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Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

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  • Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

    Dear Itulip
    I had something of a trying week so far, went to meet a woman i been chatting to for sometime on the internet. I warned her in advance that i was not the man of her dreams & she shouldn't get her hopes up......sadly she did & i was wasn't!

    I had a lot of rejection in my life so getting the coffee thrown at me again wasn't a Big-e. However life without Hope is. Some years ago Schiff,Farber,Rodgers & you said to jump into Gold.........which i did & true it done quite well, however thats not the point.

    I require a vast fortune, could you give me some idea WHEN THE F*CK Gold is going to rocket once more?

    Best Regards

  • #2
    Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

    Did you see the Finster thread? 2040 is when gold is going to peak. Hope you are young enough to wait. Otherwise, perhaps this is the start of:

    KA--->MegaDepression----> POOM

    They must crash the markets before they can print again. It is interesting that treasuries did not go up too much today (so far), while gold is getting killed.



    • #3
      Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

      Originally posted by Mega View Post
      Dear Itulip
      I had something of a trying week so far, went to meet a woman i been chatting to for sometime on the internet. I warned her in advance that i was not the man of her dreams & she shouldn't get her hopes up......sadly she did & i was wasn't!
      Ah Mega I'm a fan of your post and I feel for you.

      The simple truth is the online thing doesn't work. Why doesn't it work? Delusions and ego reign supreme. They often brag that 20% of relationships start online. However considering that almost 100% of people try some form of online dating, that means 80% of online relationships fail (and I'm sure if you extend the timeline to "after 1 or 2 years" the fail rate approaches 100%).

      Take some consolation that it really isn't you (or her for that matter) its the nature of the internet beast. It screws up people's perceptions. Hang out at the local pubs more. At least your in a world class (if not decaying) social hub. Spend your efforts getting out more and meeting people in clubs, groups, and fun social activities. It's old school, but as an Itulip'er I'm sure you can appreciate the value in the "old ways" ;)

      I require a vast fortune, could you give me some idea WHEN THE F*CK Gold is going to rocket once more?
      No, that's not true. You'll need a vast fortune to stay at a standstill in London. Gold's rocket ride will be accompanied by Warp ride in food and energy. What you really need is to get the F*CK out of one of the top cost of living places on the planet.

      Everyone is flocking to Canada because its cheap. I suggest you do the same before people much richer than you make that statement untrue. The key to doing well in the future is to leverage what you have in a high cost of living place to stake a claim in a low cost of living place. Consider this
      Average 3 Bedroom home price in the city of London: £1,024,000 (1,620,000 CAD)
      Average 3 Bedroom home in the city of Toronto (GTA): £285,000 (450,000 CAD) (approximate)
      Average 3 Bedroom home in my POS town (Cornwall Ont): £100,000 (160,000 CAD) (just bought mine for $202K)

      And the deal gets even better when you use the per Square Foot calculation. My 34 year old place has 2350 Sqft of living space when you include the finished basement (which is not included in realestate listings). Is there a downside to living in Canada? Yes! Is there a downside to living in Cornwall? Hell Yes!! Will a $1,500,000 CAD sack of cash compensate for it? Damn Skippy!

      Doing the same thing as the past will just end you up in the same place as you are now. The future requires a different mode of thinking. After all, that's why we are here on Itulip. In any case, if you're seriously concerned for your state of affairs in the future, look into it sooner than later. Lots of people have this idea before you and the "easy ways" in to Canada or getting harder

      btw, where does that leave me, living in the cheapest "city" in the cheapest country of the G8 (which doesn't fit into the G7 anymore :P )? My bug out plan is a sailboat and getting as far away from the sheeple as possible. (Thank you dad for a love of sailing, the one thing you left me). Sure its not a perfect plan, but there are no perfect plans any more.

      Good Luck


      • #4
        Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

        doesn't Mega live in Liverpool?


        • #5
          Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

          Yes, Liverpool

          Not good news!



          • #6
            Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

            Crap, I thought I read he was in London.

            Oh well, good luck all the same.


            • #7
              Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

              Vancouver cost of living much higher than Toronto.Ave. home in city $1,000,000 +.higher taxes,gas,auto ins. double if not triple(good old socialist BC gov.ins.)Many young leaving to suburbs and even to Alberta?Saskatchewan to have a life.Constant influx of immigration from China/India with most wealthy and driving up home values.Speculation by many chinese who are buying for the future?New 3 Bed 1500 sq.ft. townhouse in suburbs $350k-450k.It will end when?This is the last place in Canada i want to spend the rest of my life.Toronto and Ontario are far superior in all respects,including the so called beauty of Vancouver and BC.I'll take the 1,000s of fresh water lakes and snow to a salty ocean and 6 months of RAIN.


              • #8
                Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                2040 until gold goes north? Well....I'm thinking gold is bad to hold.


                • #9
                  Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                  That is not the whole story, of course. It is behind the pay wall in the Finster forum. Fascinating posts there.


                  • #10
                    Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                    Originally posted by aaron View Post
                    That is not the whole story, of course. It is behind the pay wall in the Finster forum. Fascinating posts there.
                    yeah. The "take home" there is quite a bit more involved than "wait until 2040". You do have to want to go with his basic premise that history goes in cycles. I will reserve judgment.


                    • #11
                      Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                      Originally posted by oboy View Post
                      Vancouver cost of living much higher than Toronto.Ave. home in city $1,000,000 +.higher taxes,gas,auto ins. double if not triple(good old socialist BC gov.ins.)Many young leaving to suburbs and even to Alberta?Saskatchewan to have a life.Constant influx of immigration from China/India with most wealthy and driving up home values.Speculation by many chinese who are buying for the future?New 3 Bed 1500 sq.ft. townhouse in suburbs $350k-450k.It will end when?This is the last place in Canada i want to spend the rest of my life.Toronto and Ontario are far superior in all respects,including the so called beauty of Vancouver and BC.I'll take the 1,000s of fresh water lakes and snow to a salty ocean and 6 months of RAIN.
                      Some problems with British Columbia:

                      a.) The govn't doesn't want people to have the freedom to open businesses and run them the way they wish;

                      b.) The municipal area govn't (the CRD in the Victoria area) doesn't allow people to manage their property the way they wish, including to have a horse or two on rural property ( an acreage ) for their children;

                      c.) The speed-limits are half of what they should be, everywhere;

                      d.) There is no freedom for people to choose their own doctor, because the Province only allows one (1) one ONE one (1) one general practitioner (GP) taking patients in Victoria, and, and, and, and, AND, AND he is an academic, not a medical doctor (M.D.);

                      e.) House prices are still outrageous, and this makes it impossible to attract new people and new thinking into B.C; so the province is run and planned by Greens and other idiots;

                      f.) There are taxes upon taxes, upon taxes, upon new taxes, with new ideas from govn't for more taxes in BC;

                      g.) If you like windmills and solar panels, eco-frauds and greenies, you will love B.C;

                      h.) Two thugs go around Victoria assaulting senior citizens in their homes, apparently with the motive of taking their assets; they appear to work for the Provincial Guardianship Office; more on this later, but the stench of this story is all over Victoria, yet not covered in the media;

                      i.) The illegal Emergency Unit of Victoria General Hospital is still operating and torturing patients; an expose of this E.U. was done by the CBC television network a few years ago; patients still die in high-chairs on the neurology floor upstairs;

                      j.) Hell's Angels, drug trafficers, and pot-growers are everywhere;

                      k.) Nothing is invested in roads and highways; outside of the Lower Mainland, the roads are completely empty;

                      l.) There is no vision in B.C. except to go backward, so new jobs are not created; the Province does not want growth and development of any kind;

                      m.) Everyone with half-a-brain and any initiative moves to Alberta or Saskatchewan, Ontario or to the U.S;

                      n.) Cities are dark at night, even Vancouver and even at Christmas and New Years;

                      o.) If you have your last $80, you might be able to take your car on the ferry between Vancouver and Vancouver Island;

                      p.) The only vision in BC is on television;

                      q.) The unpopular Provincial Government remains in power year-after-year with an NDP-Liberal coalition; nothing changes in BC; there is no vision on anything aside from windmills, solar panels, and growing pot;

                      r.) Want to see $5 per U.S. gallon gasoline? Come to B.C.

                      s.) Dwelling units everywhere are cold and dark because people can not afford their utility bills;

                      t.) The eco-frauds killed all hydro-electric power development on the province's many rivers;

                      u.) The carpenter ants become active for three weeks in June; they bite.
                      Last edited by Starving Steve; April 06, 2012, 12:13 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                        Ah but isn't it beautiful.Not if you live here. I am WASP and the minority.Multiculturalism,Trudeau's great socialist experiment,but don't come to Quebec,go west young,old, older and older still man.They live in there own commune like compounds(HOUSES)next to the wasp's shack's,just waiting for them to sell so they can expand the compound and the family again and again etc.My culture shock coming from Ontario is quite simply THIS IS NOT THE CANADA I KNOW.You are right on with the useless Greens and socialist NDP/Liberal governments.


                        • #13
                          Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                          I agree with most of what you say Steve, but it's not like the federal conservative government is any better, only different. They don't have a vision either. Harper is all monkey see, monkey do leadership, copying every idea (good and mostly bad) from the USA, to say nothing of Harper's values, which are far fetched from mine. The liberals, currently have less than 10% approval rating, so they are toast come next election, the separatists are irrelevant and their previous leader a total idiot. Many in BC liked Jack Layton, but I saw the guy debate a few times and he struck me as very imature boardering on childish. Further, if NDP if had it their way, they'd bankrupt Canada in 10 years with all their socialistic spending, and honesly, the only intelligent mature person I hear speaking is Elizabeth May - Green party leader, but her federal party holds 1 seat (out of hundreds federally) in a tiny area in BC. and argueably whilst she can speak intelligently on many topics, she doesn't have a clue about the economy either... so whilst I sincerly do appreciate that at least we're not a 2 party system up here and there is some choice, we're still just as ****ed due to a severe leadership deficit. Oh and yes, Vancouver housing is still ridiculously priced and getting more so every day. The inflationary tears after the bubble bursts will rival the 9 months of rain they get.

                          Ok, and now back to gold....
                          Last edited by Adeptus; April 06, 2012, 02:13 AM.
                          Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


                          • #14
                            Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                            Originally posted by Mega View Post

                            I require a vast fortune

                            Well, don't we all . . . .

                            And that's the problem . . . when everybody's rich, nobody's rich.
                            Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                            • #15
                              Re: Could i just say.....GOLD GETTING KILLED !

                              Here's to you Mega! Gold getting KILLED!!!

