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USGS reassessing Bakken

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  • #16
    Re: USGS reassessing Bakken

    Originally posted by seanm123 View Post
    Invest in fusion and pray? The replacement of fossil fuel energy will come perhaps not in our lifetime if at all. Many people see a future where our closed system the planet has too many people and not enough resources unless we all die off in wars or plagues. There is a limit somewhere and we all will hit it eventually, we can and will strip mine the planet and after that occurs all that might be left is praying for another day.
    Oli, the oil-covered sea lion, and well known on the California coast, showed up again in Monterey Bay this week and covered in oil. Obviously, there are major oil seeps on the floor of Monterey Bay and along the coast. In addition to Oli, there are tar balls all over the beaches on the California coast from oil washing up from the sea floor.

    Obviously, not only is there the Bakken oil discovery in SK, MT, ND, and SD, but there is a gigantic oil reservoir available for exploitation along the Cal. coast, and right under the sea-floor. The oil is belching-out.... There is also oil under the High Plains of Wyo, Colo, Neb, and NM. There is oil in southern Utah, southern Idaho, also more oil in Kansas and Oklahoma, in Pennsylvania and even some in Ohio.

    Certainly there is a limit to the amount of oil that can be pumped from the Earth, but that limit appears to be centuries into the future and perhaps thousands of years into the future. Some of the gigantic reservoirs available now: Bakken in SK, ND, SD, and MT, deep-sea oil under the Gulf of Mex, Alaskan oil especially under the Brooks Range, oil under the Beaufort Sea, Hibernia oil under the sea-floor off of Newfoundland, California sea-floor oil all along the central and southern Calif. coast and seeping out onto Cal. beaches, United Kingdom oil under the Irish Sea and also offshore of the coast of N.W. Europe; likely oil bonanzas under the sea-floor offshore of Florida and offshore of the Carolina/Georgia coast; also, the Alberta tar sands and still all but unexploited at this date. There is oil in north-eastern British Columbia, available now if the eco-frauds in BC could be driven back and silenced by court order. There is likely oil under the Alaska Range in southern Alaska, also under the Bering Sea and maybe offshore of the Aleutian Islands. There is oil in the Bahia de Campeche offshore of the Yukatan Peninsula in S.E. Mexico. There is new oil offshore of Egypt. There is oil offshore of Latin America and Africa. The entire Southern Ocean has not even been explored for oil. Viet Nam has oil offshore. China has vast amounts of oil, just discovered. Russia has new oil finds. India is discovering oil. There is oil under the western Pacific especially offshore of the Philippines, Indonesia, also off of Australia and New Zealand.

    There are new discoveries of oil and hydro-carbon almost everywhere, and more on the way. So, the environmentalists (Greenpeace and the Sierra Club and that bunch) are 100% wrong, as usual. The oil and hydro-carbon resources on Earth are all but endless in supply.

    Oh, and what happened to Olivia, the oil-covered sea lion?.... She was cleaned and bathed to-day in Santa Cruz. A few years ago, she again was discovered coated in oil, and she swam up out of San Francisco Bay and into Oakland, Calif. She was cleaned-off there and turned loose again into SF Bay, so she is well known all along the coast of Central California.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; March 30, 2012, 11:53 PM.

