Re: Preview of when cheap oil runs out
If I might diverge from the discussion of when cheap oil runs-out in Hawaii, and to discuss when cheap oil runs-out in the entire world, I think cheap oil could be here for a thousand years or more. Maybe......
We now know that North Dakota, western Colorado, southern Utah, Pennsylvania, western New York, south-eastern Saskatchewan, the north of England, and likely many other places in the world are floating on oil and natural-gas. We also know that the tar sands in Alberta will last for a century or more. We also know that there is more oil under southern California. We have not even begun to tap the sweet and cheap oil offshore of southern California. We know that there is oil offshore of Newfoundland. BP has proven massive quantities of oil available under the Gulf of Mexico. There is oil on the north-slope of Alaska and under the Beaufort Sea. There is oil to be taken by fracking under the Great Plains and High Plains of America. We know that coal can be converted to oil synthetically because that was done in WWII by the Germans. We also know that there is nat-gas available in the north of England, also in Pennsylvania and western New York. We also know that there is oil offshore of South America in the South Atlantic Ocean. There is oil offshore of Ecuador. There is oil under the Gulf of Mexico to be taken by fracking offshore of the Yucatan. There likely is oil under Brazil. There is likely oil under the Florida Straits offshore of Cuba...... And I haven't even begun to list the places in the rest of the world where hydro-carbon might be taken.
If I might place a wager, there is hydro-carbon--- some of it cheap hydro-carbon--- almost everywhere in this world if we get off of our duffs and look for it.... This means telling the eco-frauds ( i.e, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the WWF, and all the rest of them ) where to stick their ideas about "sustainability", anthropogenic climate-change, and preservation of "the rare and endangered SF field-mouse".
But I wanted to discuss proper city planning in this post. I wanted to discuss Scottsdale, Arizona which is planned around the automobile so that the city is CAR-FRIENDLY and consequently uses oil efficiently--- much more efficiently than the STUPID high-density city planning in other cities such as San Francisco, NYC, and London. But let me leave that discussion for another post here.
The bottom-line is that hydro-carbon on this planet could well last almost forever, and the hydro-carbon may be cheap, too. This means fracking for hydro-carbon fuels, CAR-FRIENDLY low-density city planning as in Scottsdale, Arizona, and of-course, real power: hydro-electric, atomic, coal, and nat-gas.
When I saw Scottsdale, Arizona this past week, I could not believe my eyes: CAR-FRIENDLY, LOW-DENSITY, ENERGY-EFFICIENT, BEAUTIFUL, CITY-PLANNING for PEOPLE AND THEIR CARS--- and not for "rare and endangered field-mice".
But enough to-day from Starving Steve.
And thank the twenty-five or thirty of you for your e-mails about Stalin's crimes.... I read every one of them.
If I might diverge from the discussion of when cheap oil runs-out in Hawaii, and to discuss when cheap oil runs-out in the entire world, I think cheap oil could be here for a thousand years or more. Maybe......
We now know that North Dakota, western Colorado, southern Utah, Pennsylvania, western New York, south-eastern Saskatchewan, the north of England, and likely many other places in the world are floating on oil and natural-gas. We also know that the tar sands in Alberta will last for a century or more. We also know that there is more oil under southern California. We have not even begun to tap the sweet and cheap oil offshore of southern California. We know that there is oil offshore of Newfoundland. BP has proven massive quantities of oil available under the Gulf of Mexico. There is oil on the north-slope of Alaska and under the Beaufort Sea. There is oil to be taken by fracking under the Great Plains and High Plains of America. We know that coal can be converted to oil synthetically because that was done in WWII by the Germans. We also know that there is nat-gas available in the north of England, also in Pennsylvania and western New York. We also know that there is oil offshore of South America in the South Atlantic Ocean. There is oil offshore of Ecuador. There is oil under the Gulf of Mexico to be taken by fracking offshore of the Yucatan. There likely is oil under Brazil. There is likely oil under the Florida Straits offshore of Cuba...... And I haven't even begun to list the places in the rest of the world where hydro-carbon might be taken.
If I might place a wager, there is hydro-carbon--- some of it cheap hydro-carbon--- almost everywhere in this world if we get off of our duffs and look for it.... This means telling the eco-frauds ( i.e, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the WWF, and all the rest of them ) where to stick their ideas about "sustainability", anthropogenic climate-change, and preservation of "the rare and endangered SF field-mouse".
But I wanted to discuss proper city planning in this post. I wanted to discuss Scottsdale, Arizona which is planned around the automobile so that the city is CAR-FRIENDLY and consequently uses oil efficiently--- much more efficiently than the STUPID high-density city planning in other cities such as San Francisco, NYC, and London. But let me leave that discussion for another post here.
The bottom-line is that hydro-carbon on this planet could well last almost forever, and the hydro-carbon may be cheap, too. This means fracking for hydro-carbon fuels, CAR-FRIENDLY low-density city planning as in Scottsdale, Arizona, and of-course, real power: hydro-electric, atomic, coal, and nat-gas.
When I saw Scottsdale, Arizona this past week, I could not believe my eyes: CAR-FRIENDLY, LOW-DENSITY, ENERGY-EFFICIENT, BEAUTIFUL, CITY-PLANNING for PEOPLE AND THEIR CARS--- and not for "rare and endangered field-mice".
But enough to-day from Starving Steve.
And thank the twenty-five or thirty of you for your e-mails about Stalin's crimes.... I read every one of them.