"But some artisanal and small-scale mining operations, known as ASMs, operate in poorer regions and places where child exploitation and human trafficking is common. "
Couldnt she write this article about most commodities? Why single out gold? Why include child slave labor instead of child labor? And least she think that "fair trade" gold or fair trade anything doesn't include child labor, I direct her to this....
"child labor for fair trade cotton probed"
"But some artisanal and small-scale mining operations, known as ASMs, operate in poorer regions and places where child exploitation and human trafficking is common. "
Couldnt she write this article about most commodities? Why single out gold? Why include child slave labor instead of child labor? And least she think that "fair trade" gold or fair trade anything doesn't include child labor, I direct her to this....
"child labor for fair trade cotton probed"