I assume most of us here have read EJ's book and are familiar with the FIRE economy and the approaching problem of peak oil (whether it is upon us or will be eventually). Considering who appears to controls the government (transnational mega banks and corporations interests), it would seem that the government is merely acting in the interests of a privileged few. Regulatory processes have been captured and laws are written by lobbyists for the benefit of corporations. Politicians receive tons of fringe benefits in exchange for their service and political theater convinces people the process is still democratic.
Since politicians lie and the best liars win, we obviously can't determine the governments intent by listening to politicians. The only way to determine what the government is really up to is to look at the laws they pass, the activities they engage in and perhaps the lies they tell (if recognized as lies, there may be a clue to their true motivation). Now, it's possible that we just have self interested individuals producing unintended results, but I'm starting to seriously wonder. Even rich people need a stable home base to operate from.
I was reading comments in an oil drum post about ethanol subsidies ending and someone went on a free-market rant about farm subsidies. I felt the need to explain to him that farm subsidies and protectionist tariffs ensure that we can produce our own food. How dangerous would it be to rely on foreign countries for food, even if globalism made it cheaper to do so? Basic necessities should be protected and handled domestically if at all possible.
That got me thinking, what is the next most important resource next to food? Clearly it's oil. Since oil is a non-renewable resource and our own reserves peaked in the 70's, it's vitally important to reduce consumption of our own oil and use as much foreign oil as possible. Using foreign oil is doubly useful because it allows us to continue thriving while saving our own oil and reducing fuel for the economic growth of foreign competitors. This is basic national security. Hence, environmentalism is a useful cover to curb our domestic oil production while our foreign military activity and dollar policy have allowed us to use up the rest of the world's oil. Lies about peak oil are necessary for us to continue consuming as much foreign oil as possible. Out-sourcing further causes foreign countries to use finite resources (internally produced inputs to production are cheaper) while also raising their populations standard of living causing them to consume yet more. The geopolitical activities of America since the 70's seem pretty close to optimal when thought of this way. Of course, that doesn't mean the American middle class will indefinitely prosper from these policies. People are ultimately just a useful tool for those in power.
Am I thinking too hard?
Since politicians lie and the best liars win, we obviously can't determine the governments intent by listening to politicians. The only way to determine what the government is really up to is to look at the laws they pass, the activities they engage in and perhaps the lies they tell (if recognized as lies, there may be a clue to their true motivation). Now, it's possible that we just have self interested individuals producing unintended results, but I'm starting to seriously wonder. Even rich people need a stable home base to operate from.
I was reading comments in an oil drum post about ethanol subsidies ending and someone went on a free-market rant about farm subsidies. I felt the need to explain to him that farm subsidies and protectionist tariffs ensure that we can produce our own food. How dangerous would it be to rely on foreign countries for food, even if globalism made it cheaper to do so? Basic necessities should be protected and handled domestically if at all possible.
That got me thinking, what is the next most important resource next to food? Clearly it's oil. Since oil is a non-renewable resource and our own reserves peaked in the 70's, it's vitally important to reduce consumption of our own oil and use as much foreign oil as possible. Using foreign oil is doubly useful because it allows us to continue thriving while saving our own oil and reducing fuel for the economic growth of foreign competitors. This is basic national security. Hence, environmentalism is a useful cover to curb our domestic oil production while our foreign military activity and dollar policy have allowed us to use up the rest of the world's oil. Lies about peak oil are necessary for us to continue consuming as much foreign oil as possible. Out-sourcing further causes foreign countries to use finite resources (internally produced inputs to production are cheaper) while also raising their populations standard of living causing them to consume yet more. The geopolitical activities of America since the 70's seem pretty close to optimal when thought of this way. Of course, that doesn't mean the American middle class will indefinitely prosper from these policies. People are ultimately just a useful tool for those in power.
Am I thinking too hard?