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Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

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  • #16
    Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

    There is this new thing called Google.... Typing "exorbitant privilege, French President" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about exorbitant privilege. And FYI I already know the answer it is Charles De Gualle but it was really Valery Gescard d'Estaing.


    • #17
      Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

      Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
      There is this new thing called Google.... Typing "exorbitant privilege, French President" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about exorbitant privilege. And FYI I already know the answer it is Charles De Gualle but it was really Valery Gescard d'Estaing.
      Yes, I know about the quote that is alternatively credited to d'Estaing and de Gaulle. Hence my reference attributing it to "a previous French president" (even if I was working from memory and not from Wikipedia). And your point is?


      • #18
        Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

        Haha classic defense mechanism you are displaying there. Don't be upset that I got you back for your frankly uncalled for comment above ;)


        • #19
          Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

          Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
          Haha classic defense mechanism you are displaying there. Don't be upset that I got you back for your frankly uncalled for comment above ;)
          I gather you imagined a slight from me when I suggested you use google to figure out the reference you didn't understand. And now you're imagining that you've taken revenge for this imagined slight. I'm just not sure how you imagine you've taken revenge, given that I correctly recalled (even without Google) that the term "exorbitant privilege" was coined by a French president (sometimes attributed to former President de Gaulle, sometimes attributed to former President d'Estaing). And the point I was making was that French presidents routinely challenge basic elements of U.S. foreign policy.

          So like I said before, I don't get what your point is. But whatever: enjoy whatever jousting match you think you're having with me. From your long pissing contests with others on these boards, I've long gathered you're one helluva shadow-boxer. Have at it.


          • #20
            Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

            Prazak are you blind? There was a slight in the previous thread when you said

            "There's this new thing called Google ... Typing "de Villepin" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about Dominique de Villepin."

            when all I did was ask about the de Villepin reference because it reminded me of The Count of Monte Cristo. That was just a jerk comment to make ;)

            Then you commented this in the other part of your post

            "I think it was a previous French president who coined the term "exhorbitant privilege" in discussing the USD as the reserve currency"

            Where I replied this

            "There is this new thing called Google.... Typing "exorbitant privilege, French President" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about exorbitant privilege."

            Which apparently doesnt make sense in your mind. You slighted me for not using google to look up de Villepin and I returned the favor when you did the exact same thing in not looking up which French president the exorbitant privilege comment was attributed to.

            Now, can we kindly get back to the more important matters at hand instead of playing tit-for-tat elementary games that you seem to like.

            Haha shadow boxer? quite interesting, you must be one hell of a keyboard warrior....

            I have had long pissing contests as you like to say with very few individuals on the board, mainly C1ue and C1ue pretty much just disagrees with everything anyone on this board says, it is his MO to play devils advocate.

            And if your comment above wasn't a slight then I don't know what is. I was only replying in kind to be funny but naturally your adolescence wouldn't let it go.


            • #21
              Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

              Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
              Prazak are you blind? There was a slight in the previous thread when you said

              "There's this new thing called Google ... Typing "de Villepin" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about Dominique de Villepin."

              when all I did was ask about the de Villepin reference because it reminded me of The Count of Monte Cristo. That was just a jerk comment to make ;)

              Then you commented this in the other part of your post

              "I think it was a previous French president who coined the term "exhorbitant privilege" in discussing the USD as the reserve currency"

              Where I replied this

              "There is this new thing called Google.... Typing "exorbitant privilege, French President" into it will bring you more than you'll want to know about exorbitant privilege."

              Which apparently doesnt make sense in your mind. You slighted me for not using google to look up de Villepin and I returned the favor when you did the exact same thing in not looking up which French president the exorbitant privilege comment was attributed to.

              Now, can we kindly get back to the more important matters at hand instead of playing tit-for-tat elementary games that you seem to like.

              Haha shadow boxer? quite interesting, you must be one hell of a keyboard warrior....

              I have had long pissing contests as you like to say with very few individuals on the board, mainly C1ue and C1ue pretty much just disagrees with everything anyone on this board says, it is his MO to play devils advocate.

              And if your comment above wasn't a slight then I don't know what is. I was only replying in kind to be funny but naturally your adolescence wouldn't let it go.
              Not a very Zen way of interacting, for someone who uses the name Prodigy of Zen.

              I've heard the quote attributed to both former presidents. I don't need to use Google to know that, and it didn't matter to the point I was making (that French presidents routinely challenge U.S. foreign policy goals, so for U.S. officials to set up DSK to prevent him from becoming a French president who challenges USD-hegemony would not make sense).

              I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by suggesting you use Google to learn the reference to de Villepin rather than querying the board. It's a pet peeve of mine when someone doesn't look up something for themselves. But I didn't call you a "jerk". Again, not at all Zen of you.

              Carry on, and may you indeed become the prodigy of zen.


              • #22
                Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
                Stop me if I am being a bit out of whack please.
                I'd like to, because you are. How does that work, exactly?


                • #23
                  Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                  Aww cute Prazak. Is this you? Look I used google to look something up! Or perhaps you are Dave Prazak a wrestling manager.

                  Part of being Zen is adopting the policy that humans are fallible and that they are at once an embodiment of greed, love, hate, compassion, etc etc.

                  You didn't hurt my feelings, its just that your statements and now comments detract from the intellectual discourse.

                  I have no trouble accepting your hypothesis about the French presidents always challenging US foreign policy and dollar hegemony. I stated in the original post that it was just an interesting development and did not have to be viewed as a conspiracy etc. At least that is what I implied.

                  I should not have to contend with your pet peeve's. That sounds childesh in and of itself.


                  • #24
                    Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                    Prazak, it was an observation. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. Really it is comical. Everyone here was having a nice little chat about DSK and then you come in and ruin it because you had to address your pet peeve.


                    • #25
                      Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                      Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
                      Prazak, it was an observation. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. Really it is comical. Everyone here was having a nice little chat about DSK and then you come in and ruin it because you had to address your pet peeve.
                      I suggested you Google the subject at hand. That hardly ruined the discussion, until, unfortunately, you took offense and began playing (not particularly coherent) "gotcha", and then when "gotcha" gotcha nowhere, sunk to name-calling. I don't find the name-calling comical, but to each his own.

                      As life is far too short, and as there is enough negativity in the world without courting more of it with my limited free time, I bid you adieu, and wish you well on your path toward enlightenment.


                      • #26
                        Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                        You must be mistaken, because I was playing around with your pet peeve when I pointed out that you did not take the time to type into google and find which French president said exorbitant privilege.

                        No what ruined the discussion was your ridiculous statement that I use google to search for de villepin. Unfortunately you don't care to acknowledge that. I was not playing any "gotcha" game and did not sink to name-calling.

                        You must be a lawyer because you are really good at twisting the facts and lying.....

                        Unfortunately you are misguided in all your assumptions in this post. Go ahead I know you really want to have the last word, just get it out.


                        • #27
                          Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                          Originally posted by StSt
                          If I have a fiat $100-bill from America, and I have a fiat $100-bill from Canada, and similarly a 100 pound note from the UK, and maybe a 100 peso note from Mexico, a 100 Yuan note from China, and more of the same fiat 100's from other countries in the world, do you mean to tell me that the sum of all the fiat currencies is something better than the fiat parts?
                          Actually, it is better than the sum, because the SDR can't be devalued as easily by any one or even a few of the participating entities.

                          It also spreads the benefits and risks of being a reserve currency out.

                          Originally posted by Prazak
                          Not a very Zen way of interacting, for someone who uses the name Prodigy of Zen.
                          There's no point, but lots of fun in poking PoZ.

                          Clearly a case of Zen being imagined as everyone else sharing your view of the world, as opposed to what zen actually is: study via meditation and intuition.


                          • #28
                            Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                            The intuition part you are sorely lacking C1ue

                            And C1ue I am sure you did not read down through the post. Prazak made a ridiculous uncalled for backhanded comment which had no place in our discussion.


                            • #29
                              Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                              Originally posted by PoZ
                              The intuition part you are sorely lacking C1ue
                              Neener neener neener again, replete with a smiley graphic

                              Originally posted by PoZ
                              And C1ue I am sure you did not read down through the post. Prazak made a ridiculous uncalled for backhanded comment which had no place in our discussion.
                              Given you've already shown that you think you are the only one with original ideas but have been shown to be a newcomer several times already, I'd say your sensitivity is set way too high.

                              It is equally true that someone who is apparently so touchy about being slighted should be doubly careful about being offensive in turn.


                              • #30
                                Re: Dominique Strass-Kahn suggests use of SDR to create a more stable world monetary order

                                Wow C1ue you have a warped sense of reality that you demonstrate once again.

                                When have I ever said I am the only one with original ideas? In fact I have agreed with many many commentators on this site pertaining to certain issues or was shown something new by many commentators on this site. I even agreed with you on a previous thread. I think it was the one pertaining to the CNBC editor writing about MMT.

                                I think it is quite funny that you project on me how you are viewed. I believe you are the one who thinks he is the only one with original ideas because others have pointed out that you play devils advocate and disagree with every single comment anyone ever makes here.

                                I am not touchy about being slighted I only respond in offense when another poster (who is not friends with me and I don't know them at all) on this site has disrespected me as Prazak did and as you have done.

                                You along with Prazak apparently think you can say whatever negative disrespectful comment to me without me retaliating and when I do you call it X or "neener, neener"

                                But great job of trying to frame the debate, unfortunately it won't work on me. Go back to the la la land that you live in. I can tell that you must view yourself as an "intellectual" by your smug comments all over this board. You remind me of Woody Brock the economist.

                                Kindly stop projecting your own bias thoughts onto me.

