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The British running out of fuel.........

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  • The British running out of fuel.........

    Number one story here, the 1,000 well paid jobs are not the main concern, Walmart said they need 5,000 part time workers to brush the thats ok!

    Nope its that its down & NOT producing!..........It makes 10% of Blightys fuel, however it was only running at 50% output. The profit margin was waffle thin & the company couldn't rase capital to buy oil in.

    I suspect it will be bought by one of the others, then mothballed.........then the others will suddenly agree its high time for some high prices & Jack the cost...........which will make the poor suffering nob head whom bought a 5 year BMW 5 series cry........& Mega laugh!

  • #2
    Re: The British running out of fuel.........

    Naturally, when you let the eco-frauds and climate-frauds set your energy agenda, you run-out of fuel. Why is anyone surprised?

    You can damn well get on with side-a-ways oil drilling everywhere. You can also expand your North Sea oil. You can also up-grade your heavy oils. You can also drill your natural-gas because nat-gas is everywhere. You can also build atomic power plants. You can build hydro-electric dams. You can even expand your coal mining and expand your coal-fired power plants..... You can have cheap and abundant energy if you tell your environmental-bunch to get stuffed.

    Here in North America, we have found abundant nat-gas supplies in western New York state, also in Pennsylvania and Ohio. We have found oil trapped in shale in North Dakota and Saskatchewan. We have found coal in Wyoming and Montana. We are now up-grading oil from tar sands in Alberta. We are taking oil trapped in shale in west Texas. BP has found the biggest oil bonanza ever found in the Gulf of Mexico. The north-slope of Alaska has barely even been tapped. Much of the north-slope is unexplored. There is light-sweet oil in shallow water offshore of Los Angeles, and that oil is still all but untapped. Since World War II, that oil has just been begging to be tapped. There is so much oil off of southern California that it naturally leaks out of oil seeps, and the oil ends up on beaches. And speaking of southern California, there is new oil now being discovered in shale rock in Kern County by Bakersfield. It is a crime not to exploit all of these oil finds. .... There is oil and gas in eastern Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma, all but untapped. And the entire east coast of North America is all but unexplored, including the waters off of Florida. The Hibernia oil-find offshore of Newfoundland is still not fully exploited or even fully explored.

    So there is oil and gas EVERYWHERE! There is oil and gas in and around the British Isles, too. The eco-frauds and the climate-frauds have just been handing the media one lie after another..... Someone in the UK is going to have to speak-up and speak-out loudly against the entire environmental-lobby.

    And speaking of climate, we just completed 2011 at San Francisco International Airport with a mean temperature of 49.3 degrees F, or 1.3 degrees F below the annual temperature norm. BELOW! And 1.3 degrees F is a big move in annual mean temperature on the Pacific Coast where the sea moderates the climate so much....

    Oh, and there is more to the story: New all-time daily low temperatures have been recorded this winter. Some temperatures have been down to 19 F ( as at Hollister, California, also Napa, Santa Rosa, and Sonoma, California ) Kesterson bird refuge on Interstate Hwy 5 just south of Los Banos recorded 16 F..... All of these observations were taken at climate stations under 300 feet above sea-level. All observations were taken by NOAA--- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the U.S.

    So, the message is clear: Tell your eco-frauds and your climate-frauds to get stuffed. Make certain your representatives in government hear from you.... There is no shortage of hydro-carbon fuels to be developed anywhere. There is also no global warming. The sea-level is all but steady, rising only about 6 or 7 inches per century.


    • #3
      Re: The British running out of fuel.........

      Steve, your hyperbole greatly diminishes whatever credibility you may have left on this site. As Obama stated tonight, what's wrong with an "all of the above" approach that combines both the careful extraction of traditional energy sources, conservation when and where possible, and new technologies (such as fracking ---which, BTW, was a technology initially developed by public not private investment)? And isn't it smarter to keep our oil in the ground as long as we can afford to buy oil from other countries' reserves? Really, why suck it out of L.A. only to put it back underground into our strategic reserve? Don't you think that environmental protection can double as a strategic conservation/national defense reserve if global warming turns out to be the fraud you believe it is?

      In any event, your constant "eco fraud" theme is just tilting at windmills. I don't see any evidence that environmentalists are constraining our supply.


      • #4
        Re: The British running out of fuel.........

        With all the new windmills in the UK, plus the solar panels, why are you short on oil/gas ? If the green power was half of what it was said to be, the UK should have surplus power now, surplus everything including unused oil/gas.

        I really think our/your economic condition right now is so bad that we should go heavily back to oil/gas, hydro-electric, and nuclear. I also think that buying oil from the Middle-East is unwise because of the unsavory governments there, especially that bunch in Iran.

        Finally, I believe the long-term future of the world is going to be atomic power, both large-scale power plants as well as small-scale atomic power plants to power neighbourhoods, maybe even one single atomic power plant to power a large shopping centre, maybe a large airport, your government buildings where Big Ben is, maybe a small reactor to power a downtown, maybe one small reactor for a large university complex, or maybe even just for one large skyscraper.

        Nuclear could energize railroads by overhead wire. Nuclear may make electric cars viable in future--- by making electricity abundant and cheap.

        Finally, environmentalists do constrain the supply of cheap and abundant energy by making for needless (and costly) delays, studies, and legal disputes in the construction of hydro-electric dams, atomic power plants, gas wells, oil wells, coal mines, conventional (hydro-carbon) power plants, etc.

        Decades ago when I was a student at the Univ. of California in Berkeley, I was an environmentalist. I did support the green movement. Back then (in the 1960s), I could not envision the environmental movement someday destroying our economy, blocking all progress in energy development, raising energy costs, and forcing the importation of crude oil from terrorist nations in the Middle-East.... I could not envision that the green movement would someday become so anti-growth, so anti-progress, so anti-people, and so anti-Western that the green movement would openly encourage suicide, infanticide, abortion, assisted death for senior citizens; plus poverty, illness, misery, a falling standard of living and economic decline in the Western nations..... I could not imagine that a day would come when the green movement would be so anti-Western and anti-growth that it rather let oil be imported from the Middle-East (from nations like Iran) than to be extracted from new oil fields here at home.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; January 25, 2012, 12:59 PM.

