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Whither the dollar slowly?

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  • Whither the dollar slowly?

    ZH had a "nice" post on how the dollar is slowly being edged out in bilateral trade agreements. I can only see this process continuing with time, not only where it has, but in South America under their Mercosur agreement, and between countries in the BRIC sphere with real goods to trade for real goods.

    For anyone wondering how the abandonment of the dollar reserve status would look like we have a Hollow Men reference: not with a bang, but a whimper... Or in this case a whole series of bilateral agreements that quietly seeks to remove the US currency as an intermediate. Such as these: "World's Second (China) And Third Largest (Japan) Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct Currency Trade", "China, Russia Drop Dollar In Bilateral Trade", "China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System", "India and Japan sign new $15bn currency swap agreement", and now this: "Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble in Trade, Fars Says." And ironically, the proposal to dump the greenback did not come from Iran.

  • #2
    Re: Whither the dollar slowly?

    The dollar, whose fate is tied to its Reserve Currency status, may become regional rather than global.

    Wherever states have energy sources somewhat immune from US military "intervention", which is often concomitant with a nuclear deterrent, the dollar's daze are numbered, if not passed. Not the case in the ME, North Africa and Africa South of the Sahara. Venezuela's turn will come, as will Cuba's attempt to drill offshore.

    Russia, China and those Russia (and possibly Iran) provides energy via pipelines will be those outside the dollar's realm.

    A bi-polar world, determined by whom has physical possession of the fields of energy - no longer determined by the fields of dreams of the Cold War.


    • #3
      Re: Whither the dollar slowly?

      Originally posted by don View Post
      The dollar, whose fate is tied to its Reserve Currency status, may become regional rather than global.

      Wherever states have energy sources somewhat immune from US military "intervention", which is often concomitant with a nuclear deterrent, the dollar's daze are numbered, if not passed. Not the case in the ME, North Africa and Africa South of the Sahara. Venezuela's turn will come, as will Cuba's attempt to drill offshore.

      Russia, China and those Russia (and possibly Iran) provides energy via pipelines will be those outside the dollar's realm.

      A bi-polar world, determined by whom has physical possession of the fields of energy - no longer determined by the fields of dreams of the Cold War.
      like i tell friends, EVERYTHING revolves around energy from hereon out...

