Decent video on these guys debating the Fed, Inflation, Deflation etc. BUT at the 35 min mark they start talking about world reserve currencies and the dolalr as such. EJ could pick holes in a lot of their arguments. Faber is usually always the best.
You might have to sign up to watch the video but it's free.
That Papic guy started arguing agaisnt inflation, that there is no inflation because you dont have the demand pull like in the 70s. Ridiculous anti-inflation arguments. Although he is the one to start talking about the world reserve currency and that he doesnt see any alternative to the US dollar, but that we are heading toward a more world currency block. (37 minute mark) He also speaks about the exorbitant privilege of the dollar and talks about SDRs.
They also chat about the decision to "inflate our way out of it"
Decent video on these guys debating the Fed, Inflation, Deflation etc. BUT at the 35 min mark they start talking about world reserve currencies and the dolalr as such. EJ could pick holes in a lot of their arguments. Faber is usually always the best.
You might have to sign up to watch the video but it's free.
That Papic guy started arguing agaisnt inflation, that there is no inflation because you dont have the demand pull like in the 70s. Ridiculous anti-inflation arguments. Although he is the one to start talking about the world reserve currency and that he doesnt see any alternative to the US dollar, but that we are heading toward a more world currency block. (37 minute mark) He also speaks about the exorbitant privilege of the dollar and talks about SDRs.
They also chat about the decision to "inflate our way out of it"