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Singlest greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

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  • #16
    Re: Singlest greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
    Simple question: Did Obama bring the troops home from Iraq?

    Yes or No?

    You can quibble all you want, but these 8 words, with a 1 word answer, is all most people are going to hear.

    And for those who want to quibble more, Obama can always beat his breast and say "The Republicans delayed me at every turn".
    he left on the same timetable as bush, and was trying to stay but the iraqi government would not continue to provide immunity to US troops, which the obama administration was asking to do until very late last year. so obama is placing them nextdoor and we have a lot of (5k? 10k?) private security at that huge base we built out there now. you know, that huge base in muslim holy land that we will continue to use? something the people that attack us totally love? he also put a lot more troops in afghanistan. i'm not even going to give this one a golf clap really.


    • #17
      Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

      Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
      This is one of the greatest ad's I have ever seen.

      3 minutes of greatness in my opinion.

      My apologies for the misspelling on the title!
      this is a reupload of the ad which was not made by the campaign but by a ron paul "superPAC" that ron does not control. they actually have a bunch of really fantastic ads. i'm not sure how many are made for tv, most are the 3+ minute web vids.


      • #18
        Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

        Back to the ad in any case... it really does a good job of getting you to imagine what our foreign interference feels like to foreigners: occupation. The quality of the ad goes way past the writing and into the performance, art and music. It truly is a well crafted ad.


        • #19
          Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

          Originally posted by PoZ
          Man you guys really really do not listen to what he says. He clearly states if the people want to police the world and if the people want all these federal programs and departments then we must have an income tax because that is one of the things we would need to pay for all that.
          So is he for or against an income tax? Seems like a simple enough question.

          The answer is equally simple: he is against it.

          As a political platform it has some resonance, but whether RP likes it or not there are all sorts of 'baked in' spending obligations which will not be covered by excise taxes (the next largest category of federal income, entitlements theoretically being separate). So either he cuts them all off at the drop of a hat - which is literally impossible since it is Congress who controls the pursestrings, not the President, or he sticks in a VAT to replace the income tax, or the most likely: it is just empty talk from a gadfly.

          Originally posted by PoZ
          C1ue who did you vote for in the 2008 election?
          I voted for none of the above. The choice was between a Chicago politician with zero track record and no coherent platform beyond Hope and Change, vs. a Keating 5 Senator who had a chance to go against his past record but let it go by.

          I am on record saying that if I HAD to choose, it would be McCain because as a nasty old man he at least had some incentive to look to his legacy as opposed to 30 or 40 more years of speech fees, consulting engagements, and the like.

          As it turned out, it really didn't matter: Obama acts like Bush, and there is even less expectation that McCain would be any different.

          Originally posted by mikedev10
          he left on the same timetable as bush, and was trying to stay but the iraqi government would not continue to provide immunity to US troops, which the obama administration was asking to do until very late last year. so obama is placing them nextdoor and we have a lot of (5k? 10k?) private security at that huge base we built out there now. you know, that huge base in muslim holy land that we will continue to use? something the people that attack us totally love? he also put a lot more troops in afghanistan. i'm not even going to give this one a golf clap really.
          All true, but irrelevant.

          Obama is going to say he brought the troops home, and the facts don't dispute it.

          His reasons for doing so may not be pretty, but they don't change what actually happened.

          Complaint: "But you did it because you had no choice" Obama answer: The troops are home aren't they?

          Complaint: "There are still Americans in Iraq" Obama answer: They are not the brave American serviceman who sacrificed so much to preserve freedom and promote democracy. Those brave soldiers are home as I promised in 2008.

          Complaint: "There are more troops in Afghanistan than ever before" Obama answer: Bush started it, I'm going to finish it. I got Osama, didn't I?

          I think everyone knows I'm not an Obama fan, but it doesn't mean I don't recognize the narrative he's going to lay out.


          • #20
            Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

            There's always going to be a defense, the question is what will resonate more with swing voters in swing states, the defense or the attack. The biggest danger is that the attacks are a double edged sword because it will drive home the point to hawks that Obama may be more in line with their views than Ron Paul. However, that would probably just confuse people more than anything. My Dad is so anti-Obama that he would vote for Ron Paul if that was his only option, but he's not happy at all with Paul's anti-war stance.


            • #21
              Re: Singlest greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

              Originally posted by ProdigyofZen View Post
              I want to see who EJ endorses

              I believe he endorsed obama last time?


              • #22
                Re: Singlest greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                Originally posted by jiimbergin
                I believe he endorsed obama last time?
                He did, and I believe he also expressed remorse over that.


                • #23
                  Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                  Yep, I wish they could air this on TV but a 3 minute ad would be tough to get on.


                  • #24
                    Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                    So is he for or against an income tax? Seems like a simple enough question.

                    The answer is equally simple: he is against it.

                    As a political platform it has some resonance, but whether RP likes it or not there are all sorts of 'baked in' spending obligations which will not be covered by excise taxes (the next largest category of federal income, entitlements theoretically being separate). So either he cuts them all off at the drop of a hat - which is literally impossible since it is Congress who controls the pursestrings, not the President, or he sticks in a VAT to replace the income tax, or the most likely: it is just empty talk from a gadfly.

                    I voted for none of the above. The choice was between a Chicago politician with zero track record and no coherent platform beyond Hope and Change, vs. a Keating 5 Senator who had a chance to go against his past record but let it go by.

                    I am on record saying that if I HAD to choose, it would be McCain because as a nasty old man he at least had some incentive to look to his legacy as opposed to 30 or 40 more years of speech fees, consulting engagements, and the like.

                    As it turned out, it really didn't matter: Obama acts like Bush, and there is even less expectation that McCain would be any different.

                    All true, but irrelevant.

                    Obama is going to say he brought the troops home, and the facts don't dispute it.

                    His reasons for doing so may not be pretty, but they don't change what actually happened.

                    Complaint: "But you did it because you had no choice" Obama answer: The troops are home aren't they?

                    Complaint: "There are still Americans in Iraq" Obama answer: They are not the brave American serviceman who sacrificed so much to preserve freedom and promote democracy. Those brave soldiers are home as I promised in 2008.

                    Complaint: "There are more troops in Afghanistan than ever before" Obama answer: Bush started it, I'm going to finish it. I got Osama, didn't I?

                    I think everyone knows I'm not an Obama fan, but it doesn't mean I don't recognize the narrative he's going to lay out.
                    Good observations on how Obama will play this. I agree.

                    I also basically agree with the Paul ad, regardless of how I feel about him as a candidate. Some Americans have forgotten how to think. What America is doing in many nations is simply immoral. Its silly to continue to grasp on to this idea that we are trying to do good by occupying and disrupting foreign nations. Same with the argument of self defense! Yet some continue to swallow the hook. The people responsible for this policy deserve every horrible response that occurs because of their actions. Unfortunately, innocent Americans are going to suffer the consequences instead. America is going to reap the whirlwind some day.

                    Even if elected, Paul would never make it to office. He is stepping on some of the most powerful toes in the world when he speaks out against the Corporate Military industrial complex. Its only the fact he is not considered to have a chance in hell of winning that keeps him around. No one can be anti-US Imperialism and win the US Presidency. It simply cannot happen with the current system. Any candidate that strays too far outside the lines will not last long. People wonder why Obama changed policy on the issue of ending these wars? I'm guessing someone had a talk with him and convinced him it was in his best interest to not rock the boat.
                    Last edited by flintlock; January 08, 2012, 06:44 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                      Originally posted by davidstvz View Post
                      There's always going to be a defense, the question is what will resonate more with swing voters in swing states, the defense or the attack. The biggest danger is that the attacks are a double edged sword because it will drive home the point to hawks that Obama may be more in line with their views than Ron Paul. However, that would probably just confuse people more than anything. My Dad is so anti-Obama that he would vote for Ron Paul if that was his only option, but he's not happy at all with Paul's anti-war stance.
                      he will fight a declared war you know! he's not anti-war, he's anti this ridiculousness.


                      • #26
                        Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                        the M.O. to date: warn & ignore . . .


                        • #27
                          Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                          A nice bit of candor there. I wonder if CNN is getting flack from Dr. Paul supporters. I hope so.


                          • #28
                            Re: Single greatest campaign AD by Ron Paul

                            They better worry, because "no plans" is political talk for "I reserve the right to change my mind later" and I fully expect Paul to run as an Independent. His supporters would absolutely demand it. Hell, I stated that somewhere and a liberal said they though Ron Paul would steal more D's than R's in that scenario and it would guarantee the R win. If there's any truth to that, I think it could lead to a Ron Paul victory as an (I). Imagine how much more support he can get when anyone can vote for him not just registered Republicans.

