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Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

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  • Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

    The cat is now out of the bag since Ron folded this week: For Paul and Romney, a strategic alliance between outsider and establishment – The Washington Post. That is, reporters knew all along, Ron Paul has been a close friend of Romney and his wife on a social level for at least four years. Birds of a feather flock together. This explains Ron’s odd behavior in the previous election. His devoted followers raised millions of dollars for him to run as a Libertarian and he suddenly dumped them and pocketed the money and left them all high and dry.
    Here is how it all unfolded in relative secrecy (namely, reporters and media owners conspired to make this secret):
    Despite deep differences on a range of issues, Romney and Paul became friends in 2008, the last time both ran for president. So did their wives, Ann Romney and Carol Paul. The former Massachusetts governor compliments the Texas congressman during debates, praising Paul’s religious faith during the last one, in Jacksonville, Fla. Immediately afterward, as is often the case, the Pauls and the Romneys gravitated toward one another to say hello.

    The Romney-Paul alliance is more than a curious connection. It is a strategic partnership: for Paul, an opportunity to gain a seat at the table if his long-shot bid for the presidency fails; for Romney, a chance to gain support from one of the most vibrant subgroups within the Republican Party.
    Many Ron Paul supporters I knew were puzzled as to why their hero dumped them suddenly in 2008. Bribery of our leaders is a constant problem in a fractured democracy trying to run a Roman Empire with a huge gap between rich and poor and wealth concentrating more and more in internationalist banking hands. Romney is an international banking pirate who is steadily undermining the US economic system as this makes him much, much richer.

    Ron Paul is a free trade/unconstrained capitalist and he illustrates perfectly why this sort of person is irresponsible and exploitive. He exploited his own besotted followers by pretending to be an outsider while being in the back pocket of one of the richer men of America, a total Wall Street 0.001% man who has nothing but contempt not just for the poor but for the entire working class and even most of the fabled middle class.

    Ron Paul talks about the dangers of empire and then jumps into the arms of imperialist financial internationalists who want more wars, more government spending on things that protect his internationalist interests and of course, modern banking which is all about being ridiculously reckless. Like Ron, he doesn’t want to pay taxes and he find’s Ron’s views about saving Americans very friendly, namely, governments don’t exist to save Americans.

    If a hurricane ravages Ron’s community, he is bailed out by the nicer Americans who believe in a Federal government that functions but he doesn’t want to support this so he is against taxes to run this government. He believes that people should beg for medical care, not get it if they are dying. He cannot connect the dots connecting the elites to the banking crisis. He thinks killing the Fed is a good thing but says nothing about who or rather, what consortium of international pirates that will replace it.

    He pretends ‘Congress’ would resume printing money as if the real problem was the Fed wasn’t elected. While ignoring the real problem which is, Congress may get into office via ‘voting’ some of the time but not all the time (2000 being a prime example of this) but he doesn’t address the problem of bribery that has removed Congress from the voters and makes them vote for the 1% elites who own them, many of whom are either ‘dual citizens’ or outright foreigners.

    Ron kept his private friendly relations with a top Wall Street gnome secret because he was actively cheating his own followers who were clueless about all this. They thought he was an outsider and the media went out of their way to make this look like it was true when he is really an insider who has become part of the problem. I hope his followers learn a lesson here, on the left, this happens to us all the time and we are growing quite angry about this.

    Ron had ample time to tell us who his dearest friends really are and he didn’t. The coup de grace of the Zionist media owners who feared his followers is this very same story which they held off until after Florida so that the Ron Paul voters would not gravitate to Gingrich. This is a DOUBLE BETRAYAL because Ron didn’t tell his poor followers he was two timing them.

    Betrayals are always painful and I suppose many of his followers will, like the Troskyites that infested the left even to this very day, will declare unending loyalty to a loser, a man who has betrayed them. This is why one should follow a rationalist view of how things work and why I follow nobody but strive to look at everyone and everything with as clear a view as possible. I am not shocked Ron betrayed his own voters. I suspected he would sell them down the Mississippi river into political slavery because…he could! Just like Obama did to the left in the last three years.

  • #2
    Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

    A rant with little substance. Appreciate Paul's campaign as one of information and you won't be disappointed. Seeing it as anything more is self-defeating.


    • #3
      Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

      Show me one politician who is a virgin.

      RP is still the best of the bunch.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #4
        Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

        I read some comments that RP is partly beholden to the Republicans to ensure his son has a future as a politician, which might go some way to explaining his unwillingness to set out into the wilderness under the libertarian banner (though perhaps none is needed.)

        As for his closeness to Romney, for what it's worth I think it demonstrates that the small government-libertarian ideals naturally find common cause with FIRE, whose interests are best served by the de-regulation / low tax environment that RP appeals to. To try and sell this after a de-regulation-enabled looting of both public and private accounts of epoch-making scope always struck me as the height of absurdity, but much of libertarianism is apparently faith-based so why should any of it make any sense?

        No big surprise here to my mind.


        • #5
          Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

          A gossip rant that uses unsubstantiated allegations, guilt by association, and the phrase "Zionist media". Sorry, but this goes into my "junk" bin.

          Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


          • #6
            Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

            Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
            Show me one politician who is a virgin.
            It's funny, I remember saying the same thing about NFL Quarterbacks a few weeks ago...

            Happy Superbowl everybody!


            • #7
              Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

              Originally posted by shiny! View Post
              A gossip rant that uses unsubstantiated allegations, guilt by association, and the phrase "Zionist media". Sorry, but this goes into my "junk" bin.


              • #8
                Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

                Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                A gossip rant that uses unsubstantiated allegations, guilt by association, and the phrase "Zionist media". Sorry, but this goes into my "junk" bin.


                • #9
                  Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

                  hey, even our 'favorite virgin' was lookin good... (dont wanna say anything about the score at this point...)


                  • #10
                    Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

                    haha hilariously written farce. What level they will go to try and destroy Paul.....


                    • #11
                      Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

                      This appears to be Ms. Supkis. She looks like an ordinary lady, one you can count on to be "fair and balanced".

                      "Born at Yerkes Observatory, grew up on many observatory mountains and secret government testing grounds, burr under the saddle of the Real Rulers of America since childhood, family black sheep with three bags of wool, pulled down more than one politician in life, winner of the "Struck by Lightning Indoors" award for most hits in lifetime, three direct and seven glancing blows. Now living on a mountain with horses and cats and dogs and chickens and a husband. Yikes."

                      Perhaps Ms. Supkis should have her brain demagnetized. I'm not the only one who thinks she might be a kook.



                      • #12
                        Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich



                        • #13
                          Re: Ron Paul Best Buddy Of Romney And Wall Street Rich

                          Wow great video. The idea that Paul would include Kucinich in his government kind of blew me away. Kind of hard to reconcile that with an alliance with Romney. (Consider that Romney wants to repeal Dodd-Frank.) Is the Washington Post piece to be believed?

