his teeth (a reality he later admitted to Iran-Contra special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh).

    But in 1987, Shultz’s assurance was good enough for my Newsweek editors who essentially told me that any further reporting about a cover-up was unwelcome. Newsweek bureau chief Evan Thomas specifically ordered me not to even read the congressional Iran-Contra report when it came out in fall 1987. I was reassigned to work on the Gary Hart sex scandal.

    I hung on at Newsweek until 1990 and kept an eye on the Iran-Contra scandal as some of the secrets continued to dribble out. But my situation was untenable and I agreed to leave in June 1990. What was clear to me at that point was that the concept of “perception management” had carried the day in Washington, with remarkably little resistance from the Washington press corps.

    Reverting to Form

    While still living on the reputation of those golden days of the 1970s, Washington journalists had reverted to their pre-Vietnam, pre-Watergate inability to penetrate important government secrets in a significant way.

    Yes, the press corps could get fierce about Bill Clinton’s sex life or Al Gore’s supposed exaggerations. But when it came to national security secrets – especially with a Republican in the White House – the American people and the world were in much greater danger than they knew.

    For me, I did some documentaries for PBS Frontline and kept digging up material that shed new light on the dark secrets of the 1980s. But no one seemed interested. So, at the advice of my oldest son Sam, I turned to what was then the new media frontier, the Internet, and started what was the first investigative news Web site.

    The site is called, and – over the past 16-plus years – we have published hundreds of investigative news articles, including many from historical records that are now available but are of little interest to the major U.S. news outlets. Interestingly, a number of former CIA analysts also submit articles to us.

    Yet, despite the Internet’s promise for circumventing the obstacles that I faced at AP and Newsweek, the Internet also has many shortcomings, including a shortage of good editing, too little fact-checking, too many crazy conspiracy theories, and perhaps most important of all, too little money.

    The readership also is fragmented, making it impossible to have the impact that the New York Times had in the Pentagon Papers or the Washington Post had during Watergate.

    Sadly, too, my fears about the dangers from a Washington press corps that had stopped asking the tough questions on issues of war and peace also proved prescient. After George W. Bush seized the White House — and especially after the 9/11 attacks — many journalists reverted back their earlier roles as stenographers to power. They also became cheerleaders for a misguided war in Iraq.

    Indeed, you can track the arc of modern American journalism from its apex at the Pentagon Papers and Watergate curving downward to that center point of Iran-Contra before reaching the nadir of Bush’s war in Iraq.

    Journalists found it hard even to challenge Bush when he was telling obvious lies. For instance, in June 2003, as the search for WMD came up empty, Bush began to tell reporters that he had no choice but to invade because Saddam Hussein had refused to let UN inspectors in.

    Though everyone knew that Hussein had let the inspectors in and that it was Bush who had forced them to leave in March 2003, not a single reporter confronted Bush on this lie, which he repeated again and again right through his exit interviews in 2008.

    The WikiLeaks Era

    The failures of the U.S. news media over Iraq set the stage for what one might call the era of WikiLeaks. The absence of accountability and transparency over the last decade gave impetus to another evolution in how news can reach the people, by circumventing or coopting the traditional media.

    In the era of Watergate and the Pentagon Papers, the system had worked, with
    individuals and institutions upholding their constitutional duties to inform the public and punish corrupt officials. By the era of Iran-Contra, some individuals within the system continued to do their jobs, but the institutions had stopped working. Almost no one was held accountable and the cover-up was largely succeeded.

    By the era of WikiLeaks, people around the world had come to view the system and its functionaries as corrupt and untrustworthy. The tough-minded press corps of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate was a distant memory, replaced by what former CIA analyst Ray McGovern calls the “Fawning Corporate Media.”

    Facing that reality, some individuals – usually from outside the traditional news media – have created new (and fragile) media institutions on the Internet, seeking transparency against government secrecy and fighting for at least some measure of accountability.

    This has been a far-from-ideal solution. Web sites, even ones like WikiLeaks which gained worldwide notoriety, have been unable to demonstrate the staying power and the influence of news outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post. But the fact that millions of people now look to Internet sites (or cable-TV comedy shows) for information they can trust speaks volumes about how far the U.S. news media has slid over the past four decades.

    So, if we were assessing how well the post-Watergate CIA-style covert operation worked, we’d have to conclude that it was remarkably successful. Even after George W. Bush took the United States to war in Iraq under false pretenses and even after he authorized the torture of detainees in the “war on terror,” no one involved in those decisions has faced any accountability at all.

    When high-flying Wall Street bankers brought the world’s economy to its knees with risky gambles in 2008, Western governments used trillions of dollars in public moneys to bail the bankers out. But not one senior banker faced prosecution.

    Upon taking office in 2009, President Obama saw little choice but to “look forward, not backward.” And, in all honesty, given the state of the American political/media process, it is hard to envision how he would have proceeded against what would have been a powerful phalanx of Establishment forces opposed to prosecuting Bush, Wall Street CEOs and their underlings.

    Another measure of how the post-Watergate counteroffensive succeeded would be to note how very well America’s oligarchy had done financially in the past few decades. Not only has political power been concentrated in their hands, but the country’s wealth, too.

    One can argue that there have been some bright spots in recent years. There has been some improvement in the U.S. press corps since its humiliation over the Iraq War. For instance, there was some good work done exposing the Bush administration’s torture policies and the CIA’s secret prisons. The emergence of independent Internet sites also has forced the mainstream media to compete for a share of credibility.

    However, it’s also true that the U.S. press corps is making some of the same mistakes regarding the confrontation with Iran that were made over Iraq. And, many of the key journalists from 2003 remain in place in 2012. The absence of accountability has spread from government to the media itself. The makings are there for yet another catastrophe.

    So, a sad but – I think – fair conclusion would be that at least for the time being, perception management has won out over truth. But the struggle over information and democracy has entered another new and unpredictable phase.

  • #2
    Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

    A damning assessment indeed. Thanks for posting.


    • #3
      Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

      Excellent catch The comments are also interesting.


      • #4
        Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

        I'm a bit disappointed in the article.

        It feels a bit too conspiracy-y.

        While I agree with a number of points in the article, if I were writing an article with a core topic of anything other than the CIA, I'd limit my references to the CIA to avoid being portrayed as an Alex Jones Infowars type.

        But my biggest problem with the article is the complete failure to mention the deregulation of media and consolidation of media ownership in the US(and elsewhere).

        Bar the internet, the number of radio stations/TV stations/magazines/newspapers(well, maybe not newspapers) have exploded in recent decades, but the aggregate number of owners has shrunk considerably.

        Far more media channels owned by a fast shrinking number of owners.

        Too much talk about conspiracy, but not enough talk about the natural alignment of interests.

        Alignment of interests isn't as sexy as conspiracy I guess.

        Please make note of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which led to considerable media consolidation such as the "Big 6" today.

        Harder to find a needle when entrenched interests own an unlimited supply of hay.


        • #5
          Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

          I don't know about Watergate being the apex of journalism.
          Maybe when I guy from naval intelligence, like Woodward is hailed as a model journalist something is not right...conspiracy theories my ass

          Once I understood this special Nixon-Bush relationship, which is basically missing from all major Nixon biographies, I began to ask what exactly Poppy had been doing during the Watergate years. This led to the discovery that the Watergate break-in was almost certainly just one of a series of illegal acts that were engineered by people around Nixon, but not by Nixon himself. Far from defending Nixon's interests, these people had been privately frustrated with him on a variety of fronts and were now looking to take him down.

          Simply put, once Nixon attained the presidency, he struggled for his independence, and began doing things that displeased his former sponsors.

          I explored in particular a little-known matter called the Townhouse Affair. It turns out to be an important precursor to Watergate. Townhouse and Watergate both had earmarks of involvement by CIA figures.

          And I looked at something that has barely emerged in public, but which was discussed by Nixon and his advisers: his ongoing struggle with the CIA. Combined with other evidence I developed of Poppy Bush's longstanding involvement with the CIA (back to the 1950s), it becomes apparent that there was more to Watergate than Richard Nixon's paranoia. There is not space here for all the particulars I lay out in Family of Secrets. But a few highlights:


          The rookie reporter Bob Woodward began working at the Washington Post, and on Watergate in particular, with job recommendations from high officials in the White House who knew him from his days in Naval intelligence work.



          • #6
            Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

            Originally posted by lakedaemonian
            But my biggest problem with the article is the complete failure to mention the deregulation of media and consolidation of media ownership in the US(and elsewhere).
            How does the deregulation of the media and consolidation of media ownership affect reporters who have been around both before and after said deregulation/consolidation?

            There have always been reporters who toed the official line; what's missing now are the reporters who don't.

            The sad fact is, even those who have in the past and continue to report on 'undesirable' stories are still around. One point of the article above is that even those reporters who have built reputations for hard hitting journalism are being marginalized - clearly this is not a conspiracy theory. It may be a result of corporatization - where only 'favorable' reporting is rewarded - but isn't this itself a form of conspiracy? If in fact the failures of the Fourth Estate are due to Murdoch and company's promotion of their agendas rather than a CIA plot, what is the difference?

            As for the CIA: it is interesting that you key in on those letters as a symptom of conspiracy theory rather than the much more nuanced story in the article - a story in which the independence of a division of the CIA is brought to heel in the service of a specific agenda.


            • #7
              Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

              Here's Robert Parry and Danny Schechter On "Democracy Now" the day after Cronkite died discussing among other things media consolidation.


              Funny line at the end...Amy Goodman: And Danny Schechter, as he was leaving, just told me that Walter Cronkite was a deadhead, was a fan of the Grateful Dead...

              Clue, when you write, "One point of the article above is that even those reporters who have built reputations for hard hitting journalism are being marginalized," I'm wondering if you have specific journalists in mind.


              • #8
                Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                How does the deregulation of the media and consolidation of media ownership affect reporters who have been around both before and after said deregulation/consolidation?

                Consolidation of media....particularly news media(running a full time journalistic news crew is expensive)....would see a good bit of news recycling/syndication...allowing for fewer journalists

                There have always been reporters who toed the official line; what's missing now are the reporters who don't.

                Maybe related to my comment above.

                The sad fact is, even those who have in the past and continue to report on 'undesirable' stories are still around. One point of the article above is that even those reporters who have built reputations for hard hitting journalism are being marginalized - clearly this is not a conspiracy theory. It may be a result of corporatization - where only 'favorable' reporting is rewarded - but isn't this itself a form of conspiracy? If in fact the failures of the Fourth Estate are due to Murdoch and company's promotion of their agendas rather than a CIA plot, what is the difference?

                I'm a fan of a comment made earlier somewhere here on iTulip about CNBC I think it CNBC is advertiser supported.....which creates a conflict of interest....and is probably the biggest single reason why CNBC is a poor choice for high quality financial news, analysis, and advise.

                I try to stay away from the conspiracy stuff because conspiracy by the very definition entails a secret cabal.....I tend to think in terms of aligned interests.

                It's pretty accurate and it's easier for all those folks in the middle to more easily accept and digest.

                I'm not saying conspiracies do not occur.....but I think the word when referenced while talking to many folks is immediately quite off putting and results in a lot of people immediately discounting the message.

                As for the CIA: it is interesting that you key in on those letters as a symptom of conspiracy theory rather than the much more nuanced story in the article - a story in which the independence of a division of the CIA is brought to heel in the service of a specific agenda.
                Meh....I've read WAY to many accusations against the CIA, Mossad, and South African Security Forces where they all seem to be viewed as all knowing and omnipotent.......convenient scapegoats to explain away other problems, including self inflicted ones......when in reality those organizations(and those like them) are likely filled with quite similar ratios of occasionally brilliant/usually average/borderline retarded that the rest of society has on the bell curve.

                In my opinion I think the author seemed to miss the forest while focusing on one CIA tree. That really, really big stand of Redwoods with names like GE, Disney, CBS, News Corp, Viacom, and Time Warner probably deserve even more attention on this topic.

                I'd say that's a rather substantial portion of the problem the author posits....combined with how advertiser supported media's singular purpose to collect eyeballs leads to artificially manufactured and very profitable rage and fear infotainment instead of news.

                Junkfood infotainment instead of hearty and healthy(but less seemingly tasty to the masses) relevant news.

                Is the journalism/news industry much different from the fast food industry the country finds itself?

                Infotainment and junk food have respectively replaced news of substance and fruit/vegetables.
                Last edited by lakedaemonian; May 18, 2012, 09:47 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                  Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
                  Meh....I've read WAY to many accusations against the CIA, Mossad, and South African Security Forces where they all seem to be viewed as all knowing and omnipotent.......convenient scapegoats to explain away other problems, including self inflicted ones......when in reality those organizations(and those like them) are likely filled with quite similar ratios of occasionally brilliant/usually average/borderline retarded that the rest of society has on the bell curve.

                  In my opinion I think the author seemed to miss the forest while focusing on one CIA tree. That really, really big stand of Redwoods with names like GE, Disney, CBS, News Corp, Viacom, and Time Warner probably deserve even more attention on this topic.

                  I'd say that's a rather substantial portion of the problem the author posits....combined with how advertiser supported media's singular purpose to collect eyeballs leads to artificially manufactured and very profitable rage and fear infotainment instead of news.

                  Junkfood infotainment instead of hearty and healthy(but less seemingly tasty to the masses) relevant news.

                  Is the journalism/news industry much different from the fast food industry the country finds itself?

                  Infotainment and junk food have respectively replaced news of substance and fruit/vegetables.

                  Couldn't agree more!

                  My 81 year old stockbroker uncle said CNBC is a horrible place for investment news as well. He blames it and others like it for some of the volatility in the markets today.

                  The media today seeks out stories that engage people, either good or bad. Sensationalism and scandals are more exciting and bring better ratings than the plain old boring truth. And everything in America is drawn along party lines. Anyone with kids has seen sibling rivalry, where the no matter what happens its always the rival sibling's fault. We have the same effect in the media. You can rarely read any story where at some point, someone doesn't inject politics and blame the opposite side. In our stupid simple minds, Americans seem unable to think outside of a "US VS THEM" mentality. The media recognizes this sells and is merely capitalizing on it.

                  Those with power and influence have realized that the media is probably the most efficient means of political control in the US. Its only logical they would seek to use the Media to enhance their positions. I am inclined to agree that people give the CIA way too much credit when it comes to these conspiracies and not enough thought to the influence of large multinational corporations. Follow the money. Most national policy is probably initiated at the corporate level when you think about it. Even decisions about whether to go to war, etc. There is always a huge financial element involved. My personal opinion is that the US military has gradually become more muscle for large corporations than a national defense force. Of course hasn't the Military always essentially born this role for countries? But at least in the past it was the political leaders calling the shots, not some CEO. With the way we fund our elections in this country, I believe we are guaranteed to see ever more military actions in pursuit of an ever expanding market for these companies.


                  • #10
                    Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                    Originally posted by lakedaemonian
                    In my opinion I think the author seemed to miss the forest while focusing on one CIA tree. That really, really big stand of Redwoods with names like GE, Disney, CBS, News Corp, Viacom, and Time Warner probably deserve even more attention on this topic.

                    I'd say that's a rather substantial portion of the problem the author posits....combined with how advertiser supported media's singular purpose to collect eyeballs leads to artificially manufactured and very profitable rage and fear infotainment instead of news.
                    This would make more sense if you could demonstrate why actual reporting is in any way less profitable than rage and fear infotainment.

                    60 minutes as an iconic show was made by hard hitting reporting. The New York Times also was once known for its reporting. The cost of supporting a few real reporters is very little compared to the gigantic economies of scale businesses which are the media.

                    If local and regional media companies were able to support real reporters, it makes no sense whatsoever from a purely business/economic standpoint for a gigantic network not to do the same.


                    • #11
                      Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                      This would make more sense if you could demonstrate why actual reporting is in any way less profitable than rage and fear infotainment.

                      In all seriousness, does it require demonstration or is it obvious enough for a blind person to see(or at least listen to)?

                      What got more ratings/profits?

                      The OJ chase/trial or coverage of the weather?

                      What got more ratings/profits?

                      Zimmerman/Martin shooting coverage(some of which was clearly selectively edited and reported to increase the rage) or reportage on the Arab Spring, unemployment, energy/food prices, or something of national/international sigificance?

                      60 minutes as an iconic show was made by hard hitting reporting. The New York Times also was once known for its reporting.

                      I agree. We used to get this:

             (pre 60 Minutes Mike Wallace)

                      until we got this:


                      The cost of supporting a few real reporters is very little compared to the gigantic economies of scale businesses which are the media.

                      If local and regional media companies were able to support real reporters, it makes no sense whatsoever from a purely business/economic standpoint for a gigantic network not to do the same.


                      • #12
                        Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                        Originally posted by lakedaemonian
                        In all seriousness, does it require demonstration or is it obvious enough for a blind person to see(or at least listen to)?

                        What got more ratings/profits?
                        In all seriousness, you apparently do not remember Watergate's impact on newspaper and television viewership. Nor apparently Iran Contra.


                        • #13
                          Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                          Snipped from an interesting article from the American Journalism Review.

                          Partly in response to the bleak outlook for metro papers and the relentless cost reductions at those publications, an exciting rebirth is taking place in cities such as San Diego, Minneapolis, New Haven, St. Louis and Chicago. Tiny but ambitious nonprofit online ventures are springing up as supplements or alternatives to the newspapers in their cities. They focus on public affairs and watchdog journalism – the very functions that metro newspapers have long prided themselves on providing.

                          At, which has 11 total staff members, CEO Scott Lewis believes his reporters can provide the kind of accountability journalism that has long been the province of newspapers. "We have a mission here," Lewis says. "It's not to make money. It's to provide information and investigative reporting. Our reporters are not allowed to do a story unless they can answer a fundamental question: 'Why is this important?' We won't cover a celebrity who stabs his wife, which might be better for somebody who's trying to attract advertisers and readers."

                          Instead, the Web site has helped force out the heads of two local redevelopment agencies. One faces criminal charges; the other is the subject of a grand jury investigation. It has hammered the police chief for incorrectly stating the city's crime statistics. In March, a two-part series by Kelly Thornton, a former San Diego Union-Tribune reporter, explored the impact of the Mexican drug war on San Diego. In April, a two-part series revealed a "real estate swindle, uncovered by a three-month investigation, involving fake buyers, duped lenders, forged documents and extravagant purchase prices, that has infected two condo projects in Escondido and one in San Marcos."

                          This site, which gets about 72,000 unique visitors monthly, began in February 2005 with $355,000 in startup money from Buzz Woolley, a local entrepreneur who has given a total of $1.3 million. Yet this year Woolley's annual contribution will be $200,000, roughly one-fifth of the site's budget. Lewis says the site draws revenue from 826 donors, a growing list of corporate sponsors who will contribute 15 percent of its budget this year and funders such as the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.



                          • #14
                            Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                            Funny article. The Washington press corp is all about protecting Republican presidencies and attacking Democrats. LOL!
                            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                            • #15
                              Re: How the US Press Lost Its Way

                              Paul Jay interviews Greg Palast on the BP cover up and why the American media won't touch it. Good stuff.


