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Some good news in manufacturing in America

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  • #31
    Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

    Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
    Eugenics aside, you can’t believe studies on immigration and collective I.Q. without believing the world is getting dumber and dumber and dumber. When the topic comes up, I’m always reminded of former NZ prime minister Robert Muldoon who quipped, “New Zealanders who go to Australia raise the IQ of both countries.”
    Of course, this is absolutely true. A casual stroll through any suburb of America should make it quite clear that white Americans are FAR dumber than they were 100 years ago. It's not just bringing in tens of millions of Mexicans who for whatever reason can't even graduate from high school. That's the remarkable thing about the heritability of intelligence. It takes just a few generations to degrade intelligence. The primary manifestation of low intelligence is lesser future time orientation, i.e. the inability to delay gratification. What has happened is the least intelligent reproduce at much faster rates than the intelligent because they cannot restrain their sexual urges or perform basic planning like using birth control.

    Much of this is official government policy in China. I am somewhat privy to this as I dated for a number of years a girl whose mother was the head of the family planning department in a major province, but if you search the internet there is a lot there. There is an entire huge university for human genomics in Shanghai. Enhancing drugs are being studied and manufactured by the boatload - nearly all Human Growth Hormone and Anabolic Steroid drugs are made in China today for example - and are legal there.


    • #32
      Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

      Originally posted by touchring View Post
      I think you've not been to China. If gun ownership is allowed in China, armed bandits will be roaming the countryside.
      I have been to China. While the availability of firearms is certainly less, there is organized crime in the country. But most violent crimes in the US don't involve guns. In Brooklyn, a woman was just doused with gasoline and set alight in an elevator. Surely, the Chinese have access to gasoline.

      Now, I have only been to fairly urban parts of China (Shanghai and Suzhou), so I can't comment on truly rural areas. But again, there is a procedure in place to bring peasants of sufficient ability into the urban world - this is why they aren't allowed into the Shanghai region would special clearance.


      • #33
        Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

        Originally posted by EJ View Post
        I'm fond of Europeans, not so much Europe's museum economies that cause the entrepreneurial class to flee to the U.S. where it's still legal to start a business.
        And what pray tell is the innovation going on in this country that doesn't involve usury?

        Same was said of the Irish when they came to the U.S. in the early decades of the 1800s and every other wave of immigrants into this nation. The bigotry never goes away, only the targets change.
        Today, we have measurable tests on many levels. We have major advancements in the understanding of human genetics. We have incredible, dismal failure of the people who have been imported to the US to replace the existing white population. But again, your fervent belief in the tabula rasa religion cannot be changed. Just as Socrates had to be executed for suggesting democracy does not create wise leaders, so too much this fantastic religion be upheld at all costs. You ignored my comments regarding the barbarism of this country. Why? Is the danger of this country fracturing along ethnic lines simply too difficult to consider? No nation in history has remained unified with this kind of extraordinary change in ethnic composition. Why should the US be any different?

        How much time have you spent in China, exactly? Such a peaceful place, of contented and well educated people.
        As I said in another post, yes I have been to China. I'm sorry, but it has been my experience that the media in the UK exists entirely as a propaganda arm of the London-New York bankster class. This is no different than calling for war against Germany in World War I by saying they were eating babies.

        I'm not talking about organized protests, or even the violence of a real revolution (which I believe is healthy). I'm talking about the low-level anarchy that permeates the US, which is systematically ignored by the media, that is simply incompatible with civilized society. What do YOU make of our prison system? Tell us, please.

        Funny you should ask. I'm married to a Chinese woman.
        I see, so like many of us, you've decided American white women are simply not desirable partners. Don't you think that perhaps your own liberal-egalitarian ideology is what as made American women so hopelessly decadent, unpleasant, and narcissistic? I dated a Chinese national for a number of years myself, and I always told myself every day the only reason she was a normal woman was because she was not raise in this wretched country.

        Nice fantasy. Good luck with it
        I don't wish to be your enemy EJ, and I'm sure you will come to see things from my point of view eventually. War is coming to these lands, and the unity of which you speak simply does not exist. These are dangerous times, and the reasons for that are far more complicated than simple utilitarian economics.


        • #34
          Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

          Originally posted by touchring View Post
          The problem in China right now is nothing Chinese. It is communism - a Western ideology. Although China is no longer the same totalitarian communist state during Mao's era, the core has not changed - a central planned economy where individuals are dispensable.

          America need not fear China until China becomes a democracy. At the current state, China spends more time fighting its own people than pose a real threat externally.

          I do not think they are fighting communism. I can't imagine anything further from that ideology than what is happening on the ground in China. Its more like the Renaissance where the merchant class was in conflict with the nobility. Its the same power struggle of rentier oligarcs only in China they are losing. Here the oligarcs are gaining power and are probably untouchable since they still have a business acumen that got them there. Once they become inbred decedents of entitled nobles, they will be vulnerable again. I am afraid the transatlantic region is going in the wrong direction. And do not forget China does not represent a failure of communism. It represents a failure of capitalism because that was what inspired the communist revolution in the first place.


          • #35
            Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

            Originally posted by Eryximachus View Post
            I see, so like many of us, you've decided American white women are simply not desirable partners.
            He married a Chinese woman, and therefore he decided that all "American white women are simply not desirable partners"?

            lol, does that pass for a deductive inference in your world?
            --ST (aka steveaustin2006)


            • #36
              Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

              Dear Pathetic Troll

              If you ever get out of your Mom's basement, you might want to try accomplishing something, and then you can come out and play with the thoughtful discussions on this site. Barbarism in America, the innate stupidity of inferior races, the inferiority of American women, yadda, yadda, yadda. Exactly which part of your diatribe allows you for one shining moment to forget your tiny penis and failure to ever actually succeed at anything?
              "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


              • #37
                Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                Dear Pathetic Troll

                If you ever get out of your Mom's basement, you might want to try accomplishing something, and then you can come out and play with the thoughtful discussions on this site. Barbarism in America, the innate stupidity of inferior races, the inferiority of American women, yadda, yadda, yadda. Exactly which part of your diatribe allows you for one shining moment to forget your tiny penis and failure to ever actually succeed at anything?
                LOL! I spit coffee on my desk....


                • #38
                  Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                  Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                  I do not think they are fighting communism. I can't imagine anything further from that ideology than what is happening on the ground in China. Its more like the Renaissance where the merchant class was in conflict with the nobility. Its the same power struggle of rentier oligarcs only in China they are losing. Here the oligarcs are gaining power and are probably untouchable since they still have a business acumen that got them there. Once they become inbred decedents of entitled nobles, they will be vulnerable again. I am afraid the transatlantic region is going in the wrong direction. And do not forget China does not represent a failure of communism. It represents a failure of capitalism because that was what inspired the communist revolution in the first place.

                  There are 2 aspects of communism, political and economic. China may have implemented some market policies but that doesn't make China a capitalist society.


                  • #39
                    Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                    Originally posted by touchring View Post
                    The problem in China right now is nothing Chinese. It is communism - a Western ideology. Although China is no longer the same totalitarian communist state during Mao's era, the core has not changed - a central planned economy where individuals are dispensable.

                    America need not fear China until China becomes a democracy. At the current state, China spends more time fighting its own people than pose a real threat externally.
                    As a friend told me, who ran the Shanghai subsidiary of a U.S. company that I operated as CEO, who grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution but escaped by being one of a handful of students who qualifed to attend MIT: "New system, same bad guys."


                    • #40
                      Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                      I have never, ever before advocated the banning of anyone from iTulip though I have been on the receiving end of a number of such calls.

                      I must say, however, that Erixymachus has thus far contributed exactly zero to any discussion involving anything beyond the depths of human negativity.
                      Last edited by c1ue; December 21, 2011, 03:31 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                        Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                        LOL! I spit coffee on my desk....
                        and then... he starts bad mouthin yankees...

                        altho he might have a valid point on the issue of out of control immigration
                        he definitely doesnt want to tell this yankee:
                        that 'yankeeism' is dead.... not to his face... (not it he wants to live...)
                        fair warning on that link tho, if one is at all sensitive or PC, please dont clik.
                        you may get a bit more 'yankeeism' - of the eastboston flavor - than you'd like...
                        and dont say i didnt warn ya...
                        Last edited by lektrode; December 21, 2011, 05:00 PM.


                        • #42
                          Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                          Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                          and then... he starts bad mouthin yankees...

                          altho he might have a valid point on the issue of out of control immigration
                          he definitely doesnt want to tell this yankee:
                          that 'yankeeism' is dead.... not to his face... (not it he wants to live...)
                          fair warning on that link tho, if one is at all sensitive or PC, please dont clik.
                          you may get a bit more 'yankeeism' - of the eastboston flavor - than you'd like...
                          and dont say i didnt warn ya...

                          LOL! I'm a proud yankee, and hold that those of us up north can go toe-to-toe with any southerner in any way, good or bad.
                          Our bigots are just as vile as those down south, and any claim to the contrary could be considered fightin' words.


                          • #43
                            Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                            Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                            I have never, ever before advocated the banning of anyone from iTulip though I have been on the receiving end of a number of such calls.

                            I must say, however, that Erixymachus has thus far contributed exactly zero to any discussion involving anything beyond the depths of human negativity.
                            While I'm fairly perplexed as to what you mean by "human negativity", I guess you're trying to say that I've contributed nothing to this discussion. I probably won't bother participating here anytime in the near future, but I will say this: I've lurked here for some time, it's the same few posters, with the same old tired nonsense. As this depression has continued unabated, the desperation, the confusion, and the vitriol has only increased. This, sadly, always happens when the lies upon which a society is based begin to crumble.

                            What precisely are YOU trying to accomplish here? I am trying, ultimately, to save what is left of Western Civilization. What about you? You want to protect your retirement fund? You want to further the totalitarian vision of bureaucratically managed equality, tolerance, and diversity? You think that once everyone has access to the same useless consumer goods and toys that suddenly they will enjoy life again and we won't have to lock up millions of our citizens in jails? You want to silence those of us who challenge your religion, the belief of human equality? You want to eliminate suffering, the most insane pursuit of all?

                            I am hear to tell you that the things you hate are what makes us human. I am hear to tell you about the REAL Darwin, not the liberal fantasy used to attack dead religions and its desperate, lost adherents.

                            Man is unique from an evolutionary standpoint. Animals are concerned exclusively with hedonistic impulses. Man evolved to endure great suffering and strive to overcome it, the very tension of the soul in unhappiness - that which I'm sure you perceive as "human negativity" - is what cultivates our strength in the face of great ruin. In man, creature and creator are united. In us, there is chaos and nonsense, but there is the creator, the form giver, hardness, and the spectacle of divinity and idealism. You concern yourself (and by you, I mean all disciples of the Enlightenment) with merely the creature of man, what in essence must be broken, forged, torn, and purified. You wish to have a world that deprives mankind of the very means by which we become more than simply animals. The ultimate conclusion of Enlightenment philosophy, weather it is capitalism, communism, or Western-style totalitarian liberalism, is the same: extinction and devolution of man into some other creature. A casual stroll through any suburb in America should make it quite clear that creature is an obese, decadent monster.

                            How bad does it have to get? How many more millions of people must go to jail? How much more food will our citizens have to shove down their throats? How many new antidepressants must be invented and produced in ever greater quantities? How many new spectacles can be created to distract the people from the misery of their lives?

                            I'm sure on a personal level, you are a fine person. In fact, I don't really recall anything you wrote that was particularly unusual and I'm not entirely certain as to how I've incited your wrath. But if you have children or family and you care about the future that awaits them, I implore you to reconsider your positions. At the very least, if you survive, there will come a time where you will not be able to ignore reality any longer. It is better to come to grips with these concepts now, rather than later. In particular, as this site clearly oriented towards the belief that the US will win this terrible game against Europe, Russia, and China, I would ask you at least consider: what if EJ is wrong? Surely, that is worth considering.


                            • #44
                              Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                              Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                              LOL! I'm a proud yankee, and hold that those of us up north can go toe-to-toe with any southerner in any way, good or bad.
                              Our bigots are just as vile as those down south, and any claim to the contrary could be considered fightin' words.
                              Yankeeism is an extension of Puritanism, and as such has its historical roots in the northeast. The word, today, has come to be associated exclusively with the civil war, but it has more to do with the moral univeralism of the ideology than any specific moral condemnations. From the triumph of Yankeeism in the Civil War until the present day, the American vision has been one of imposition on others. Whether it is the South, Europe, the Middle East, Latin American countries, the constant theme is one of a universal sense of righteousness.

                              Most people are not like that, and most people in America weren't like that either. Most people are willing to accept the good and the bad of others and not try to impose their vision of life upon them. Certainly, when a universal ideology becomes so strong it justifies military campaigns, it's a problem.


                              • #45
                                Re: Some good news in manufacturing in America

                                Originally posted by Eryximachus View Post
                                Of course, this is absolutely true. A casual stroll through any suburb of America should make it quite clear that white Americans are FAR dumber than they were 100 years ago. It's not just bringing in tens of millions of Mexicans who for whatever reason can't even graduate from high school. That's the remarkable thing about the heritability of intelligence. It takes just a few generations to degrade intelligence. The primary manifestation of low intelligence is lesser future time orientation, i.e. the inability to delay gratification. What has happened is the least intelligent reproduce at much faster rates than the intelligent because they cannot restrain their sexual urges or perform basic planning like using birth control.

                                Much of this is official government policy in China. I am somewhat privy to this as I dated for a number of years a girl whose mother was the head of the family planning department in a major province, but if you search the internet there is a lot there. There is an entire huge university for human genomics in Shanghai. Enhancing drugs are being studied and manufactured by the boatload - nearly all Human Growth Hormone and Anabolic Steroid drugs are made in China today for example - and are legal there.
                                your model of an ideal society is a totalitarian dictatorship with the social order based on racial profiling? create super-humans with drugs? hmmm... has a ring to it...

